Velvet Abyss

Chapter 108: The Poisoned Blade of Treachery

The mighty clash of raw power was still fresh in her mind as Mari followed on the heels on Hinamori quickly arriving the secret room,  inside the room was wide assortment of armor and weapons clearly tailored to the strengths of the members of Class IX.

‘What else have they been hiding’  Klaus said undressing himself while Mari rushed over a set of luxurious velvet robes that rested below an ornate white and crimson bow.  “Just shut up and get dressed already”  Beatrice scolded grabbing her weapons which was an impressive bronze Ballum Scepter with a turquoise crystal at the very top of it.

 “Be Careful, Piss ant”  A voice whispered inside Mari’s head she smiled at the sound of it,  it had been the first time she had been serenaded with the sweet sound of Velvet’s voice in months, for whatever reason she been keeping her distance form her ever since Mari had consumed the devil Duvalie.

“Don’t worry, I will” Mari said stroking her hair her anxiety had been quelled a little but it was much to early to feel at ease,  she’d stop whatever their scheme is no matter the cost, they’d already died once so what the hell did they have to fear.

Mari felt a warm hand rest upon her shoulder it was Lilith who was doing her best to force a smile and look like she had everything under control,  “Whats Up Lili...”  Searing pain radiated throughout her body and the sound of dripping filled her ears.

Her strength faded from her like air from a punctured balloon,  “Ugh, Why?”  Was all she managed to say before a quick thrust caused the pain to run even deeper.  Lilith had plunged a small concealed blade straight into Mari’s heart, it was a direct hit.

Lilith smiled had fallen away to a blank expression her eyes hollow and devoid of light.  “What do you think your doing!” Klaus screamed drawing his weapon,  “You bitch!” Tyrian screamed stampeding forward.

“Aqua Liga”  Beatrice twirled her staff conjuring sapphire chains that quickly bound around Tyrian forcing him to the ground and restraining him with relative ease.   “Drake, Trice…Why would you”

Lilith twisted and tore the sword out as Mari fell to her knees blood spewing from her body she couldn’t fight running herself ragged earlier was foolish mistake.   “How long have you been on their side?’ Klaus said stepping between them an Mari.

‘What about Madoka?” Klaus asked his face growing pale Drake started laughing like a sociopath gesturing widely with his arms,  “You really haven’t figured it out yet, god your stupid, fill em in Beatrice”  

Mari struggled to keep her eyes open as more and more blood rushed from her body, it took all her will power to just to remain conscious and listen to the conversation.    

“That walking vexation has been dead for weeks, close to a month now actually.”  Beatrice said without a flicker of guilt or remorse.  

“Bullshit, we saw her ten minutes ago"

Drake drove his boot down hard into Tyrian’s head kicking him over and over while explaining the situation.  

“The Second Apostle has abilities that defy comprehension,  she forged a flesh doll in the image of Madoka and than used Gehirn magic to puppeteer it act and respond exactly like the genuine article”

“You bastards,  I’ll kill all of you” Klaus screamed!  Rushing towards the treacherous Trio his face twisted by wrath.   “Mind your step, Klaus” Drake laughed.   Beatrice twirled her staff and cast yet another spell with lighting speed.  “Vattengruva”  

Suddenly a flash of blue light appeared below his feet and a small explosion burst forth,  severing both Klaus legs.  “Nacht Kanon”  A sphere of darkness formed in Klaus hands as he fought through the agony to aim at Drake and Beatrice.

“I’ll crush your bones to dust” Tyrian said through gritted teeth “God you men are gross” Beatrice said lowering her staff as Lilith skipped over the hall of mangled bodies joining her conspirators.

“I’ll wrap this little exchange up”  Drake said as Lilith and Beatrice exited the room, Klaus and Tyrian prepared to cast their spells but given their current state it took much longer to gather the Ballum it normally would.

“Tyrian thanks for being so trusting,  Klaus thanks for being such a useful tool and finally Mari, thanks for being such a cheap little whore,  I’ll put you out of your misery now”  Drake said his snicker faltering for a moment.

“Eterno Helvete”   At his command Drake had conjured a great ball of fire,  taking one last look at his maimed classmates before casting the fire into the room and sealing the door and with a snap of his finger a sizeable detonation occurred accompanied by the short and sharp guttural screams of two dying men.

The last thing Mari saw was a wall of white hot flame rushing towards her,  she felt her skin sear and before too long everything slipped to darkness.   Mari Anno was dead.

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