Velvet Abyss

Chapter 53: Besties

My vision was blurry obscured by the tears welling in my swollen eyelids, what was she doing here, my pulse quickened as the memories of our time together came flooding back to me filling me with dread and anxiety.

I ended fleeing the classroom I ended up running aimlessly, so I got myself lost and when I couldn’t run anymore, I realized I was in completely unfamiliar territory so I just slumped down in the corner and lowered my head like a beaten dog.

“I’m pathetic” the words pushed past my lip with zero effort I’d always held a low opinion of myself but that was the most mortifying presentation of immaturity including my past life. I wanted to return to the classroom and formally apologize for that puerile demonstration, but I knew if I looked at Maya that bestial anger would rise up once more.

“I give up, just kill me.” I whined.

“If you truly wish to die, I’ll happily oblige”


“You’re a real pain in the ass.” Lilith scolded.

“I’m not in the mood, so piss off.” I said.

I raised my head glaring I didn’t want to deal with anyone right now let alone the closet thing I had to a mortal nemesis. “If you value your perfect smile, I suggest you turn around now.”

To my surprise, Lilith proved rather defiant as she slid down the wall, taking a seat uncomfortably close to me. Besides being a racist, haughty bitch, she appeared to have no respect or appreciation for the boundaries and personal space of other people.

Her stubborn refusal to heed my warning only infuriated me further I was moments away from driving my fist into her pristine face when her words caught me off guard.  

"Can you stop being so selfish?” Lilith asked.

“I’m not…”

“You are, you’re wasting everyone’s time.”

“That’s not my problem…”

Lilith raised her hand and attempted to back hand me but I caught her by the wrist in the nick of time half of me wanted break her wrist and watch her howl in agony but the sincerity of her eyes stayed my hand.

“We might pretend to be students right now, but the truth is we’re soldiers, disposable pawns.” Lilith’s expression soured.

“I don’t like people like you.” Lilith said rubbing her eyes

“Thanks for sharing but I really don’t care” I shrugged

“I couldn’t care less whether a demi lover lives or dies, but the truth is we need you.”

Aw you need me, isn’t that cute.” I scoffed.

“Losing this war means the end of us all, so put aside your personal ambitions and do what’s best for our class.” Lilith said, standing back up.

“You seemed to have missed the memo, so I’ll spell it out for you.” I said, returning to my feet.

“The Empire, This Country, This Academy, Our Teachers and Classmates. I don’t give an ounce of piss about any of them. You could all die and I wouldn’t bat an eye, you’re nothing to me. Less than nothing. You have the same value as the sloppy piece of shit I left floating in the toilet this morning.”

You hate me? You Like me? You need me? Shut the hell up, who are you to ask anything of me, you self-righteous bitch. The only thing that I care about are my personal ambitions and if you try to get in my way than I’ll kill you. Got it?”

I retorted, pushing hard against her chest as  Lilith stumbled backwards surprised by my roaring rant her eyes where wide and she was sweating her dainty façade shattered. To pieces.

“An… And what are… Yo… Your ambitions.” Lilith stuttered.

“That’s simple. Nothing less than the total destruction of the Hyogo Kingdom and the Flanade Church.”  

Lilith’s quivering frame stilled as she inhaled and exhaled a deep breath she had regained the composure that she had lost and I had calmed down a bit in the interim having vented all my pent-up frustrations.

“Well, that’s a relief you had me worried there for a second, You feel better now that you’ve blown off some steam?” Lilith smiled

“Come again?”  

“Our goals align, magnificent”  

“Your mood swings are killing me.” I sighed.

“For the record, I don’t believe a word you said.” Lilith twirled.

“After all, if you meant what you just said, you wouldn’t have stepped in to save Mr Kitty, would you?”

“Oh, Kitty….”  

“Wait, what did you call him?”

“Oh yeah i forgot to tell you,  that whole incident was staged by Yoshiki”

“What…” I said in sheer disbelief.

Lilith explained that Yoshiki pulled aside Aeolus and her because he wanted to see if anyone in the class would step up to defend a demi human being abused. She also clarified that the Feris have an abnormally high pain threshold, so Aeolus gave her his blessing to go all out in mistreating him.

“I went a little overboard in retrospect”  

“You could have told me sooner, I was sincerely trying to hurt you.”

“I know but I was having too much fun, to be hated by someone, looked down upon, stepped on like your dirt beneath their boots. Ah, I can’t think of a greater pleasure.” Lilith blushed.

“Great, she’s a hardcore masochist.”  

“Hey Lilith, let’s start over, Okay?” I extended my hand.    

“I’m Mari Anno, Pleasure to meet you” I bowed.

“Likewise, and I’m Lilith, Lilith Octavia.”

And that was how one of my worst enemies shifted and became my… what do teenage girls call it…. Oh yeah, my bestie.  

Oh, right, one more thing Mari.” Lilith said turning around  

“Hmm..” I said rubbing my cheek

“Our Team is heading to Silvahale Temaple."

“Right.. cool, when do we leave?”

“Tomorrow morning evidently."

“Shit… wait, isn’t that a little sudden?”

"Let's head back to class okay?"  Lilith said. 

"Hmm."  I nodded.

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