Velvet Abyss

Chapter 60: House Octavia

There was once a girl named Lilith who was born into a time a peace and exponential growth for her country, this girl had no way of knowing at the time but she had been blessed by being born into the ruling family the storied House of Octavia.

Her grandfather King Galien had guided the once tumultuous kingdom into a golden age of abundance and freedom. ??The King had countless wives and mistresses and the reputation he had garnered as a lascivious man in his youth had followed him into his twilight years.

The Gods had been generous to the King and blessed him with heirs both legitimate and bastard alike, of these spawns eight were venerated as true nobles while the others were bought off and provided for behind the scenes .

Five daughters and three sons they were groomed from a young age to become heir apparent and assume the role as the next ruler. ??Dresden was an equal opportunity Kingdom meaning that gender wasn???t a factor in the succession.

Each of the siblings grew up believing that they would be the one to inherit the throne because King Galien showed equal favor to all and never prioritized one child over another the heir apparent wouldn't be named until the King was on his death bed.

Seven of the eight siblings yearned for both their Fathers approval and his seat on the throne but the youngest sibling was cut from a different cloth, she entertained the dreams of being Queen when she was a child but as she matured into adulthood she had abandoned any desire to succeed her Father.

That girls name was Anna Dorothea Avice von Octavia the young princess was a prodigious swordsman with an iron will and the tenacity to get things done, she wished to protect her Kingdom as a knight and additionally she was blessed with an ample amount of Ballum thanks to her bloodline.

The years marched on and Anna would end up courting a young Knight from an aristocratic family in Dresden the two fell in love and The King wanting to grant his children happiness and understanding the need to secure the future of the kingdom gave his blessing and the two quickly wedded.

They promptly got to work doing what comes naturally to lovers and started to produce a slew of offspring???s six in total.

For the first ten years of the little girls life everything was perfect she had cherished siblings to play with and the adoring love of two parents not to mention her extended family.

But as with all things the good times don???t last forever and everything started to unravel on the girls eleventh birthday, the wise King Galien had introduced a new law that had the citizens of Dresden divided and tensions had started to rise.

Demi-Humans had always been treated as lesser beings like animals they had no rights and had been used as whores and for manual labour but for reasons known only to himself the King had a change of heart and opened the borders to Demi-Humans denoting that they would be allowed to live and work on Dresden land and stand as equals with the rest of the denizens.

That wasn???t the only massive shift in the little girls life for the once honorable Anna Octavia returned from a mission abroad as a changed woman she was merciless and driven to seize the throne and much to the little girls despair her Father the great knight had been felled in combat.

The wise King would also leave this world before he could name a successor the silence and his sudden passing sufficed to sow the seeds of ??suspicion and paranoia and soon the in fighting took root and the once loving family had turned their blades inwards pressing the tips into each others throats.

The little girl watched paralyzed by fear and pain as her uncles and aunts murdered one another with a calculated cruelty that chilled her to the bone. ??The Octavia civil war lasted for a year and a half and by the time the last drop of blood had been spilled only one of the siblings still clung to life.

Anna Octavia had outlasted her older brothers and sisters and protected her own progeny in the process she had proven herself to be a peerless warrior, a cunning tactician and the one suitable to lead the Kingdom of Dresden into a new age of freedom, peace and prosperity after a time of grueling war and suffering.

The Queen was loved by her people but the war had made her heart grow distant and her love for her own people had greatly diminished. ????She was high strung and reluctant to trust even her own children

So she issued two immediate orders upon her ascension to the throne the first was that all Demi-Humans still in Dresden were to be stripped of their rights and enslaved. ??The second decree was forcing all of her clueless naive children to undertake a blood oath ceremony.

And that is why the lonely little girl was incapable of protecting her classmates even though her entire being wanted nothing more than to step forward and help.

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