Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1,479 Sacrifice to the Two Heavens

Zhou Yuan sat cross-legged on the edge of the darkness, his expression neither happy nor sad, looking quietly into the deep darkness ahead. Even the passage of time failed to attract his attention.

Because at this time, he had quietly spread all his perceptions into the darkness, prying carefully like a small animal.

Compared with the two behemoths among them, Zhou Yuan indeed seemed extremely insignificant.

As time goes by, the darkness deep in the core of Cang Xuantian becomes thicker and thicker, and the two terrifying things are eroding back and forth, wearing away.

Zhou Yuan, who was sensing it, felt that this enclosed dark area was like a boiling cauldron, and inside the cauldron was brewing a holy god's will and a divine curse.

These are two of the most terrifying things in the world, and if others knew that Zhou Yuan dared to focus on this, I am afraid that even the four ancient masters would be shocked and dumbfounded.

Even Zhou Yuan in the past would not have dared to think or do it.

But now... Zhou Yuan is not afraid anymore, because after experiencing the feeling of being a stranger to the one he loves, Zhou Yuan feels that even death is nothing more than this.

Since this was worse than death, what else did he need to be afraid of?


Between Zhou Yuan's breath, he exhaled a cloud of fine white air. Even the passage of time became insignificant here, but he still did not have the slightest impatience. At this moment, he showed incomparable patience.

Because the time has not yet come, whether it is the will of the Holy God or the poison of the Absolute God, they all contain the power to easily destroy him thousands of times.

He needs to wait until the divine curse and poison erodes the divinity contained in the will of the Holy God, and until the twisted evil thoughts contained in the divine curse and poison are neutralized by the will of the Holy God.

Only when these two terrifying things reach a balance amidst the constant erosion and erosion, is that the only chance Zhou Yuan has left.

If you miss that moment, all your thoughts will be vain.


Outside the boundary walls of the four heavenly realms of the Saint Clan.

The roar of the fire dragon transformed from the four-color divine fire spread throughout the heavens, and under the raging power of the divine fire dragon, all the creatures in the heavens could feel that the temperature between heaven and earth became a little hot at this time.

This made the four ancient masters De Jinluo and Cang Yuan feel complicated. This was the power of the innate gods, which could actually induce climate changes in the heavens, which they would definitely not be able to do.

"The sacred flag was burned to the point of dissipation." Ancient Master Chi Ji suddenly said.

The other three people cast their gazes through the void, and sure enough they saw the four huge divine flags, the mottled blood stains on them, melting away bit by bit at this time, and the divine figure on them was also gradually disappearing. become faded.

This scene immediately caused joy to appear on the faces of the four ancient sages.


at the same time.

Holy Mingtian, Holy Spirit Sky.

In these two heavens, a huge black light wave suddenly appeared between heaven and earth. The light wave swept past. Wherever it passed, all the creatures did not even scream. The physical body and soul melted in an instant, and finally turned into Rays of blood rose into the sky.

call out! call out!

A spectacular scene appeared. In the two heavens, countless blood-red light pillars were seen standing between the heaven and the earth with the torrents of blood. The rich bloody energy directly caused blood rain to pour down from the heavens. Everything in the room turned into blood red color.

Extremely tragic.

Holy Ancestor Heaven, Holy Mountain.

The void in front of Taimi and the other four ancient saints turned into a huge light mirror. Within the light mirror were the Holy Underworld and the Holy Spirit that were swept by the rain of blood.

The four ancient saints looked compassionate, and immediately they formed seals at the same time.


The void in front of him suddenly shattered, and a thick blood-red torrent rushed out, like a vast river, carrying indescribable blood.

The blood-red torrent passed from above, and finally poured into the temple.

In the center of the temple, a dark passage leads to an unknown place. Even though the blood-red torrent seems to be endless, it can never fill this strange black hole.

However, with the influx of more and more blood, the blood-red lines in the depths of the dark passage seemed to gradually become brighter.



