Velvet Abyss

Chapter 58: Harvesters

Authors Note:  

I'm so sorry for the delay I've been really struggling lately finding the motivation and energy to write and stick to a consistent schedule, I'm so sorry that the updates have been at a snails pace.   Please enjoy the chapter and chapter 59 will be out much sooner. 

Love you guys <3

I thrashed against Aeolus and Madoka but the pair managed to main their grip long enough for a weary Lilith to return; she held an expression comprising equal parts frustration and fatigue.

“You need to learn to listen bestie.” Lilith said smacking me on the top of my head It was hard to be consumed by insatiable bloodlust when gazing into your besties gorgeous shimmering eyes.  God, she’s pretty, like a shoujo manga heroine.  

“If you listened during orientation, you’d know that I’m Lilith Octavia, the daughter of Anna Octavia.”

“Great, you took the silver spoon out of your mouth, what’s your point?”

“Look girl I know you’re losing your shit but I need you to calm down and breath, than I’ll take you to the central plaza okay?”

I nodded breathing and slumping my shoulders arguing among ourselves would only serve our enemies besides if what that decaying flesh sack said is true than it’s a golden opportunity to strike at that smug trash. 

A half-eaten piece of fruit came hurling in our direction striking Aeolus in the forehead a barrage followed aimed at Madoka and Aeolus a small gathering of teenagers had emerged from one of the countless side allies.  

“Hey filth, pick our food up for us.” a girl jeered.

“Little shits, I’ll kill them” I glared.

“So it’s true demi humans are retarded as well as ugly."

“Do you have a death wish” I stormed towards them.

“Watch out it’s a demi lover if she touches you you’ll catch a disease.”  Another laughed.

Aeolus placed his hand on my shoulder, capturing my attention. He was forcing a smile, though his eyes belayed his genuine feelings. “We’re used to this, it’s best to ignore them” Madoka nodded in agreement.

If that’s their wishes then who am I to deny them I turned around and followed as we walked away but foolish bigots never learn unless they're put in their place Madoka who was lingering slightly behind the rest of us tripped by one girl taking their drink with her in process.

Madoka landed face first in the drink, drenching her face and hair in the unknown substance. Her nose had hit hard against the cold stone and was trickling blood. The gang of teenage girls encircled the fallen Cottontail.

I wanted to slash the girls to ribbon, but Lilith stayed my hand, telling me to give pause and reminding that Madoka is a capable gale mage and doesn’t need saving. I nodded reluctantly, acknowledging that slaughtering girls in the streets wasn’t the greatest of ideas.

“Now you’ve done it, you got blood over my new shoes.”  

“Your tainted blood will ruin them, so lick it clean.”

The girl demanded forcing her foot into Madoka’s face the other girls were laughing as Madoka compiled lapping up the blood much to their sick amusement. Madoka did as commanded, but that was another for these perverse harlots.

“Hey look she’s a cottontail” one said pulling Madoka up by her hair causing her to wince in pain.

“So what?” Another replied.

“They’re ears fetch a stellar price in the market, we should harvest them.”

“Great idea she’ll almost be human than”

“Not my ears, please don’t” Madoka begged

'Like you have a choice, you're not human, so shut up"

The leader of the girls delivered a flurry of powerful kicks to Madoka’s face, turning it in a battered, bruised mess as blood smeared teeth flew into the air. I was reaching my limit there had to be a reason why bestie wasn’t stopping this and I know they told me to stay out but I can’t.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be over real quick”  

Three of the girls held her down while the other produced a serrated knife from their pocket than it clicked into place: these girls were stalking the streets waiting for a demi human to pray on. These were the people that we’re fighting to protect, I thought, looking at my lacerated hands.

“Not my ears, Please… no….” Madoka cried.

“Save me…” she whimpered 

Looking at Madoka’s helpless, broken face stirred something inside of me. It was the same expression that Shinobu made moments before her death: those trembling eyes, those bloody tear stricken cheeks.  

“I never wanted to see that look again”  I grunted through my teeth.


I had closed the distance in a moment and somehow without verbally casting I had summoned my crimson mantis blades severing the girls arm in a single motion causing blood to spray profusely from the exposed stump. 

I drenched the assailants and Madoka in the girl’s blood as they took off running, leaving their comrade to bleed out and die alone.

“Kitty have Lilith heal Usa”

“O… of course” Aeolus bowed his head.

“I’m going to have a brief chat with our new friend here”  

“You’ve got some real shitty friends miss.”

“Go to hell….”  

“Mind your manners” I said stomping on her stomach

“Answer my question and I’ll patch you up or I can take your other arm, your call sister.”  

“Alright, make it quick..I’m dying.”                   

“Who do you work for and why did you attack Madoka?”

“We’re harvesters, we find desirable demi-humans and reap their parts to sell in the markets. It’s how we make our living, it’s totally legal.”

“I’ll heal you as promised, but if I find out you’re lying or that you ever so much as lay a finger on a demi-human again, I’ll take your fucking head, got it?”  

I took the girl back to Lilith, who healed her, and then we parted ways. Using magic while on my period was exhausting, I’d have to be more sparing with my spell use in the future. That bastard can wait I need have to have a nice long chat with my so-called bestie.

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