Velvet Abyss

Chapter 57: Period Pains and Fast Travel Don’t Mix

I collapsed to the ground as vomit gushed from my mouth experiencing the wonders of instant travel had made me violently ill, not to mention that periods were still a chronic pain in the ass. Cramping on top of dry heaving, just what the doctor ordered.  

Lilith and Madoka did their best to console me while Aeolus offered the best moral support he could muster. Once my stomach settled and the wave of crushing cramps ebbed, I could return to my feet and take in the spectacle of the largest city in the world. ‘

There were humans for as far as eye could see going about their daily lives without a care in the world, their peaceful faces revealing their blissful ignorance. This gorgeous monolith of a city was unspoiled by the decaying touch of war.

Lilith was eager to show us around this being her home, she treated us like tourists while mentioning all the citi’s highlights which thankfully included a dozen brothels.    

“Hey guys I know we’re on a tight schedule but can we get some food?” I asked, legs shaking"

“Count me in” Aeolus said rubbing his stomach

“Me too, Madoka is starving.”  

“Don’t talk in third person it’s creepy” Lilith sighed

“Don’t be like that Lili”

“Who’s Lili?” Lilith asked curiously.

“You are, dummy.”

“We’re a team, right? So I made nicknames”

“Lili for you, Riri for Mari and Kitty for Aeolus”

“Oh, and what’s your nickname?” I asked.

“Madoka didn’t get that far, sorry.”

“What about Usa” Aeolus proposed.

“I…. love it”  

We wandered while we were discussing and debating nicknames and before we realized it we were smack in the center of the market square; the walls were jam-packed with shopfronts peddling weapons, Armour, jewellery, clothes and a vast array of succulent cuisine

My mouth-watered from all the food as the delectable aroma’s wafted into my nostrils, we were just about to purchase food when a screaming man came running through the market and his words captured my absolute attention.

“He’s here everyone, he’s finally arrived.” The man bellowed, his voice booming out every syllable.

"The Arch Bishop has arrived alongside an Elder Sister and his own battalion.”

“                          His giving an address in the central plaza, get moving or you’ll miss it.”

“Seijuro!” I gritted my teeth and dug my nails into the inside of my palm so hard that I lacerated the skin, wetting my hand in thick layers of blood.

“How do I get to the central plaza” I demanded, constricting my hands around the man’s throat and dangling him above the ground.

“Unhand me, you thug” the man barked thrashing

“Do you have a death wish, you old bastard, Tell me!”

“I don’t converse with street trash, now let me go or you’ll regret it.”

“Not a talker, huh? Fine, I’ll just beat it out of you.”

I held him still with my left hand and coiled my right ready unload the elderly bastard; I knew it wasn’t right but in that moment I just wanted to lash out a world and he was the closet person who I wasn’t emotionally invested in.

I connected with a right hook, breaking the man’s nose and sending him careening to the cobblestone below; I rushed him, ready to unload a flurry of blows.

“You brought this on yourself.” I said, elevating my fist.

“That’s enough, Mari.” Lilith scolded, restraining my wrist.

“Please Stop, Riri he doesn’t deserve”

“You’re clearly in the wrong here.” Aeolus added.

“Shut up! I need to get to the central plaza”

“Listen here bastard, I’m a hungry girl on her period and I’m fresh out of patience so directions or your teeth, Your call.”

“Get her out of here guys” Lilith ordered.

“Roger” Madoka affirmed, struggling to drag me away.

“Crazy bitch, I’ll sue her for everything she’s got.”

“Please forgive our friends rudeness she’s going through a lot.” Lilith smiled

The aggrieved man remained unmoved by Lilith’s gentle voice and calming words of apology as he continued to rant and swear about how he’d make that whore pay for laying a finger on him.

“Do you know who I am girlie?” The man huffed.

“Can’t say I do”

“I’m a member of the royal court, I serve directly under Lady Anna Octavia herself, so when I tell here what you and your friends have done here you’ll be.”

“You’re as clueless as you are ugly”

“Why you…”  

The man swung his fat little fist, aiming for Lilith’s jaw, but she caught the punch in motion with grace and ease.  Her lips had formed into a sadistic smile she had been away from the city, from her home for a long time but it was comforting to see the self-important shit heads hadn’t changed in her absence.  

“Just wait till I tell Lady Anna what you’ve done here”

“I’m sure she’d love to hear about how you tried, very badly might I add to assault her beloved daughter.”

“D… Daughter…” The man trembled, uncoiling his fist.

“That’s right, Lilith Charlotte Augusta von Octavia”

“Now if you want me to forget this brief encounter and not break your wrist than answer my next question without complaint”

“is it true that the Arch Bishop is in Vallagunia?”

“Yes, he’s only just arrived, he’s set to give an address in the central plaza in twenty minutes.”   

“If you’re lying, I’ll have your balls crushed, now get out of my sight” Lilith said releasing her grip.

The man scurried away, shrieking and almost falling over his own feet as Lilith relished knocking the vainglorious aristocrats from their gilded pedestals.  

Once the man had ran out of sight Lilith slouched her shoulders and let out a prolonged sigh, she wasn’t cut out for all this nobility nonsense, she’s a masochist who loves being stepped on not stepping on others.  

Lilith was forced to learn how to navigate through tense negotiations and to seize control of a room by watching her mother operate for years. Unfortunately, she wasn’t anything like her sisters and brothers and stayed mediocre at playing the game.

“I’m spent, and the mission hasn’t even started yet.” Lilith puffed

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