Venerable Yuan

Text Chapter 759 Foreign Aid

The Yi family's mansion.

Because of the death of the head of the Yi family, the entire mansion was filled with white cloth hanging and there was a feeling of sadness and silence.

But in the living room of the mansion, the atmosphere seemed a bit solemn at this time.

Yi Qiushui sat at the head of the living room, Yi Qianji sat beside her, and below were many figures. It was obvious that the main figures of the Yi family were gathered together at this time.

Zhou Yuan was at the bottom. He originally planned to rest alone, but couldn't bear Yi Qiushui's insistence on inviting her, so he came over to take a look.

His eyes looked across the hall, and then stopped at the lower left side of Yi Qiushui. There were three people there, an imposing middle-aged man and a young man and woman.

The young man has a tall body, a handsome face, and is quite magnanimous.

Next to the man is a slightly younger girl in a red dress. The girl has a pretty face and exudes youthful vitality.

Judging from Yi Qiushui's previous introduction, these three people were not from the Yi family, but from the Xuanying Chamber of Commerce in Xuanzhou City. The middle-aged man was named Liu Tianying, and he was the leader of the Xuanying Chamber of Commerce.

The Xuanying Chamber of Commerce is also the top force in Xiaoxuanzhou, and it is no less generous than the Yi family and the Qiu family.

The young man and the girl were named Liu Zhixuan and Liu Ming, and they were Liu Tianying's eldest son and youngest daughter.

It can be seen that the Xuanying Chamber of Commerce has an excellent relationship with the Yi family. Otherwise, it would not still appear in the Yi family at such a moment without hesitation.

"Uncle Liu, it's so late, why bother running over here." Yi Qiushui looked at Liu Tianying with her reddish eyes and said softly.

Liu Tianying waved his hand and said: "Lao Yi and I are close friends, so there is no need to say these polite words. You should know why I am here, right?"

Without waiting for Yi Qiu Shui's reply, he frowned slightly and said, "Niece Qiu Shui, now is not the time to start a battle with the Qiu family for the head of the state. As long as you wait a little longer, Mr. Yi will promote you to the head of the new state." With some push from the Tianyuan Territory elders, it should be confirmed, so why give the Qiu family such a chance at this time?"

Yi Qiushui shook her head and said: "Uncle Liu, although grandpa holds the position of elder of Tianyuan Territory, the Qiu family must be prepared this time. Judging from some news I got, they also spent a lot of money." , invited the big shots in the elders’ group, so even if grandpa wants to push forward, he will be hindered.”

When Liu Tianying heard this, his expression condensed slightly.

"The most important thing now is to deal with the battle for the state leader in seven days. As long as we can win, our Yi family will naturally win a great victory, and grandpa's promotion in the elders' group will also go smoothly." Yi Qiushui calmly said The way.

Yi Qianji sighed and said solemnly: "It's probably not easy to win this battle for the state leader. For this reason, Qiu Long even considered Qiu Ling, who was cultivating in the Tianling Sect, as I summoned him back, obviously intending to put all his efforts into it."

As soon as the name Qiu Ling came out, all the young people in the hall looked heavy. Over the years, this name has brought a lot of pressure to the younger generation of Xiaoxuanzhou.

"Hey, it's just Qiu Ling. What's there to worry about? Sister Qiu Shui, there are five people from each side in the battle for the state leader. Don't there be two foreign aid quotas among the five?"

"Hehe, what do you think of my brother? In the entire Xiaoxuanzhou, the only people who can open up the Eight Gods Mansion are you, my brother and Qiu Ling." In the silence of everyone, a clear and sweet laughter suddenly sounded.

When everyone looked around, they saw the girl in red beside Liu Tianying, smiling and promoting her brother.

Liu Zhixuan, who was next to the girl in red, shook his head helplessly. Then he looked at Yi Qiu Shui and chuckled: "Qiu Ling is indeed a strong enemy, but if Qiu Shui needs it, I will go to the mountains of swords and seas of fire. .”

As soon as he said these unsubtle words, there were some low snickers in the hall.

There was a faint smile on Yi Qiushui's fair cheeks, as if she couldn't understand the meaning of Liu Zhixuan's words.

Liu Zhixuan, who had been staring at her, felt slightly disappointed when he saw this, but his eyes were still bright and fiery. He knew how difficult it was to conquer the flower of the Yi family's high mountains, but he had never given up over the years. .

"Qiushui's niece, Zhixuan also entered the late stage of the Divine Palace realm some time ago. If the Yi family needs it this time, he can indeed take up a foreign aid quota." Liu Tianying also smiled and said.

