Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 890 I Can Satisfy All Your Wishes

The best way to find the "Order" in an unknown dimension is faith. As long as a creature prays to it devoutly, its gaze can pass through the barrier of the dimension and cast its gaze on the believer.

However, as the god of scales, the god of planting, the god of beauty... how could Ange, who is many in one, leave such a gap in his belief in the dimensional space? Even the sun originally represented by the ancient divine light was replaced by Ange.

So the ancient divine light searched for several months. At a rate of 1,180 times, the time in the dimension space has passed for 600 years, and it was only at this moment that some abnormal belief fluctuations were perceived-Shen Mao?

Don't worry about it, the ancient divine light can't wait to project it over, and it will jump into the loophole in the belief that it has only found in a few months, even if it is a trap.


Looking at the red little figure that suddenly appeared, he was howling there with a very slow movement: "I found... I found... I... offer... to... me..."

It’s been more than ten minutes since I finished speaking a sentence, it’s very funny, even if it’s funny, the message is so long that I can’t hear it clearly. , a doubt of 'what is it talking about'.

Xiaogu was also a little dazed and shook his head.

So a skeleton, a skull, and a nest of cavemen squatted around the little red man, watching.

The little red man didn't think he was being funny, and after he finished speaking majestically, his mind swept over Xiaogu and the others, first the caveman, and the weak soul made it sneer: "Trash."

"Waste, waste,'s just you, give your everything." The little red man's thoughts finally reached Xiao Gu's body, and he immediately regained his energy, took big strides, and rushed towards Xiao Gu in slow motion.

Maybe it thinks it is so fast, but in the eyes of Xiaogu and others, it is "fast" slowed down by 1,800 times. After dozens of seconds, the little red person jumped in front of Xiaogu, and was picked up by Xiaogu. Hit it with a bone stick.

Noisy, the red villain was imprinted on the bone stick, turning into a mark. In an instant, the bone stick was filled with powerful force, and the whole stick lit up, exuding a scorching red light.

"I... hold... you... ba..." The little red man was stunned by this 'sudden' change, and subconsciously burst out a curse word, but at the same time it cursed people, the little bone had already thrown it to the ground.

The heat radiated to the surroundings, and one of the Shenmao caveman cautiously stretched out his finger, poked it on the bone stick, and then hugged the blistered finger, shouting excitedly.

The rest of the cave dwellers were also excited, and quickly moved a stone stove to boil water and boil the broth. After a while, every cave dweller was holding a simple wooden bowl and drinking the hot broth .

Among them, the caveman whose fingers were blistered got the bowl with the second most meat, and the bowl with the most meat was presented to Xiaogu: "God Mao! Soup! Drink!"

Xiaogu shook his head, it would leak if it didn't eat.

The caveman was even happier, took it down and divided the meat and soup.

Xiaogu picked up the bone stick, and these cavemen actually took it to cook soup, and immediately turned off the gas on the bone stick. The heat and red light on it had disappeared, leaving only a deep mark.

Xiao Gu patted the stick, but there was no response, so he had to hold it in his hand temporarily.

The skull of the big biped bird let out a howl of dissatisfaction: "Oh, my——"

Xiaogu knocked it on the head with a bone stick, and it quickly changed its words: "Oh, your—"

In this way, under the communication between the bone stick and the soul, the little bone probably knows what is going on with the soul in the skull, that is, a smart soul is bred in the skull but cannot climb up because the soul is too weak, or the idiot caveman can't hear it Its howling of the soul ends up in a harrowing tale of long confinement.

After it finished telling its own story, the sky was already dark, and a ray of sunlight shone in front of the cave.

The small bone clasped its nostrils and dragged it out, and at the same time stretched out its hand to wave to the other bones. Pollination supported those bones and moved them all out of the cave, bathing in the sun.

Xiaogu used the most standard posture, knelt down towards the direction of the sun, supported the skull of the big bird, and then knocked down straight.

Boom! The big bird's skull knocked on the ground and made a dull sound. At the same time, the little bone prayed devoutly: "Aw——"

Big Bird didn't know why, so he also howled: "Oh!"

A certain supreme being cast its eyes on them, and for a moment, Big Bird felt refreshed, his soul surged, and his whole body was full of strength.

Originally, its soul could only perceive the head, but at this moment it sensed the bones around it, and moved the bones subconsciously.

Everyone can feel their toes. If they can't feel it, they are paralyzed. This is the most basic instinct. When it moves, the bones scattered around it seem to be pinched by invisible big hands and fly towards it. The combination of crackles forms a skeleton of a big biped bird.

This feeling that the body suddenly has more hands and feet, and can move freely, does not mean that the paralyzed patient can walk again. The big bird skeleton screamed excitedly: aw-ow-ow, and pointed his head at the small bone.

It may be to express gratitude, but the three-meter-high bird, this kind of gratitude is too much for many people. Xiaogu held its head with one hand, pointed to the sun rising slowly on the horizon, and said: "King, strength."

Big Bird was dazed for a while before he understood what it meant, and hurriedly kowtowed to the sun.

The Shenmao caveman ran out with a whoosh, and kowtowed to the sun like a model. From now on, these Shenmao cavemen who took up the belief of evil gods finally returned to the right path and began to believe in the god of the sun.

Xiao Gu carried the bone stick and led Big Bird to Shaxi Town.

After assembling the skeleton of the big bird, Xiao Gu discovered that the bone stick turned out to be the fibula of the left thigh of the big bird. One fibula was missing, and the big bird walked with a limp.

However, it has never walked normally. This is the first time it has walked on two legs. The first time is always impressive, and it is taken for granted that this is 'normal'.

But even if it was abnormal, it didn't dare to ask Xiao Gu, and Xiao Gu didn't intend to return the fibula to it.

The residents of Shaxi Town were shocked by the big bird brought back by the little bone leader, but after being explained by the pharmacist Elora, they readily accepted it. You can’t accept it, because Elora said: “I dug it with Xiaokulou, don’t make a fuss, or I won’t sell your medicine in the future.”

Heck, having a pharmacist in the town is equivalent to having a life-saving place. If the pharmacist doesn't sell medicine, it's tantamount to killing them. Who would dare not accept it?

However, it may be because the big bird is too scary, no one came to hire it all day long, and Xiaogu didn't care, and continued to save saplings.

As night fell, the moment the sun just dipped into the horizon, the big bird fell apart with a crash, its head fell to the ground, rolled around twice with a grunt, and its upper and lower jaws opened and closed feebly.

Now it can be regarded as realizing the meaning of Xiaogu's phrase "king, strength". It turns out that its strength is given by the king. When the "king" goes down the mountain, it will fall apart.

Not long after the sun went down, the bone stick lit up again, and the imprint on it flickered slowly. When Xiaogu was preparing to cook something like the Shenmao caveman, he found that the bone stick was only slightly red. , but it is not hot, but a message is being conveyed: "Dedicate your beliefs, and I can satisfy all your wishes."

Thank you for the reward of NO1 in Liba Tianxia.

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