Velvet Abyss

Chapter 109: Mari’s Declaration

Mari felt weightless as she floated in a black void the pain felt distant and now and her nostrils were free of the stench of burning flesh.   It was all dark she couldn’t see a thing, nor could she hear but her sense of smell was a retained.

A flagrant aroma like fresh plums danced inside her nose before a sharp snap brought her hearing back, her sight soon followed,  the smell grew stronger until it was a little overwhelming.  

“Well look what the cat dragged in”  A saccharine voice said a voice that was familiar yet strange at the same time.   Though her vision was obscured and unfocused she could make out the frame of a tiny woman with locks of golden hair.

“It’s been a while,  You ugly bastard” The sweet voice soured becoming cruel and scathing with just a tinge of levity mixed in for good measure.   As Mari’s blurred vision came into focus she was taken aback.  

Still shirtless,  Still with beautiful breasts and slightly longer blonde hair that bled into platinum at the tips.   Jolting up and assuming a combat stance on instinct Mari surveyed her frame a little longer than she probably should have.

“Your brain is all woman now,  You’ve gotten stronger but you just can’t seem to snuff out that pervert streak now can you,  Atsushi, Oh sorry it’s Mari now isn’t it?”  The voice mocked deriving great pleasure from casting their teasing barbs.

“Don’t take this personally but I was hoping that I’d never see your face again.”  Mari said lowering her guard while letting a sigh push past her lips.   “How rude, Is that anyway to treat your savior?”

“Well either way this little reunion means I’m dead doesn’t it,  Elpheria?”  Mari said taking a seat and crossing her legs.  

“Oh my you’ve changed and I don’t mean physically,  When you and I first met you had given up on life entirely but now I see a fire burning in your eyes, why is that?”  

“You know since my reincarnation everything that could go wrong has gone wrong and I finally realize why, I can’t believe it took me dying again for it to click,  god I’m such fool.”  Mari laughed.

“Hmm do go on.”  Elpheria perked up clearly invested in the conversation,  Mari slammed her fist against the ground repeatedly while grunting like a wild beast.

"I was arrogant acting like the main character of a manga thinking that the world revolved around me,  I see now that I'm just another insect writhing in the shit,  Empires,  Kingdoms,  Friends,  Enemies.  I don’t give a fuck about any of that anymore,  I want to burn it all to the ground,  I want to rip and tear the world apart until all that remains is blood and ash.”

“I am the void and the void is I,  I’ll consume every corner of that wretched world until there’s nothing left.”   Elpheria seemed greatly amused by Mari’s violent declaration removing herself from her throne and approaching the girl.

“There’s no difference between Japan and Ascar,  So I’ll just destroy it all and make a world where Shinobu can be happy,  I’ll grow strong enough until I can make that dream a reality,  Now send me back.”

The Goddess look as though she was going to unload an onslaught of sharp retorts but decided to stay her hand at the last second.  

“Even I couldn’t have foreseen such a succulent twist of fate,  Very well as a courtesy and for my own amusement I’ll send you back to that wretched world you abhor.    The past Void mage transformed the world I wonder what you’re actions will wrought,  Bye, Bye now.”   

The Goddess blew a Kiss before snapping her fingers and as everything faded to darkness all Mari could picture was Shinobu’s precious smile.    “Wait for me,  Shi.”

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