Velvet Abyss

Chapter 61: Sisters

A sullen expression was scrawled across Lilith's face as she methodically unbuttoned her white blouse with robotic

precision. Mari's eyes gazed unmoving as Lilth allowed her shirt to drop down to her lower back. Mari stepped closer entranced

and barely believing what he was seeing.

An intricate magic circle has been carved into Lilith's back there the design was unlike anything Mari had ever seen

and consisted of three circles and upside down triangle in the center. A faint scarlet energy pulsed prompting Lilith to

wince in time with it.

It didn't take a genius to deduce that this primitive back tattoo had was a part of that blood oath ceremony bestie mentioned

Mari had a plethora of questions but didn't want to distress Lili anymore than she already so tactfully deciding to keep

the questions light and non invasive

"Well that looks unpleasant" Mari sighed

"It feels worse than it looks" Lili whined

"Look bestie I'm not going to pry but..."

"You want to know about the blood oath ceremony don't you, Riri?"

" Yeah...i suppose, I'm a bit curious."

" I don't mind telling you, if it's you, but not the others."

"Not even Kitty and Usa?"

"No, nobody else, just you." Lili forced a smile.

"Sure thing." Mari said placing her hand on Lili's trembling shoulder.

Lili explained the nature of a blood oath ceremony in gruesome detail it was a taboo act and a lost art form, a sinister

magic that uses ones blood to subjugate another to the dominates will. In order for the blood oath to be forced on

another the victim must have the conjurers blood either by being kin or by being forced to ingest the blood. Once

the blood is inside the victims body the spell can begin.

This is where the fun really begins a runic circle is carved into the back of the victim each line meticulous carved into

the lacerated skin, once the grotesque travesty of a ceremony reaches it's bloody climax the victim will be bound to

to honor one command handed down from the caster.

They will be enslaved to this decree and should they try to defy it their body will be racked with pain akin to being

stabbed in the chest with a searing knife over and over again until they submit. In order to quell her paranoia and

fear of betrayal the tyrannical Queen Anna stripped that possibility from her cherished

Mari reflected upon what could possibly make a mother want to subject their offspring to such barbarism and more pressingly

what could have stirred such tremendous paranoia and instability, Mari realized that there was no point in the contemplation

of possible scenarios and besides it wasn't her place to meddle in family affairs.

"I'm sorry, bestie" Mari said hugging Lili

"Don't be, you didn't know."

"That's not an excuse, so sorry."

"Hey Lili can i tell you something."

"Hmm, of course you can, Riri."

I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I've come to care about you, a lot."

"Riri.." Lili sighed.

"Right now you're the most important person to me in the whole world, your my precious bestie and

I want you to now that I'm on your side always, you'll not alone anymore you've got me and the rest"

of our squad to support don't..."

"Don't what..." Lili forced a grin.

'Don't be afraid to ask for help or feel like you have do everything by yourself okay."

Lil turned around brining Mari into a warm love filled embrace her slender arms wrapping tightly around her body, Mari wasn't lying since Shi's death Mari had spurned the idea of getting close to anyone or being too attached but for some reason she felt compelled to take a chance on Lili, and the rest

of Class IX.

"Pardon the interruption" Madoka said appearing from thin air

"If you two love birds are quite finished, we have a mission to attend too." Aeolous groaned

"Right our apologies everyonen." Lili bowed, the mannarisms of a true noble.

"Also correction Mr Kitty, we're not lovebirds."

"Two girls embracing brazenly in public, if not lovers than what are you preytell?"

"Yeah Riri, what are we exactly?" Lilith smile grew.

"Well that's obvious, we're like...sisters...or something."

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