Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1,483 The greatest ambition

In the darkness, the will of the Holy God and the curse of the Absolute God entangled, eroded, and consumed each other, just like two giant wheels rolling against each other.

However, as time went by, the situation of confrontation between the two powers gradually began to change.

Somewhere between those two forces, there was some strange movement. The power of the Holy Spirit's Will and the Absolute God's Poison suddenly disappeared when they passed there.

This situation was relatively subtle at first, but after a period of time, a ray of mysterious light suddenly appeared in the darkness. The mysterious light was like a star in the deep starry sky. Although the light was not strong, it was extremely conspicuous.

And if one's eyes can penetrate into the mysterious light, it can be seen that within the light, there is a figure sitting quietly cross-legged. Within its body, there is a faint sound of ancient dragon roars, exuding a special pressure. .

The power of the Holy God's will and the divine curse poured in continuously from his Heavenly Spirit Cap, and was finally refined by the dragon cauldron in his body and became his own.

The mysterious light continued to grow stronger and began to encroach on the territory belonging to the will of the Holy God and the curse of the Absolute God.

And the pressure emanating from the figure within the mysterious light is rising at an alarming rate...

The Will of the Holy God and the Curse of the Absolute God did not pay too much attention to the ants in the gap at first. In their eyes, they only saw such a powerful enemy as the other party.

But as time went by, I don’t know when, when the Holy Spirit’s Will and the Absolute God’s Curse noticed something was wrong, they suddenly discovered that the aliens who were as weak as ants before had unknowingly possessed A force that cannot be underestimated.

And the source of that power actually comes from them!

Therefore, as the alien power continues to increase, they are gradually weakened!

The Absolute God Curse Poison has no intelligence, but simply relies on instinct, and this Holy God's will has been entrenched in this darkness for countless years. It is also in chaos, plus this place is closed, even if the Holy God awakens , and have not yet been able to sense the will here to withdraw it, so whether it is the Absolute God Curse or the Holy God's Will, they are all following their instincts, and this undoubtedly gives Zhou Yuan an opportunity to take advantage of.

During the confrontation between the two, he stole their power and strengthened himself. By the time the two terrifying things noticed him, his power at this time had begun to have the power to compete.

Therefore, when the Absolute God's Curse Poison and the Holy Spirit's Will discovered that he was a thief who had grown stronger, they did not attack directly and unscrupulously for a while, because at this time, Zhou Yuan was no longer an ant that could be wiped out at will. .

The original two-pole opposition has now become a tripartite due to the intervention of a third party.

But in this tripartite confrontation, Zhou Yuan's stealing actions have not stopped. With the help of the refining of the Ancestral Dragon Scripture and the neutralization of the divine substance, he is still continuously stealing the will of the Holy God and the Absolute God Curse. The power of poison.

He could sense that his own strength was increasing at an incredible speed. If he could choose to leave now, his strength would be comparable to that of the Three Lotus Realm.

But Zhou Yuan did not choose this way, because although this kind of power was strong, it could not satisfy his ambition.

"Still stronger...stronger...strong enough to step into that realm!"

A low murmur sounded at the core of Cang Xuantian. The next moment, a terrifying suction force erupted from Zhou Yuan's body, and the power of the Holy God's will and the Absolute God's curse formed a huge funnel vortex of hundreds of thousands of miles. , and one end of the vortex is connected to Zhou Yuan's Tianling Cap.

The two forces poured in like a torrent, and Zhou Yuan swallowed them all into his body with fierce eyes, running the Ancestral Dragon Scripture and refining like crazy.

"After swallowing you, I can take that step!"

Realizing Zhou Yuan's intention, the Absolute God's Curse and Poison and the Holy God's will also fiercely resisted. They did not expect that this alien who had been like an ant in their eyes would actually start to swallow the elephant. , and once swallowed, there are two ends!

Terrifying power shook and erupted in the darkness, but no matter how hard they struggled with the Absolute God Curse and the Will of the Holy God, it was difficult to escape Zhou Yuan's swallowing, and the refining of the Ancestral Dragon Sutra was just enough to restrain them.

As a result, as time passed, the size of the two terrifying objects gradually shrank, while the mysterious light erupting from Zhou Yuan's body became increasingly brighter.

Gradually, the darkness at the core of Cang Xuantian even began to dissolve.

Indescribable terrifying power washed over Zhou Yuan's limbs and bones. The power was beyond Zhou Yuan's cognition.

Now he should have reached the peak of the Three Lotus Realm.

However, problems began to arise at this time. When the power reached this level, Zhou Yuan found that his physical body could no longer accommodate and bear it.

It was as if this power had reached the limit of what this body could hold.

If he continues to insist on mindlessly increasing his strength, there will only be one result, and that is that both his body and soul will be exploded.

"how so..."

"Has this power reached its limit?"

"Why can't I take that step and touch that legendary realm?!"

Such a sudden change made Zhou Yuan surprised and angry. He originally risked his life for this opportunity, not just for the Three Lotus Realm!

But the current situation puts Zhou Yuan into a dilemma. With the power of the Holy God's will and the Absolute God's poison being activated, he has no way out. If he retreats, he will be defeated by the Holy God's will and the Absolute God's poison. God's curse and poison combine to corrode and obliterate.

He must move forward bravely, absorb all the power of these two terrifying things, and turn it into his own use!

However, his physical body reached its limit and he would be unable to bear it if he continued to absorb it!


At this moment, even Zhou Yuan felt a little irritable in his heart, but he quickly suppressed this emotion, because what was needed most right now was a solution, not incompetent rage.

Zhou Yuan calmly sorted out his emotions and then deduced himself. As this derivation deepened, at a certain moment, his brows gradually wrinkled.

"Why do I feel like something is missing..."

"Is it this flaw that prevents me from becoming a god?"

"what is that?"

Zhou Yuan kept mumbling to himself, and countless thoughts arose in his mind, only to be suppressed in the blink of an eye.

He had a feeling that the missing thing could allow his body to withstand stronger power, and then use it to impact the so-called divine realm.

If Zhou Yuan wants to step into the divine realm, then this item is essential, and this item cannot be replaced by a mortal thing.

Zhou Yuan's mind was like lightning, and the power accumulated in his body began to become more and more terrifying. His body began to have blood marks and cracks, and his flesh and blood began to gradually boil and melt.

This is a sign that the limit is about to be reached.

Zhou Yuan even began to feel the countdown to death.

At that moment, Zhou Yuan heard his heart beat like a drum, and then, his eyes turned to the divine substance in his body.

He was silent for a few breaths, and then determination and ruthlessness flashed across his eyes.

Now that it's a dead end, let's give it another try!


Zhou Yuan suddenly raised his head and roared like thunder, shaking the core of the closed Cang Xuantian. Then, he activated the Ancestral Dragon Sutra with all his strength, erupting the most terrifying suction force.


At this moment, both the will of the Holy God and the curse of the Absolute God were triggered, and then the vast and terrifying power poured out like a tide, pouring into Zhou Yuan's body.


The cracks spread quickly on his body, which was extremely hideous and terrifying.

On the contrary, Zhou Yuan ignored it. Feeling the boundless power rushing into his body, his face gradually became calmer and his eyes slowly closed at this time.

He spread his hands and let his body fall into the darkness.

"I will be useful..."

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