Velvet Abyss

Chapter 93: Give Her Back To Me

Two days had passed since the day Edelgard was besieged by monsters thanks to the swift action of the royal guard, the instructors and students of Lisianthus academy and Virgo led by Frill Tartan the threat was quickly dealt with and fatalities were kept to a minimum.

Class IX and their instructors as well as Frill and select other individuals have been asked to attend an impromptu council meeting held at Vestra Palace, Mari felt nervous as they were guided through the infinite hallways and rooms of the immaculate and exuberant palace.

“How's this compare to your castle, Lili?”

“The Octavia Domicile pales in comparison.”

“I still want to see it, It’s where my bestie grew up after all.”

“ I’d like you to see it someday too.” Lilith smiled.

“It makes mine look minuscule as well, I’m quite jealous.”

A familiar voice crept up behind them it was Yoshiki who reeked of booze and looked like he had slept in a few days. His strength was admirable but his personal choices and lifestyle left much to be desired.

“Seriously Yoshiki is drinking already it’s only 9 am.” Mari scolded

“It’s the most unbecoming instructor.” Lilith sighed

“Firstly it’s not Yoshiki anymore, secondly can you blame me?”

“Oh right you dropped the alias, it’s Hideto now ain’t it?”

“Just call me Hide nice and simple just the way I like it.”

“Well Hide that doesn’t excuse your drinking, try being responsible “ Lilith added

“I hate formal meetings like this only way I can get through is if I’m a little lubricated.”

“Besides Miss Anno, you can’t talk you haven’t bathed and reek of cum, sex in the morning how irresponsible maybe I should report you to the headmistress.”

“Segway, Care to explain how your sister conjured monsters in the streets?”

“Beats me, Yuki’s magic allows her to project her form over great distances, she’s never been able to conjure monsters though.”

Our enemy was cleaving a path towards us their mere presence like noose ever tightening around our necks, taking her place with the rest of Class IX in the back of the room Mari watched on as Emperor Soren, Empress Karis and key political figures from the Empire discussed the next course of action with only five days remaining until D-Day.

“Hideto here is a treasure trove of knowledge and is our most vital asset in countering our Nemesis, so Hideto could you tell us everything you know about your family, and your kingdom military.” Emperor Soren requested.

“How could I turn down a formal request from the emperor, sure I guess first and foremost I’ll say that the size of their army is roughly 40k factor in a bunch of sultry sisters from the Church and whatever ever else they’ve thrown money at and the loses we’ve already sustained they have a double our men more perhaps.”

“But that doesn’t mean shit because each one of my beloved family is an army onto themselves, thanks to a little something called Noble Rights. I can tell you what each one of them is so we can do our best to counter it. “

“Well we’re painfully familiar with yours,” Karis said

“Yep Right of Time I can make time dance in the palm of my hand, slow it down, pause it, rewind it. Erase somethings time from existence, accelerate time around me the list goes on and on.”

“Now I’m only saying these once so make sure you’re paying attention to my gorgeous face.”

“The Right of Gravitation “

“The Right of Reflection”

“The Right of Rupture

“The Right of Vocalization”

“The Right of Solar”

“The Right of Blood”

“The Right of Force”

“ The Right of Secretion”

“The Right of Persecution

The room listened intently as Hideto rattled of the abilities of our greatest foes one after another, Mari had witnessed the power of Rupture and Solar first hand but the other abilities sound just as frightening and with the full weight of the kingdom bearing down upon them everything was beginning to look bleak.

“So that’s the long and short of it as it stands, we’re fucked.”

“Must you spout such vulgarity, Mr Hideto?” A noble derided

“Vulgarity debauchery who the hell cares, enjoy life while you can old man.”

Emperor Soren stood up commanding the attention of all in the room the bags under his eyes were indicative that of the stress he must be under, leading a dying empire when you’re barely in your twenties was beyond Mari’s imagination.

“Is there still room for negotiation, Hide?”

“Nope that ship has sailed, Taking what you want with force has always been my families motto, all surrender will mean is forcing your citizens into a life of thralldom and powerlessness, frankly they’d be better off dead.”

“You can’t be serious?” Another noble spat.

“My family runs on the simple principle that those with power should inherit the world and those without are little more than tools to use. The men will be conscripted and used as cannon fodder in the wars to come, the woman will use as whores or worse and the children well that depends I imagine that the little girls will be taken to one of the churches schools and trained as Sacraments eventually becoming sisters of the church while the little boys will be put in boot camps and drilled as child soldiers to eventually join the adult men as expendable warriors. That’s the type of regime my home operates.”

“Why are they doing all this! What’s the point.” Mari shouted breathing rapidly.

“Silence girl!” Another noble reprimanded

“Quiet Lord Heyers let the girl speak.” Emperor Soren interjected.

Mari rushed towards Yoshiki beating her tired arms against his chest it was all too much hearing about their intentions brought memories of the horrible night rushing back before she knew it Mari felt like cracked glass about to shatter at any second.

“They take, and they take, how many lives need to be ruined before they're satisfied? Tell me, When will it be enough, I can’t understand, why isn’t she here? Why did they take her from me! Give her back to me damn it, Give her back!”

My vision was blurring from the tears that poured forth stinging my flustered red cheeks, all I could picture was her body, lacerated, mangled and defiled, hung on that tree like an animal, like a piece of meat. I will have my revenge, I will kill every last fucking one of them, I swear it. Fuck this war, fuck morals and honour fuck right and wrong all that matters is that they die.

“You don’t need to worry about them anymore, your majesty.”


“Because I’m going to kill them all, I’ll paint the streets of this city in their blood and guts, I’ll do it by myself I have too.”

“Lilith take Riri out for some air okay?” Hideto asked.

“Sure, come on Riri.”

The warmth of Lili’s hand snapped me back to reality and I felt the burning rage reduce to embers again, I wordlessly followed Lili out of the room, I’d thought that I’d matured a little in the months since that night under the red sky but it appears I was mistaken.

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