Velvet Abyss

Chapter 55: Tension Rising

We had to assemble at the break of dawn in the Headmistresses office and thanks to my first cycle having the worst timing I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night, neither did Lilith she stayed up comforting me with her soothing voice she really had a knack for understanding the art of communication.  

She’s a stark contrast to the person she presented as during our orientation class looking back I’m really glad I didn’t kill her, I was still pissed at Yoshiki for orchestrating such a nasty performance but I knew there was little point in dwelling on the matter.

I know I can trust bestie and that was reassuring but I needed to get to know my other classmates, Kitty was just putting on an act so I haven’t a clue as to his true disposition and Madoka seemed like the energetic genki girl out of a cliche Anime so I want to peel back her layers and see what’s hiding underneath that saccharine smile of hers.

Look at me talking about other peoples secrets and desires when I’ve been hiding my own this entire time even from Shinobu, I’m not from this world and I don’t belong in it I’m an anomaly no matter how you look at it.

I’ve done my absolute best to mask them from my classmates and teachers there are only three people in this academy who should know about my markings and those are Yoshiki, Miss Calliope and  now…bestie.

I was terrified of what she might be say about these strange blood coloured markings that seem to be sprawled out across my body,  It was subtle at first but I’ve noticed it more and more every time I use the void the markings grow a sizable amount.

I need to talk to Velvet again as soon as possible both to learn more magic and to ask about this damned markings spoiling my immaculate faultless skin.  We listened to a boring lecture by the head mistress who told us to do our utmost and remember that we’re students of the academy as well as soldiers in the Eris army.

“So you’re wondering why you’re going to a temple in the middle of the sticks right?”  The headmistress said stubbing her cigar.  

“The thought had crossed my mind”  Madoka said.

“You’re going there to harvest the crest.”

“It’s simple really, you brave the forest, explore the temple, find the crest and bring it back.”   Yoshiki mocked.

He makes it sound so simple and ah yes the great story cliché even though we have seasoned veterans at our disposal we send in the students so they have the wonderful opportunity to put their lives in danger and push their skills beyond their natural limits and come out it all the better for the experience.  

"Sir a question if I may?”  Madoka asked raising her hand high."

“I’m not a sir but sure ask away,  little rabbit.”  

“What’s a Crest exactly?”

“I can’t be bothered, Yo Headmistress your up.”  

“Why do we even keep you around?”  The Headmistress groaned

The headmistress elaborated on what Crests were and why they were of vital importance so vital in fact that this entire shitty war began in order to claim ownership over them.

In contrast to their supposed weight and significance there’s almost no knowledge of what they are, where they came from and why the Hyogo Kingdom is so hellbent on gathering them all.  It pricked me that Shi had to die over something so trivial but searching for them would inevitably bring them into conflict with the kingdom thus giving me ample chances to enact my revenge.

“We better get moving guys it’ll take a month to reach Dresden and even more to get to Silvahale forest.”  Lilith said stretching.

:Oh don’t worry about that thanks my genius you’ll be able to teleport straight to Vallagunia.”  Yoshiki proclaimed stroking his massive ego.

" Vallagunia” I queried

“Vallagunia capitol of Dresden and the largest city in Ascar"  Lilith said patting my shoulder.

“Hurry up and open the rift Yoshiki, we're running out of time .”   The Headmistress barked.

The Headmistress rose from her chair igniting another cigar and breathing out a cloud of ashy smoke as small embers descended sputtering and hissing out of existence on the black wooden desk.  

“We need that Crest but not at the cost of your lives, if you find yourself in an unwinnable situation you’re to retreat with the transportation crystal we’re providing you.”   

Azalie picked up a sapphire crystal and handed it to Lilith, who clutched it awkwardly, pressing it against her chest.   

“Octavia, you seem to be the most level-headed of the group, so I’ll leave the usage of the crystal to your judgement. “

"Understood, Thank you for your faith, Headmistress.”

“Well ain’t that sweet, now then move your asses” Yoshiki said

He shattered a violet crystal creating a pulsing portal of purple energy in the left corner of the room.

“Before we leave, I have one more question, if I may” I asked

“Fine, but only one and make it quick” The Headmistress said, rubbing her forehead.

“Why is that bitch coming with us?”

.                                                                 “Which bitch are you referring too?”

“Maya Motherfucking Lycoria.”

“Yes, I’m aware you two have quite the rich history together.”

“History? She fucking tortured me, She’s one of our greatest enemies.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“She’s third on my to kill list, I’m pretty fucking sure.” I slammed my fists on the desk splintering the wood.

“Yoshiki can you fill her in before she pops a blood vessel I don’t want unneeded mess in my office”

“Okay kid listen, it’s a long story so…

Maya is the orphaned daughter of someone who used to be very special to me but she’s dead now because of this trivial war so she became my apprentice and has been working as a double agent for us this entire time gathering intel on the church and the kingdom at great personal risk to her health and safety so really she only did what she had to and she feels really, terrible about the whole situation. So

so please don’t kill her because than I’ll have to kill you and I could do that really, really easily like swatting a fly and I like you so I don’t want to have to do that, oh and no she’s not my daughter, not by blood anyway and that's about it."

His words swirled in my ears, but I couldn’t process it even if all of that was true my sentiments wouldn’t change.

“Ain’t that cute because you care about her that’ supposed to sway my heart, is it?” I laughed.

"Don't push you're shitty feelings on to others, what she did can't be undone."

“That bitch is part of the reason that she isn’t alive anymore." 

I’ll never forgive the cunt.”

“That so huh?” Yoshiki smirked

“Look, she’s an asset a strong water mage so I won’t kill her, but if she’s in danger, don’t expect me to lift a finger.”

"Let's go"  

And with that Class IX''s Team A ventured into the great unknown of Vallagunia


Hey guys I'm truly sorry if there is any grammtical errors or just errors in general been dealing with a lot lately and really had to rush this chapter out, I'll comb over it later and fix any issues.  Otherwise enjoy and thanks for reading and supporting <3

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