Velvet Abyss

Chapter 54: First Period

After heading back to class I learned everything that I needed to know from Azalie it turns that Maya had been a double agent for the Eris Empire for a long time and like Shi she was born into the church though unlike the other sisters had harbored strong doubts since her early adolescence.  

That didn’t really change anything for me even if she was least guilty contributor and didn’t actively take part in Shinobu’s murder, she was still part of the reason it happened and that alone was more than enough for her to never be forgiven.

The smoldering malice aside she wasn’t her primary targets, not the two who held those distinctions where Daphne and that wretched Prince Seijuro just thinking his name was enough to send me into a maddening fury.

By the time Lilith and I had returned to the classroom, Maya had made herself scarce a wise decision because I didn’t trust myself to not let my emotions and desires overrun my senses and get the best of me.

After our field assignment briefings, we were given our first mini lesson about Ballum and how it flows through six key energy points in our body. The arms, the legs, the head and the heart, she also off some slick offensive shade spells.

Ms Azalie was definitely not a mage to be taken lightly and once the small session was concluded, I returned to my chambers exhausted and fell asleep as soon as my head fell upon the silky goodness of my pillow.

Drake was sprawled out half naked by the time I arrived I wanted to get to know him better, his noble cock included but I was far too tired for the pursuing of carnal pleasures. I crawled onto my bed and enclosed myself within the warmth of the white woolen blanket.

My heavy eyelids closed and I got lost in the grips of a restful slumber It had been sometime since I had last dreamed of Velvet not that I minded she wasn’t needed at the moments and I knew I had to grow strong enough to not be helpless without her borrowed strength.

I awoke in the middle of the night; the moonlight shining thin beams of light through the starry sky and into the open window out of my room.  

“Argh” I winced as pain shot through my lower body.

“What… the hell…” I gasp as the pain grew in severity.

Was this a result of using the void magic or had someone poisoned me in sleep, the pain was unbearable it made me actually want to cry; it was then in all my writhing and squirming in silent agony that I noticed it.

“Blood…” I said curiously

“My blood…”  

The shocking reality hit me with the force of a million bricks and I felt like I was going to vomit an already dreadful scenario had taken a turn for the worst, what if someone was truly trying to get rid of me and I had been poisoned or cursed?  

“I’m bleeding, Shit.” I bellowed, trying to stand, but stumbled because of the pain in my legs.

I need to get help immediately i pulled myself together and stand on my feet, though my legs felt like they might buckle and collapse at a moment’s notice. Miss Calliope should be able to help me I just need to find her.

An increasing number of anxious thoughts when through my head what if I had internal damage, and I was hemorrhaging or something inside me burst and what exactly happens should I die again do I reincarnate into another world or are they know third chances.

Making my way out into the hall, leaving a trail of blood in my wake, I grew fainter and felt my strength leaving me like the living waters of an ocean wave. I lost balance, crashing to the floor near the toilets.  

The cramping was so intense that I felt was sure I was about to die, not to mention the amount of blood that I was losing, thinking about it that would account for the faintness and overall lack of strength.

“So this is how I die again, huh?”  

“God, I’m pathetic.”  

“Sorry, Shinobu.”  

“Mari?” a familiar voice said, exiting the girls’ bathrooms.

I raised my head to get a better look at who was talking to me it was Lilith she looked concerned as she sprinted over to me. She was wearing a pretty white nightgown and had her hair let down.

“Mari, you’re bleeding what happened?”  

“Don’t know, just woke up like this.” I said forcing a smile.

“Tell me what’s going on, what do you feel.”

“Um faintness and cramping so hard i want to cry.”

“Lay still I’ll try to heal you, if not I’ll get Miss Calliope”

Lilith rolled up my shirt and gently placed her hand atop my stomach it was cold to the touch so I flinched but still her hand was soothing and comforting.

“I’m going to cast healing magic now.”  

“Go for it, Bestie.”

“Guarigione, ”  

A pink light radiated from Lilith’s hand, spreading and enveloping my body with its warmth so there’s more than one type of healing magic in this world interesting.  

“Feel any better?” Lilith asked

“Nope… still in agony.”

“That makes no sense though.”

“Mari, we’re going to the girls’ bathroom.”

“Okay, but why.”

“I need to inspect your body and I can’t do that out here.”

Lilith striped me down until I was completely nude running her eyes over my body searching for any wounds, bite, scratch marks or anything out of place.


“Don’t sugar coat it, I’m dying aren't I?" 

“No, you’re perfectly fine.” Lilith grumbled, returning to her feet.

“What about the pain and the bleeding, the lots and lots of bleeding?”  

“You’re on your period, you idiot."


“Now than let's get you cleaned up, bestie"  Lilith laughed, reaching out her hand.

"Yeah...thanks, Bestie."

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