He knew his son's thoughts about Yi Qiushui, and he was also very satisfied with Yi Qiushui, so naturally he didn't mind adding fuel to the fire.

Yi Qianji nodded and said to Yi Qiushui: "Zhixuan is pretty good, but he may not be worse than Qiu Ling. With his help, you will feel much more relaxed."

Yi Qiushui pondered slightly, but in the end she did not refuse Liu Zhixuan's kindness. After all, in order to deal with the battle for the state leader, the Yi family must go all out.

"Then thank you, Brother Liu." She looked at Liu Zhixuan and expressed her sincere gratitude.

Liu Zhixuan smiled, but felt a little helpless in his heart, because Yi Qiushui always kept a little distance from him when he addressed him.

"Our Yi family has two other qualified Shenfu realms, both of whom are at the later stages. It's just a pity that they are only in the late stages of opening up the Sixth God Palace." Yi Qianji said again.

"There is still one person missing. Do we need to find another foreign aid? If necessary, our Xuanying Chamber of Commerce can help contact us." Liu Tianying asked.

After everyone heard this, they all pondered. The battle for the state leader this time was at the level of the Divine Palace, so they naturally needed to find those who were extremely powerful in the Divine Palace realm as much as possible.

However, now that the Qiu family and the Yi family are fighting like this, some of the more famous people in the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm in Xiaoxuanzhou may not dare to get involved. If they are not strong enough, inviting them will have no effect and will instead be a waste of quota.

Sitting at the bottom, Zhou Yuan, who seemed to have been forgotten, did not speak, but quietly tasted the tea cup. Although he was leaning towards Yi Qiu Shui becoming the governor of the state, he did not necessarily recommend himself. This kind of thing was a bit troublesome after all. If it's not necessary, avoid it if you can.

However, when Zhou Yuan was wandering around, he felt a pair of bright eyes stop on him.

So, he curled his lips helplessly, raised his eyes, and then faced Yi Qiushui, who was in the first place.

Yi Qiushui looked at Zhou Yuan with a smile on her lips, and there was a trace of expectation in the depths of her bright eyes.

However, facing her vivid eyes, Zhou Yuan's expression remained unchanged and he continued to drink tea, as if he could not understand Yi Qiushui's intention.

At this time, everyone in the hall also noticed Yi Qiushui's gaze, and then they all looked along and saw Zhou Yuan sitting at the end.

Yi Qiushui gave Zhou Yuan a brief introduction at the beginning, so they also knew that the former had defeated Xu Feng, who was notorious in Xiaoxuan Province, and was considered to be somewhat capable.

However, the people participating in the battle for the state leader must be the best in the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm. Even Xu Feng is not qualified to participate, and Zhou Yuan, who is in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm, is probably unreliable, right?

Moreover, what made them most speechless was that Zhou Yuan faced Yi Qiu Shui's gaze, but still sat there without any expression. His intention was very clear, and he did not intend to intervene.

As a result, some young men and women from the Yi family secretly pouted. Although this man has some abilities, he is too timid. Is this because he is afraid of offending the Qiu family?

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

"He's only in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm. He's too showy." In the awkward moment, a crisp voice sounded, and Liu Ming looked at Zhou Yuan and hummed.

She was slightly dissatisfied with Yi Qiushui's attitude towards Zhou Yuan. After all, when her brother said he wanted to help, Yi Qiushui didn't look forward to it. Why was she facing an ordinary young man in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm? Will it be given such attention?

With such strength, how could he be qualified to participate in the battle for state leader?

In Liu Ming's eyes, Liu Zhixuan is definitely the best among the younger generation in Xiaoxuanzhou. Even compared to Qiu Ling, he is not far behind. And this person named Zhou Yuan is compared with her brother. It is even more like the gap between a firefly and a bright moon.

Liu Zhixuan also looked at Zhou Yuan. He didn't mean anything else, but there was a little doubt in his eyes.

Zhou Yuan ignored Liu Ming's sarcastic words and continued to drink tea.

However, Yi Qiu Shui suddenly smiled. She did not look angry because of Zhou Yuan's attitude. Instead, she bit her red lips and thought for a while, then said: "Brother Zhou Yuan, how about making an offer?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Yuan coughed slightly, put down the tea cup, and then took out a piece of paper among the many stunned eyes. On the paper, many valuable materials could be seen written.

"Qiushui is still refreshing. If the Yi family gives me these things, I will be your foreign aid."

He speaks loudly and crisply.

In the hall, everyone fell into a long silence as they looked at the list of materials that seemed to have been prepared long ago.

They don't know exactly what this person's strength is, but his face seems to be really extraordinary in the realm of God's Palace...

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