Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1,456 The Saint Enters

There were three subspaces where warning messages were sent at the same time.

There were strong Saints who suddenly broke into those three spaces. Fortunately, Zhou Yuan and others were always vigilant and arranged many sensors. Therefore, when these strong Saints broke in, they immediately An extermination team arrived immediately.

Then the first contact battle broke out.

The result appeared quickly, and these intruders were quickly killed. Because the number of intruders was not large, and their strength was only in the realm of law, they did not pose much of a threat, and Cang Xuantian's side Clearing them in time did not allow them to successfully locate the spatial coordinates.

But this did not make Zhou Yuan and others feel much relaxed, because they all understood that this was just the pathfinding team of the Saints, and when they appeared here, it meant that the Saints' army was already approaching.

Next, the calmness of the previous six months will be completely broken.

The evil wind has arrived, and the bloody rain is coming.

And just as Zhou Yuan expected, almost every few days after that, warning messages of the intrusion of powerful saints would come, making people nervous.

At the beginning, the defense forces in various subspaces were quite handy, but as time went by, the number and strength of the powerful saints who invaded in waves increased rapidly.

As a result, defenses everywhere quickly felt the pressure.

The flames of war were constantly ignited in a seat space on the periphery.

Deaths and injuries also began to appear in this kind of fighting, but no one paid too much attention to this, because this was war.

As defenders, Cang Xuantian is not far behind them. They all know what kind of battle Cang Xuantian will face once the saint army opens the passage to Cang Xuantian from the sub-space. A tragic catastrophe.

Everything they cherish will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, even if they try their best, they must stop the approaching Saint Clan from Cang Xuantian.


in sea space.

Zhou Yuan was sitting cross-legged on the height of an island. In front of him, a spiderweb-like light curtain spread out. At this time, in the front line of defense, there were light spots that were constantly flashing red light.

These red lights indicate that these subspaces are being invaded by powerful men from the Holy Clan.

At the moment, the troops on his side are doing their best to intercept and kill the intruders.

A month has passed since the Saints' troops began to appear. In this month, the Saints' intrusion has not stopped for a moment. In the outermost defense line sub-space, I don't know how many fierce battles broke out. And after each legal domain bloomed with its final brilliance, it dimmed.

It's like a spectacular fireworks show.

Zhou Yuan stared at the flashing red dots on the light screen, his expression looking a little heavy.

During this period of time, he had already lost five powerful men in the realm of law. They were all newly promoted in the realm of law in Cangxuan Tian. However, they had just fulfilled their long-cherished wish, but in the end they died here.

But Zhou Yuan understands that this is not a time to feel sad, because this kind of casualties will continue to appear in the future, and even some faces he was familiar with will be lost here. This is war, extremely cruel, and it will not be because of Any change due to personal will.

The most important task at the moment is to hold back the Saints' invasion here. Only in this way, those sacrifices will not be in vain.

"It's so heavy now, what will we do later?" A voice came from behind, and Zhuan Zhu stood behind Zhou Yuan carrying a big red gourd on his back, looking at the red lights that represented the front line of defense. point.

Zhou Yuan sighed softly and said: "What else can we do? We can only use soldiers to cover up the water and earth."

Of course he knew what Zhuan Zhu meant. Even though the battle was already very fierce, this was just a test by the saints, because the other saints had not yet come to an end.

This is obviously to collect information, and once they determine the situation here, I am afraid that the saint from the other side will take action. At that time, it will be the most dangerous.

Zhuan Zhu rubbed his chin and asked, "How long do you think it will take for the other saint to end?"

Zhou Yuan said slowly: "In less than two months."

"On our defense line, besides you and me, there are eight saints... If the saints really send out saints by then, to be honest, we may not have enough manpower here." Zhuan Zhu looked on. Becoming more serious, Tao.

Zhou Yuan could only smile bitterly at this and said: "If it's not enough, there's nothing we can do about it. Now, not only our side, but also Wanzu and Zixiao are facing attacks from the Saints. They have absolutely no spare parts." We have the power to control our side, but as for other heavenly realms, it is said that the intensity of the battle there is stronger than ours, so we cannot spare any extra saints to support us."

Saints are no big deal. Even after so many years of accumulation, the saints still seem to be dwarfed by the large-scale invasion of the saints.

Now, even if there is one more saint, it will make our own defense line more stable. Unfortunately, saints are not created in vain.

After all, Cang Xuantian's background is still a bit weak. Except for Zhou Yuan himself, all the saints here are sent by Guixu Temple, and none of them comes from Cang Xuantian's hometown.

There are other heavenly realms to defend in the Guixu Temple, and it is unlikely to assign too many saints to Cang Xuantian. Otherwise, those saints who belong to other heavenly realms will also be dissatisfied. After all, although they all belong to the same realm, Heaven, after all, cannot be absolutely fair when it comes to treating its own Heaven Realm and other Heaven Realms, and Zhou Yuan can understand this.

"I used to be protected by the Hunyuan Saint-killing Formation, but I never realized how strong the Saints were. Now I am forced to collide with them head-on. Only then do I understand why the old guys in the Guixu Temple are extremely hostile to the Saints. So afraid." Zhuan Zhu said with some sigh.

In the past years, although the Saints were always watching with eager eyes, even Zhuan Zhu had never felt the actual threat. Especially in the past few years, the heavens had also recovered a lot of power, which made it a little bit more difficult. The new saints who have never experienced the ancient world-destroying war have an illusion that perhaps the heavens are not necessarily weaker than the saints.

But now, when the war really begins, they have just begun to experience the pressure brought by the saints, which is really breathless.

Zhou Yuan was silent for a moment and said: "In the final analysis, it is still the battle of annihilation in ancient times. That holy god directly shook the foundation of the heavens. Even after so many years, the heavens still have not returned to their peak."

From those fragments of words passed down from ancient times, we can know the horror of that battle of annihilation. At that time, there were countless saints in the world who died at the hands of that holy god.

At the last moment, if the Holy God hadn't struck too hard and finally disturbed the remaining will of the Ancestral Dragon, it would have been impossible to say that the Holy Clan had already dominated the Tianyuan Realm and enslaved all other races.

Zhuan Zhu nodded. When he thought of the Holy God, even his free and easy temperament made him speechless, so he fell silent for a while.

Zhou Yuan turned his gaze back to the circle of red light spots at the outermost edge of the light screen.

"Next, let's see when the opponent's saint ends."


In the next two months, the saints' attacks continued, constantly breaking into the outermost sub-space, and Zhou Yuan was also constantly mobilizing teams to encircle and hunt. The fierce bloody battle continued, directly Even the air in those peripheral subspaces was filled with the smell of blood.

Those subspaces have become living meat grinders.

And when the two months of stalemate time passed, it was just as Zhou Yuan expected.

The saints of the saint clan began to enter.

And this also marks that the saint's attack has finally begun to show its sharpest fangs. They will use the power of the saint to completely tear apart the defense lines of the heavens.

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