Velvet Abyss

Chapter 103: Medusa Blitz

The soldiers proved skilled but were ultimately unable to stand against the combined force of Class IX who put all their combat and magic training to good use. After a few detours they made it to a barren room with a gilded platform in the middle of it.

The area was strange, unlike any other room they’d seen in the palace, the platform emitted an eerie crimson glow and seemed to pulse in a slow but steady rhythm. Class IX gathered around the exterior of the platform their eyes locked in curiosity.

“So anybody have a clue as to what this is?” Madoka asked

“You’re hopeless, it’s obviously a platform, an elevator perhaps.” Beatrice chided

“Don’t be mean, Trice.” Lilith said ruffling the small girls disheveled hair.

“Uh, sorry.” Beatrice mumbled under her breath.

“Such diligent students almost brings a tear to my old eyes.” A gruff voice sounded from behind them causing to students to jolt backwards and become on guard.

Sitting on beam perched high in the air was muscular men with graying hair, he appeared to be in his late forties maybe older. A freshly lit cigar smoked from his mouth, he took his time snubbing his cigar before jumping to the ground in a single swift movement.

“Oh great, another regimental commander.” Lilith groaned

“I’m impressed you brats managed to slip through Lucian and Cordelia, then again you probably had some help from Virgo, didn’t ya.”

This man was so casually that it sent chills up Mari’s spine the regimental commanders were strong but sure, if all of us pool our strength we can take down one of them. He can’t be any stronger than Lucian.

“That strange little thing before you is called an Atollo, stand on it and you’ll be whisked away at lightning speeds to the next stratum of this palace.” The man spoke slicking his hair back.

“You’re the enemy, why tell us?” Drake queried

“Because it doesn’t matter, This your dead end kids.”

“See our employer has tasked me with guarding the first stratum, so that means you have two choices, you can scamper away from here and I’ll pretend we never met or you can fight and die, Your call.”

“You invade us and expect us to flee like rats?” Mari scowled

“It’s nine one one, you think you can win?” Tyrian roared

“Ah the naivete of youth, that takes me back.”

“Time for a taste reality.”

The man unsheathed the great sword that strapped to his back, it was an ebon blade with golden accents

The fact that he could wield such a blade so effortlessly was concerning but there was no way they could back away now. “Delta Formation! We’ll smash him with a”

Vanishing before our eyes the man swung his sword with blistering speed aiming for Madoka, Aeolus lunged managing to block the blow with his duel blades but he was beginning to buckle.

“Madoka, Quick… Shoot”

Leaping backwards Madoka shot a volley of three arrows wrapped in her wind magic which increased the speed significantly, with a split second reaction the man knocked Aeolus off balance, before sending him smashing through a pillar with a savage kick to the gut.

Addtionally he swatted the arrows way without even looking turning his attention the flare, tide and Shade magic coming his way as a furious Tyrian and Drake rushed the man.

“You’ll pay for that bastard” Tyrian roared

“Hear choke on this, Char Magic: Ember Fist”

Drake conjured a flaming punch that hurried towards their target, in a display outrageous dexterity the man slashed through the flaming fist and weaving between the fierce flurry of destructive blows dolled out by Tyrian and his axe.

Methodically one by one the boys fell to the nameless assistant and the barrage of spells proved futile this was bad, real bad. Three of them were out cold, but we couldn’t give up, Mari was going to protect everyone even if her broke her body.

“You sure live up to your title of regimental commander.” Lilith sighed

“Let me guess, you have a cool title too?”

“Aye, but you’ve misconstrued one thing little ladies, I ain’t a regiment commander.”

The man lit another cigar showing his utter lack of concern for the battle at hand, the way he danced and weaved across the battle field all while wielding that behemoth of a blade so deftly with just one arm was awe inspiring.

“I’ve lost my manners, allow me to offer a formal introduction during this little lull in battle, I’m Rhett, the commander of Albatross, but most of my guys just call me the Boss, nice and simple.”


“Okay brats time is Rias, Let’s start round two.”

He snubbed his cigar once again before brandishing his great sword and striding towards the remaining members, Mari’s eyes darted around the room, Drake, Tyrian and Kitty were still knocked out cold, things were looking bleak, there was but one thing to do.

“Lili, Madoka, Beatrice, Klaus, I want you to board the platform and move to the next stratum without me.”

“Are you stupid or just insane?” Beatrice scolded

“No I refuse to leave you, if you’re fighting so am I.” Lilith objected

“Just shut up and go, if I let go there’s a chance I can win, if I give into the voices in my head and use devil possession there’s a chance, but I can’t fight him and protect you.”

Heeding her advice the conscious members of Class IX rushed to the platform as Mari prepared to unleash all the power she could muster.

“Wasn’t expecting to use this just yet but ah to hell with it.”

Rhett raised his sword high above his head and inhaled before speaking a strange screaming

“Medusa Blitz”

A white flash erupted ensnaring Class IX and halting them were they stood, they were completely paralyzed, not even able to blink let alone move a muscle. Rhett was vexed about having to use the technique, the sound of irritation was clear in his voice.

Additionally besides full body paralysis Mari couldn’t so much as utter a squeak like a rat they were utterly helpless, what kind of magic was this? Or was it a physical technique, Thoughts about being able to move flooded Mari’s mind she had to move, she had to protect everyone.

“Can’t say I like putting down kids, But jobs a job” Rhett groaned.

“For what it’s worth it’ll be painless, you won’t even realize you’re dead.”

True to his word Rhett surged towards the powerless students like a bolt of lightning about to strike the earth, Master! If you give me control I’ll be able to move you of harms way, It’ll be just be a few seconds but enough to get you out of danger. A tempting offer to flee like a scared rat, I want too, my whole body is telling me to flee, but I won’t leave them, refuse to let my comrades, no my friends die here.

Rhett’s crushing footsteps echoed ever closer she could almost feel the heat of his steel upon her neck, this man was a monster, to think just days ago Mari was boasting about how strong they had become, what a farce, so pathetic it was almost comical

This is it huh, this is how my journey

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