Velvet Abyss

Chapter 110: Shinobu Shikishima

When Mari awoke her head was pounding and she was standing in the middle of the Palaces courtyard,   Not knowing what had transpired or how much time had past Mari rubbed her eyes, thinking she was seeing things.

The place had shifted into a hellish fortress it was alight with emerald flames that burned like hellfire, Albatross had emerged victorious as dozens of Virgo soldiers lay dead only the two regiment commanders  The Saber of Mirage and The Onyx Maiden remained but they were growing weak and looked like they could falter at any moment.

“Velvet,  I’m sorry for not noticing, Please Forgive me”  Mari whispered digging her nails into her palms to the point that blood was dripping from open wounds.   “So the little mage finally caught on,  God do you ever fail to fail?

“Yeah I realized it during my conversation with the goddess,  My head had felt fuzzy and off for weeks but I couldn’t put my finger on why, I couldn’t feel you so I assumed you’d distanced yourself from me,  You are pretty petty like that after all Velvet.”

Mari sighed licking the blood from her self inflicted wounds.  

“Yes that sneaky blue haired woman erected a noetic bulwark between us,  You could still use the modest amount of my power you’ve mastered up to this point but all of my communication was negated,  Hmm clever cunt that one,  Oh well it hardly matters,  What do you intend to do,  Partner?”’

Mari started to laugh insanely catching the eye of the Albatross soldiers who all turned to look at the source of commotion.   “I want your power Velvet,  Not a little taste,  The whole damn thing,  I want to tear this world apart at the seams,  a world that would permit such senseless tragedy deserves to die, and it will by my hands.”  Mari said her voice cold and unflinching.  

“Mari Anno The Annihilator,  I like it,  Fine I’ll give you free reign but with a solitary caveat,  The longer you use it, the greater the  strain it’ll place on your body and you’ll fall apart.  Mind and soul as well.”  

Mari’s smile grew wider it was a sadistic smirk like something you’d see on a super villain from a cliché comic series.   “You’re off the mark about one thing there Partner.”  Mari began to twitch uncontrollably, her skin itched like it was alive with insects.  

“Oh?” Velvet said sounding intrigued and offended at the same time.  “You called me Mari Anno,  You’re mistaken Mari Anno died remember,  You remember right?”  Mari asked her voice raspy and breathless.   

“Atsushi Anno died and I became Mari so it’s only fitting that I give myself a new name, because that girl is dead, that good girl with friends and dreams is dead, as sure as the corpses of those cold limp, piss soaked soldiers.

“Human psychology never fails to amuse me,  Alright I’ll humor you,  What is the name of my new Partner.”  Velvet’s words carried a tone of mockery and yet still she listened, silently waiting for an response.

“Call me Shinobu,  Shinobu Shikishima.”

“Now I’m through asking, I want your power,  Give it to me.”  

“Such arrogant bravado,  I don’t dislike this side of you however.”  Velvet moaned   

“I’m removing your limiter,  You’ll be able to use all of the Void Spells as well as the other abilities you’ve acquired of your volition, like your pet spider.”

Velvet explained as a dark aura began to envelop Mari dyeing her hair crimson and triggering her reddish markings to spread all over her body as they pulsed with an eerie glow.  

“You have five minutes before you fall apart,  Make the most of them,  Ma… Shinobu.”  Velvet cleared her throat.   “If it’s going to eat my soul than I’ll just have to feed it now won’t I”   

At a single thought barbed tendrils lurched forward from behind Mari skewering several of Albatross Soldiers and devouring them.   “Yes this is it, I can tell consuming souls gives me more longevity.”  

She laughed as the remaining soldiers scurried away screaming like yelping like the mongrel they where.    “Where do you think your going”  Mari vanished and appeared in front of them skewering them with more of her tendrils until the few remaining soldiers were consumed as well.

“What the shit…”  Giorgio one of Virgo’s regimental commanders said stumbling to his feet.   “Thought is was a goner for sure, You all good over their Sylphi?”  The famed archer propped herself against a wall her bow broken in half.

“I figured I was goner for sure…”   The two commanders looked at Mari as their faces drained off color these seasoned warriors eyes had grown wide with fear.   “A devil in the flesh?”  Giorgio said trying to maintain his composure.

“Regimental Commanders of Virgo,  I owe your leader a debt,  So take her and get far away from here.”  Shinobu said her voice sounding ever more demonic.   “Void Magic:  Stygian Wings”

At her commands enormous wings of void energy sprouted from her back tearing her dress in the process,  Without uttering another word Shinobu took flight,  a gargantuan tower had formed from the top of the palace and she knew they’d be there.

It’s time to settle this, I’m coming to kill You,  Arch Bishop,  SEIJURO HYOGO!

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