Velvet Abyss

Chapter 105: Big Sister

“What are you doing here, Miriam!” Aeolus glowered drawing his twin blades and dropping into a combat stance.    The woman appeared unperturbed shrugging as she inched her way closer to the group.

“What’s with the killer eyes, is that any way to speak to your cherished sister, come here, gimme a hug.”  

Grunting Aeolus rushed forward unleashing a barrage of shade magic resulting in a burst of dark explosion erupting making debris fall from the ceiling.      “You really intended to kill me with that, damn bro didn’t think you had it in ya.”  Miriam smirked emerging from the lingering dust unharmed.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your little friends?”

Aeolus remained silent raising his hand and preparing to launch another volley,  this Miriam woman was made Mari uneasy she didn’t have the same intense aura that the members of Albatross had but their was quality to her that made Mari’s blood run cold.

“How rude if you won’t introduce me,  Then I’ll make the first move.”

In less than the blink of an eye Miriam had vanished and it wasn’t super speed or anything of the sort training with Duvalie had some fortuitous side effects such as being able to keep with objects in fast motion.

“Where did she go?”  Klaus said as the students scanned the room

“Hey, let go of me!”  Madoka squeaked.

“I’m sorry but when I see such ripe fruit I lose all control  just let me have a… little taste.”

Displaying an utter disregard for boundaries or personal decorum Miriam gleefully fondled Madoka’s breasts,  Mari and the rest of Class IX watched on for a short while her lecherous acts blind siding them

“I’d heard that Cottontails develop quite nicely but you’re something special.”  Miriam teased licking her lips.

“Hey guys, ugh don’t just watch, a little help please?”  Madoka moaned

“Right, Forgive me!,  Unhand Madoka this instant sister!”  Aeolus roared

“Aw did little bro finally get himself a girlfriend?”  

“ I won’t warn you again,  Unhand her or else.”

Miriam’s gleeful expression twisted into one of sardonic mockery  “Why don’t you make me little bro?  Oh wait you can’t because you’re miserable trash,  the biggest loser our clan has ever produced.”

“You’re nineteen  this year and you’re still only a Saint Rank?  When I was your age I had left home as an Emperor,  You’re a disgrace to the Nekomata name.”  Miriam derided

It was clear to see that her barbed words had cut Kitty deeply as he winced and lowered his gaze,  seeing this was enough to snap Class IX back to reality as they all came rushing to his defence with

“Yeah this bastard is almost too good, typical show off.”  Tyrian chortled

“He get’s top marks in both History and Physical Arts.”  Lilith added with pride

“And he’s only second to myself in Offensive Arts and Sorcerous Theory,  and that’s a stellar achievement,  I’ll have you know.”  Beatrice boasted

“Raise your head Aeolus you have nothing to prove to this nauseating woman.”  Klaus encouraged

Mari lunged forward placing herself in front of Aeolus acting his shield, the venomous words of this so called sister struck a nerve,  reminding her of her past life as the perpetual disappointment Atsushi Anno.

“Watch your mouth bitch!”  Mari scowled

Wait who the hell is that Mari thought as a shrouded figure appeared on ceiling beams above,  it was Maya who looked to be preparing a surprise attack,  this might work,  there’s no telling how dangerous Miriam is she’s probably as strong as that Rhett bastard if not stronger,  so taking her out with a surprise attack might be the optimal strategy

Without exchanging a single word a silent plan was concocted between Mari and the former inquisitor,  Mari would summon forth Duvalie and use her magic to decelerate Miriam giving her enough to rend Madoka to safety while preventing Miriam from dodging at the same time it was their best shot to end this with decisive blow.

“Now, Duvalie!”  

Before the target could move a muscle her speed was slowed to a grinding halt a toddler could have landed a strike on her with the speed she was moving at.   Maya gestured telling Class IX to back off and Mari happily complied embracing Madoka in her arms.

“Hit her with everything you’ve got, Maya!”   

