Velvet Abyss

Chapter 52: Killing Intent

“Void Magic Third Form: Crimson Mantis Blades”  

Without a moment’s hesitation or thought, Mari charged Maya, her soul screaming with murderous intent and the events of the scarlet night flashing before eyes like some kind of horrific film reel.

“You’re dead!” Mari roared.

“Tide Magic: Aqua Hindrun”  

A barrier of water rippled outward, encasing Maya within a watery cocoon, deflecting Mari’s twin blades with relative ease. The rest of Class IX watched on in silence as Mari repeatedly slashed at the barrier like a rabid dog.

“I’m going to kill you, do you here me, you bitch?”

“You’re going to pay for what you did, I’ll cut you over and over and over again.”

“I do not wish to fight you.” Maya said softly.

“Oh, I’m not fighting you, I’m murdering you.”

“Alright, if my blades aren’t going to work, how about this?,”

“Void Magic Third Form: Sanguine Orth…”

“That’s enough of that.” Azalie said, covering Mari’s mouth with her hand.

“Shade Magic: Shroud of Mutism”    

Mari’s voice was completely gone she tried screaming but nothing came out not even a whimper. Damn it all, she thought, she can’t channel her Ballum without the verbal direction.

“What you’re experiencing is one of my favorite spells it paralyzes the vocal chords of the target meaning you can’t use any spells right now you’re as defenseless as a regular human.”                                          

“Seeing as you have a problem listening….”

Mari broke free from her teacher’s grip and pounded vigorously against Maya’s water barrier the barrier was as hard as stone so each subsequent hit split her skin covering her hands in bloody lacerations.

‘Calm down Mari” Drake said trying to restrain her only to get punched square in the jaw.”

“Miss Anno” Aeolus wrapped his arms around Mari as she turned to hit him in the same fashion as Drake she hesitated, not being able to bring herself to strike the Feris.

“Not sure why you’re going all berserker on us, but you’re okay” Madoka said joining in on the hug patting her head softly and reassuringly.

Mari gradually uncoiled her battered broken fists and exhaled trying to calm herself down they’re right flying into a berserk fury wasn’t conducive to anyone. She had really lost her head and felt a little embarrassed.

The pair of demi humans released their hugs and Mari locked eyes with Maya, who was wearing a forlorn expression just seeing her face filled her with a searing rage.  

“On the count of three I’m going to release my spell, if you try to summon anything I will put you down, am I clear?”

Mari nodded, nursing her bruised and blood-soaked hands true to her word Azalie reversed the spell with a simple snap of her fingers. 

“Forgive my bad behaviour instructor, but I have unfinished business with this bitch.”

“Well, it can wait, right now we...”

“No, it can’t wait, because she, she….”

Tears poured from Mari’s eyes, staining her eyes red and stinging her cheek with these accursed feelings that she wished she could forget boiled to the surface. Mari sprinted from the room, not wanting to burst into tears in front of her classmates.

Well, Shit.” Azalie said, scratching her head.

“We really don’t have time for this, somebody go get here.”

I’ll go.”  

“Bring the idiot back with haste, alright?” Azalie demanded.

“Okay class let’s talk destinations Team A you’re going to…”

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