When something happened in the Holy Mingtian and the Holy Spirit Heaven, the four ancient elders outside the boundary wall suddenly felt something. They immediately made a sound of surprise and looked at the heaven where the Holy Mingtian and the Holy Spirit Heaven were.

They could see that the boundary wall there suddenly turned blood red, and that extremely rich blood energy was still clearly audible even from such a long distance.

"What's going on?" Ancient Lord Dilong asked in a deep voice.

"The source energy of heaven and earth in the Holy Mingtian and Holy Spirit Heaven suddenly became lifeless, without any activity at all." Ancient Lord Jinluo frowned and said in confusion.


Faced with such a strange thing, even the four ancient sages looked at each other and were a little confused for a while.

However, out of keen intuition, they felt that this might not be a good thing for them.

Therefore, Ancient Lord Jinluo looked at the Third God in front of him and said respectfully: "I wonder if the Third God knows what happened?"

The third god's glass-like eyes glanced in the direction of Sheng Ming Tian and Holy Spirit Sky, and said lightly: "All the creatures in those two heavens have been sacrificed, and now their blood and energy have gathered together, and they have entered the temple. Inside, this saint should be planning to use their blood energy to speed up the awakening of the Holy God."

The expressions of the four ancient sages changed drastically, and their eyes were full of horror.

They didn't expect that this saint clan would be so ruthless and directly sacrificed all the creatures in the two heavens!

"This saint clan is really cruel and ruthless." Dilong said with an ugly expression.

"Then the Holy about to wake up?" Ancient Lord Jinluo paid attention to another important point. Now that the armies of the heavens are able to force the Holy Race to the point of being unable to retreat, it is entirely because of the power of the Third God, but If the Holy God also wakes up, then the fate of both parties will ultimately fall on the battle between the two gods.

The expressions of the other three ancient saints also became serious. Their eyes looked at the third god, but the latter ignored them. His indifferent eyes were just staring at somewhere in the Holy Ancestor Heaven.

Time, in this solidified atmosphere, passed again.


Until a certain moment, there was a sound like a tapestry breaking. The armies of the heavens were shocked, and their eyes cast away. Then they were ecstatic to see that the four divine flags covering the four heavens like a canopy were actually in the sky. It cracked under the burning of the divine fire.

The four sacred flags were finally burned through.

And as the divine flag burned and cracked, the boundary walls of the four heavens were nakedly exposed to the eyes of the armies of the heavens.

The third god stretched out his slender jade hand, and the vast divine power surged, which directly reflected the two huge divine hands. These two hands inserted into the boundary wall arrogantly, and then the divine power surged, and the boundary wall was at this time Slowly tearing apart.

At this time, the saint creatures in the Saint Ancestral Heaven and the Saint King Heaven were all horrified to see that the distant sky seemed to be torn apart by giant hands, and the boundless divine power poured down, making people feel as if they were falling into an abyss. Such fear.

The creatures in these two heavens were all in panic.

At this moment, they experienced the fearful emotion that all living beings had felt in previous years.

On the top of the Holy Mountain, the four ancient saints of Taimi also looked up at this spectacular scene, but they did not feel fear. On the contrary, their faces were full of enthusiasm.

Because at this moment, they felt a pressure that was familiar to the depths of blood and soul, gradually appearing between heaven and earth.

They knelt down and worshiped, their eyes full of piety, and the sound of respect rang out, and then spread throughout the entire heaven.

"Welcome my god!"

In the depths of the black hole that was so dark that it led to an unknown place, there was a pair of eyes that were like an endless abyss, slowly opening.

And it was at this same moment.

Zhou Yuan, who was on the edge of darkness, also suddenly felt that in the dark and boiling space in front of him, the will of the Holy God and the curse of the Absolute God, which had been eroded and collided for billions of times, suddenly had a certain balance.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan smiled.

This opportunity finally came.

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