Velvet Abyss

Chapter 104: Cutting In

All Mari could hear was the swishing of Rhett's great sword as it sliced clean through the air it was death made flesh bound in the coldest steel.   Straining her entire body she still couldn't move.

No she thought, she had to protect them even at the cost of her own miserable life,  Move damn it,  your stronger than this,  Velvet... Ple...."

"Mind if i cut in"  A playful voice announced.

Though she couldn't see them Mari knew that voice and felt relieved the calvary had arrived and not a moment to soon.    The great blade that was primed to cleave class IX in twine had been intercepted by another.

With a succession of rapid strikes Rhett found himself on the defensive and retreated a little,  whatever spell he had cast over the Class had shattered vanishing as quickly as it had came.

"Wow close call, You guys really are shit at fighting though."

"Frill!" Mari exclaimed leaping to hug the girl with tears in her eyes.

Frill Tartan the commander of Virgo and for a brief time their slave driver of a combat trainer,  she looks unassuming but her strength is immense and her skills with a blade was mesmerising to behold.

"Frill Fucking Tartan"

"We meet again, Rhett, or should i just call you Black Albatross?"

"I don't give a shit one way or the other,  Miss Pink Fawn."

Without so much as another syallable between the two of them they lunged towards one another the clashing of their steel causing sparks to scatter,  their swords were very different, Rhett wielded a comically large great sword like something out of Final Fantasy or Berserk.

While Frill wielded a more elegant blade like Rhett's the sword born an Ebon hue but with shades of red and silver in contrast with his gold and purple,  Frill's blade was more akin to a Falchion and stood taller than the girl herself.

Frill managed to create some distance between Rhett and the students, and in a blink they could move again whatever was binding them in place had dispersed.  

"And all the piss ants are accounted for,  Now get going." Frill commanded

"What was that just now?"  Drake inquired

"It's called Mahi and it's a Chi Manipulation technique."  Frill answered

"Ma what?" Tyrian said

"I've never heard of anything of the sort."  Beatrice remarked

"She's dead on, you wouldn't find it in any of your magic tomes Missy."  Rhett smirked

"But enough talking, you littke mice can run along now."

"Don't patronize you old bastard."  Tyrian stormed forward only to be blocked by Frill

Frill's eyes had glazed over and were cold like ice and her expression had become stern and austere like a soldier prepared for war.     "You need to leave."  Frill said.   Ignoring the girls orders Tyrian attempted to push past her only to be knocked on his ass with a swift kick.

"You're weak, All of you are no better than helpless children,  You think strength in numbers makes a difference?  All that's happen is there'd be eight more corpses on the burial pyre."

"Your prides wounded right?  It hurts watching people you care about die,  that sense of powerless is suffocating.   Run, survive, grow stronger and never forget that sickening feeling."

"So you're calling use useless?" Tyrian barked

"No caling you useless would be an insult to useless people, as you are right now you're all just dead weight and i can't fight this cunt and carry dead weight so go or i swear i'll cut you down myself"  Frill barked like a drill sargeant.

"Thank you, Frill."  Mari said turning to board the platform with the others.  

As the platform slowly rose to the next level Class IX watched in a sense of awe and frustration as the two Blademasters traded blows with inhuman speed and ferocity it was like watching a battle between two armies.

"So this the difference in power"  Klaus sighed

"It puts everything into context."  

"Yeah, Trice it's so aggrevating."

"You're not alone Lili, I feel like crying."  Madoka whined.


"Chin up Tyr,  This nights far from over."  Mari consoled

With the blood lust subsided for now all Mari could think about was safeguarding her comrades.   "I'm not losing anyone else, ever again."  She whispered.

The lift finally arrived at the next leave grinding a halt and locking into place,  the next area was like the inside of sprawling church,  it was once again empty save for another glowing platform at the end of the room.

And seated on the steps in front of that platform was a muscular woman shrouded in shadow, noticing the Class she stood up and slowly revealed her self beneath the moon light.    Her hair was short dishelved locks of silver and her skin was tanned,  she wore a top that barely concealed her ample breasts, a black fur jacket, red slacks and sandles, her sense in fashion was intriguing if nothing else.

"How did you lot get up here, there's no way you defeated Rhett, care to tell me?"

Her voice was deep and hoarse laced with an undercurrent of condescentiion,  before anyone could answer Aeolus pushed through everyone and rushed forward his face twisted in confusion.

"What are you doing here, Miriam?"  

"Aeolus?  That you,  Holy shit it's been what, four years, no wait five!"  

"You know this person Kitty."

"Unfortunately,  Everyone this is Miriam my.."

"His smoking hot, badass,  Big Sister."

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