Velvet Abyss

Chapter 62: Greetings, Piss Ants

With that little detour over Mari turned her attention back to the rumor that the pious prick of a Prince had

made an appearance in Vallagunia's central plaza.

Allowing her fury to simmer for now Team B hastily made their way through

a winding maze of corridors and back allies and soon enough found themselves part of the infinite sea of people that had

flooded from all parts of the city to lay their eyes on the famous Arch Bishop and his entourage.

The chattering chorus of voices made talking impossible as the members of Team B left the ground level figurinng that moving to

a higher place might give them a better view of the main stage. Lilith's knowledge of the city was remarkable and a little too


The rooftops were still to crowded for Mari's liking but significantly less packed than the bustling streets below, just as the team

had settled into a comfortable position, the enemy took his place in the spotlight. His hair was longer and his outfit had changed it was

more far more immaculate than the simple attire he wore in Shikishima.

Mari gritted her teeth her muscles tensing the sight of him prompted the memories of that bloodstained night to fill her mind, not that Mari

required a reason to dwell on them, it was almost all she ever thought about. Standing beside the Prince was a short girl dressed in a flowing

white and gold robe, her cherry blossom hair and violet eyes shined with arrogance

"Whose that girl with him?" Mari grunted

"No clue, but given her position i'd say..."

"One of the churches Elder Sisters, right Kitty?" Lili said

"Highly probable given that the Prince seems to be here on church business."

"Well, well never thought I'd run into you here." Madoka giggled.

"You cocky bitch." Madoka continued

"You're acquainted?" Lili questioned

"Oh yeah, we've met." Madoka lowered her head

"I'm afraid to ask but care to introduce her? Aeolus asked.

"You're looking at one of the Elder Sisters of the Flanade church Norn Albarea, better known as

Norn The Cunning."

Madoka's face had soured and began to mimic Mari's which had twisted a grimace burning with hatred and vitriol, how many lives had been ruined by this  wretched institution, Mari could sense Madoka's Ballum surging as she ground her teeth she was definitely preparing to launch an attack. 

Of course Mari wanted to join in why she wished she could tear that Prince's head from his noble shoulders right now.

"You're going to pay bitch, For Juna, For Sistine and for every Cottontail too"

"Gale Magic: Ventus Sagittae"

Responding to her command the winds formed an oversized bow and arrow that Madoka cocked and aimed straight at Norn's head, Madoka's command of her element  was rather impressive.

Fearing that Mari would join in on this impulsive attempt at retribution Lili and Kitty leapt into action planning to restrain the two

of us.

"Hold it, Usa." Mari said resting her hand on the girls quivering shoulder.

"Don't try to stop..."

Without hesitation Mari fell to her knees and started to kiss Madoka this served to catch her off guard enough for her focus to disperse cancelling her spell in the process, Lilith was blushing while Aeolus could do little more than sigh at the ridiculousness of the events unfolding.

"Don't just kiss people without asking, that's assault"

"Sorry I needed a way to shut you up."'

"You and I are the same we both want to kill people really bad, but now's not the time."

"Yeah but.

"I hate admitting it but Prince Douche is out of our league at the moment, we don't know

the full extent of that cunning cunts power and they brought a fully armed battalion of soldiers with them."

"Riri's right attacking them blind would be suicide."

"It wounds my pride but, I concur we're simply not enough."

"I..I know, sorry."

"You're fine let's just...Afgh..."

Mari hit the ground hard screaming and writhing in anguish the others rushed over to her but by the time they could reach her to help everything seemingly returned to normal as Mari arose to her feet once more. 

"Riri..." Lilith stuttered.

Mari's sclera had turned black as the night sky and her iris was dyed a haunting shade of red, additionally an ominous aura shrouded her frame and her voice had grown twisted and distorted. 

"Greetings, Piss Ants."

"You're not Mari are you..."

"Save your tiresome queries, if you want to live grab on to me."


The three members of Team B lurched forward each clinging tightly to Mari as a searing white light raced towards them and as the life cleansing wave made it's way through the plaza and the rest of the city the Lisianthus students where nowhere to be found.

When next they awoke Aeolus and Madoka began to dry heaving violently and Lilith awoke with the mother of all migraines as their senses returned to them they were puzzled and horrified as they were in an endless expanse of nothingness.

"Where the hell are we?" Lilith asked stumbling to her feet.

"Took you long enough to wake up."


"Not quite...I'm just borrowing her body for a moment."

"Welcome to the void, Class IX.

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