Velvet Abyss

Chapter 63: Silvahale Forest

The members of Class IX were awestruck as Mari conjured a throne of darkness for her to sit on the mannerisms where

the polar opposite of the real Mari haughty and domineering.   A thick silence was born with neither party uttering a

solitary syllable for what felt like an eternity but in reality was little more than thirteen seconds.

"Well this is awkward, very well, ask away." Velvet said clearing her throat.

"Excuse me?" Lilith asked

"Yes exactly like that only directed towards me." Velvet said bringing her hands together

"Very well, Who are you exactly?" Aeolus inquired raising his hand.

"Less of a who and more of a what"

"I don't get it at all" Madoka groaned

"Of course you don't, you precious little pissants"

"Look times I'm running out of time so I'll make this quick."

Velvet elaborated on who she was and her complicated and highly codopendent relationship with Mari Velvet detested having to introduce herself and explain her

own lore and origin, it was bad enough fielding the confused questions of one hapless fool but thrice the amount was enough to drive her to insanity.

"So you're the void spirit the ancient myths talk about?" Madoka asked

"No I'm your Daddy you dumbass."

"You're evil though right? You were cast from the ranks of our sacred Elemental Lords for

your destructive treachery."  Aeolus interjected.

"Ah yes the infalliable lords whose cocks you so love to shove down your throats."

"I'm talking now so all of you can shut the hell up!"

Velvet rose from her throne and marched briskly towards the startled Class IX students the soured expression on her face shifted smoothly into the most saccharine smile

"Time is short so I'll spare you a lecture, I don't give a squirt of shit whether you trust me or not, the only being i care about in this write off of a reality is

Mari and because of that vexing attachment I felt compelled beyond all reason to save you piss ants."

"Save us from what?" Lilith said

"How can i put it delicately..Hmm" Velvet pondered

"Every living being in Vallagunia save you three shits are now dead"

" No, that's not possible." Lilith shouted.

"Yeah there's roughly a million people, it's the heart of Dresden."  Madoka said

"Nobody is capable of killing that many people at once." Aeolus added

The three students gazed at Velvet untrusting of the spirits proclamations Velvet was far from subltle at making her displeasure for the lack of faith known to

the three who were still brimming with questions refusing to believe such a travesty is possible.

"Let's entertain the idea that this really happened, you need  to elaborate."

"Oh do, Little Princess." 

"It doesn't make sense if the Kingdom is capable of such destructive magic than

why has it taken almost five years to assault Edelgard?"

"I'm not omnipotent you know, I have zero fucking clue, all I know is that white light decimated all living beings in that city from the nobility right down to the stray dogs pissing in the streets."

The revelation struck the three students like a ton of bricks as the horror of the atrocities that had just transpired started to settle in, the students hung their heads as silence fell over the void broken only by the hypnotizing tapping of Mari’s finger on her extravagant throne.

“This is just speculative, but a spell of such immense destruction would take a substantial quantity of Ballum and regardless of his power that man is only human, so I’d surmise that it’s not something he cast on at will and that it takes a considerable amount of time and preparation to recharge.”

Velvet brought her hands together with a prolonged exhale steadily rising from her throne and approaching the students of Class IX with a wearied expression and lethargic eyes.

“How enlightening, thank you void spirit.” Madoka shouted.

“I won’t believe it until I see it with my own eyes.”  Lilith sniffed.

“Whatever, let’s wrap this up shall we.”

“I’m going to transport you piss ants to the vicinity of that Lycoria girl, I hope you’re ready void travel has some nasty side effects.”

“Oh Maya, I’d forgotten all about her.”  Aeolus said.

“Me too, I lost my head when I saw Norn.”

“We’re not exactly living up to expectations, sorry guys.”

“Don’t say that Lili the missions not over yet.”

“To the contrary this is merely the beginning.”  Aeolus chuckled.

“Enough with the sugary bullshit I’ll hurl, now than best of luck with your mission, Class IX’s Team B.” 

Velvet snapped her fingers briskly and the students of Class IX were enveloped with by a purple and black magic circle they felt faint as their vision blurred and unconsciousness beckoned.

“And word to the wise opening a rift has drained this fool of the majority of her Ballum reserves, she’ll have enough for one spell, use it wisely.”

Silvahale Forest, 9am


Maya was surrounded by five bipedal centipede creatures called Millicents they coiled their long degusting bodies lunging at Maya from every direction.  Maya remained unphased by the attack her mind and body were still as calm water.

“Pitiful insects.”  Maya said evading their wide-ranging attacks.

“Bad luck! Tide Magic:  Aqua Flagellum”

A long whip of water formed in Maya’s hand she used it to lash the five Millicent's gracefully disposing of the revolting pests.  The whip evaporated and the creatures fell to thick meat ribbons as a death rattle wailed and luminous green blood spilled from the freshly frayed flesh.

“That seems to be the last of them…”

Aeolous, Madoka, Lilith and Mari were spat out from a void portal Lilith was moaning and the demi human duo where dry heaving even more violently than before.

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