Velvet Abyss

Chapter 92: Just in Time

My head was pounding as I woke the sounds of screaming echoed in my ears, it all came rushing back like a crash wave, we were training in the academies coliseum when that girl appeared and monsters started swarming the capital.

I attempted to stand but collapsed in searing pain my arms and legs felt like led I could scarcely move a muscle, I suppose duel summoning might be a little beyond my skill level at this juncture. With Orthi and my big ass spider making the rounds alongside everyone from the academy. Yoshiki, Azalie, Vali, Calliope, The Headmistress and all my cherished friends as well as the royal guard will exterminate all our new pests.

I can rest easy I thought struggled to keep my eyes open when a sharp growling snapped me back to attention, a wild pack of hell hounds had me in the back ally Lili had hidden me in, fresh blood smeared across their maws staining their white fangs a deep crimson.

There were five the beasts in all they crawled closer by the moment snarling and baring their fangs, these mongrels must be starving and all I am is a sitting duck, a nice slab of fresh meat ripe for the devouring.

My mind couldn’t help but wander back to that fateful day against that oak tree in Shikishima Forest, I was in a similar situation about to be hound chow when you appeared, like a bolt of black lightning striking from the heavens you came to save me Shi.

My very own personal knight in shining armour, as I recalled the past, tears welled in my eyes, not out of sadness or fear but relief, I’d be dead soon, no one was coming on a golden horse to save me this time, I’m too weak to fight and am utterly out of Ballum.

Hell, not even Velvet could probably step in as it stands now, if this is where I die then I can end my new life with a smile, sure my plan for revenge was null and void but perhaps that was inevitable from the beginning, I was way out of my depth, just a wounded dog bearing it’s fangs at the world.

One of the hounds was practically on top of me I could feel it’s the revolting stench of its hot breath down upon my skin, “No what the hell am I saying, I can’t die here, I can’t..” I groaned

“How the hell could I face Shinobu knowing I just let myself die, she wanted me to live damn it.”

The hound crashed down upon me trying to rip my throat out with its bloodied maw, I put my arms out

at the last second to shield my throat, I was running on pure adrenaline at this point but I could feel my strength fading.

“Argh!” I screamed as the hound sunk its fangs into my hands

“Wait a second… Oh, that’s right...”

I felt into my pocket and produced a small dagger I had borrowed from Klaus and in order to catch Frill offguard with a sneak attack, it was tiny but it was my best bet so summoning all the strength I had remaining.

I stabbed the hound in the throat piercing it deeper and deeper until the beast dropped dead, The full weight of the hound was pressing me against the wall, I was being suffocated and crushed at the same time.

At least I took one of those fuckers with me, it’s time for a nap I think… I could feel my consciousness slipping away, what a pathetic way to end the new chance I was given but at least I struggled to the bitter end.


An earsplitting roar snapped me back to reality as the Hellounds were eviscerated within mere moments, standing over me was Orthi splattered in blood from head to toe. Picking up the last hellhound with his mouth and tossing it aside allowed me to breathe again

“You’re a hero Orthi, come here.”

Orthi lowered his head allowing me to caress him and tell him what a good boy he was, he must have stopped what he was doing and made a b-line for me sensing I was in peril through the void.

“Forgive my lateness, Master.”

A silky smooth voice filled the inside of my mind, I raised my head to meet Orthi’s. Wait that voice just now there’s no way.

“It is as you suspect, It is I your loyal pet.”

“Orthi but how is this possible?”

“I am but one of many void beasts, communicating with us is trivial once a void user reaches to a certain prowess.”

After thanking and caressing Orthi I released them back into the void allowing me to recoup some of the energy I had expended, the screams and panic that had rippled through the city had vanished as quickly as it had come and I once again slipped into the blissful darkness of sleep.

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