“Ugh, I was already planning too.”  Maya sighed

Raising her Ballum Scepter high Maya conjured a ridiculous amount of water that lingered in the area above Miriam,  “Tide Magic:  Tiamat Impulse!”   The gargantuan pool of water formed in a writhing slithering sea serpent that crashed down Miriam with immense force.

The  shockwave was enough to send all of Class IX flying and shatter a few of the stone pillars around the room,    Mari watched on in all as dust and debris filled the room and Maya made a fast advance towards the Class

“It’s good to see you again,  Class IX”  Maya smiled

“It’s wonderful to see you again,  Maya.”  Mari beamed while ruffling the smaller girls hair.

“When the invasion began I feared the worst, it lifts my spirits to see you all none the worse for ware.”

“So Mari the rumors were true,  You inherited Daphne’s devil after all.”  Maya said inquisitively

Mari had grown accustomed to the red markings that seemed to envelop ever more of her body so she took little notice to how her body morphed and twisted during her devil activation.    The glowing crimson eyes and pockets of darkness shrouding random parts of her body.  

“Mari look out!”  Maya screamed shoving her out of the way.

As Mari fell backwards she watched in horror as a blade tore through Maya’s chest skewering her,  Mari felt the familiar sensation of warm blood stain her pale cheeks.    Maya staggered forward but collapsed to her knees after a few steps.

“Damn… I let…my…guard… down”   Maya winced before coughing up a lungful of blood and bile.

Miriam emerged from the dust unscathed each of her foot steps sounded liked a clap of thunder,   Mari split her attention between the oncoming threat and healing Maya.  

“You know I’d planned on teasing you little birdies and then letting you fly free in honor of our little family reunion but you had to go and sucker punch me, marring my perfect face and forcing me to take on this revolting devil form,  Well now I’m just gonna slaughter all of you little shits”

Miriam’s devil form was far above Daphne’s she had grown a single horn on her head, long slender claws and a single wing molded from the darkness itself.     

“Second Form: Crimson Gale”

A blur of red light crashed down between Devil Miriam and the students as slashes of flame struck Miriam knocking her backwards a few meters .     Leaping to their rescue like a hero in a shonen manga was instructor Redgrave.

“Your diligence and training has bared fruit,  It’s good to see you all in one piece kids,  You two Lycoria.”  

“Instructor Redgrave!”  Lilith chirped

“Thanks for coming, Teach.”  Drake said relieved

“Hey Aeolus I’m sorry your sister is such a bitch, but don’t let her sordid personality define you,   You need to forge your own path and find out being a Nekomata means to you.”   Redgrave consoled.

“Excuse me Instructor but that sword technique you used…”  Lilith queried

“Figured you’d catch that,  I’m a practitioner of your families school and my master was none other than your late Mother,  Forgive my lateness Princess but I want to offer my sincere condolences                          

While the class reunion was well underway Miriam had rose to her feet and contrary to her pisses off demeanour from a few moments ago she was now grinning from ear to ear and had released her devil from to everyone’s surprise.

“Rushing headlong into the jaws of peril like a knight in shining armor,  You haven’t changed a bit,  Vali.”  Miriam chortled

“Miriam The Resolute,  No it’s Miriam The Unyielding now,  Elder Sister of the Flanade Church.”  

“You’re mistaken actually,  My appointment to the position of Elder Sister was a temporary arrangement  made at the behest of my great Queen.”

“Your Queen?  What are you talking about?”  Vali asked

“My sweet little Lion you really have no idea how out of your depth you,  None of you have a clue as to what’s really happening,  It’s honestly quite depressing fighting for cause you understanding of.”  

“Whatever madness your babbling about is irrelevant,  As is our past right now your just an enemy that needs to eliminated and I shall do just that.”  Vali roared raising his Tachi.

“I can feel the blood starting to pump let’s do this Vali no tricks only blades.”  

Miriam raised her own blade it medium sized sword similar to a roman Gladius,  ordering us to board the platform and make our way to the final stratum.  

Class IX and Maya who was being attended to by Madoka and Beatrice watched as the two behemoths traded blows their speed and strength was frightful as the sound of steel grinding on steel the screech of sparks became dulled,  the students steeled themselves for whatever may lie ahead.

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