Louisa called me and told me that the furniture delivery is not on time and decided to wait for it so she's going to come back late, Uncle Francis said that he would stay over at the building to clean up its mess and started working on the paperworks he needed to propose a legal Guild.

It was dinner and Mayumi already went home, so Soi Fon can show herself without hiding her presence. Hilda has been helping out Uncle Jouichiro while the latter teaches the former. Hilda soaks uncle Jouichiro's teachings making him surprised but not shocked because he is numb of the shocking things happening around him. Uncle Jouichiro said that Hilda can basically be at his level with two weeks of personal coaching.

I then thought it must be because of her determination to be the best demon maid out there. I know that uncle Jouichiro haven't touched the peak of his cooking. In the anime, I think he stagnated because he stopped for many years, settled down, and started cooking for the masses.

But this time, he had left the cooking industry for only a year or two. With his montrous talent, if he trained and continued being a pioneer, who knows what height uncle Jouichiro may reach.

As always the food was heavenly and our bellies are full. I then started doing the Saitama training. I also asked uncle Rayleigh for guidance to breakthrough in my martial arts. He said to restrict to using only with my martial arts and try to parry all of the opponents attack first before fighting back.

I then realized, even if I am restricting myself to martial arts only, the martial arts itself is broken, I have improved speed, strength, reaction time, and the instincts to automatically counter a melee attack. For the enemies, it was like fighting someone with the All Fiction from Medaka Box or fighting a 6 slot item Jax from League of Legends before they nerfed his E.

To be honest, I don't like my enemies doing the preemptive strike and controlling the flow of the fight, but if it will help me breakthrough then f*ck it. I won't let the enemy have a free hit, I will f*cking parry everything they send me. Cheating Royal Guard b*tches.

Milluki is still on his job and gave me a montj or two to compile the specific information of the major players in the supernatural world.

It doesn't matter how much time it takes because I want every single info we could find on these major players then I can move into the minor organizations, maybe there are a few interesting individuals that might interest me there.

After finishing my training, I joined to Soi Fon in the tea table, while brewing tea, I observed her movements. Her movement in making and serving tea was like a smooth dance, it keeps flowing without stopping every act connects to another, no wasted movement... it was then when it clicked something in my mind.

I then tried image training and started connecting my martial arts move by move. I saw a massive difference, it may seem like a barrage of punches and kick but if you analyze it closely, it was a dance. Not a fascinating dance, but a dance of death that when it ended, the opponent is either dead or beaten black and blue.

I improved by a massive amount but I feel like there is something missing, the final piece. I then shook it off and I saw Soi Fon looking at me weirdly.

"Sorry, I was absorbed in your tea ceremony." I casually said but to Soi Fon, who had no experience in love even though she's a hundred years old and more, it was different. In her mind Yuroichi is her Goddess, but the one she's slowly feeling for Vergil is different from Yoruichi.

She don't know what it is that made her interested in me but the more she get to know me, the more she's interested in me. Its like peeling a gift only to see that it was wrapped in another layer. She also knows that her interest in me will soon be gone... or so she thought.

I then drank the tea she made, with graceful movements. She is kind of surprised of it because she thought I have no knowledge in this kind of thing as only those grandpa/grandma only had interests in kinds of things like this.

Actually, she's right, I have no knowledge of it in my new life, but I was once an old man who enjoyed the calm and peace the tea gave me, also other japanese collectors of my painting, invited me for a tea session to which I obliged and they taught me as I had zero knowledge of it. I was also interested that time so I took the effort to learn from them.

"How was your investigations with Milluki's information?" I asked her waking her up from her stupor.

"It is going fine, I also noted a place where apparently an experiment by the church was happening there, something in the line of Holy Sword project." she said

'Hm? Holy Sword Project? I see, Kiba huh. Well, its not my business. I'm also not interested in a broken Excalibur.' I thought

"I see, anything noteworthy to share?" I asked her

"Noteworthy? I was spreading my reiatsu in Kuoh and an individual interests me. I feel like a dragon was sleeping in him." she said making me dumbfounded.

'How did I forget that dumb horny owner of Ddraig' I then have a thought... if Yamato can separate man from any entity(In DMC franchise Yamato can only separate man from devil)... then I can separate the boosted gear from him, seeing him fight in the anime, just waving his fist, kinda irks me.

I was like 'You got all that power in you and you fight by swinging your fist?'. He didn't even ask Sirzechs' peerage's rook or anyone to teach him hand to hand combat? Since you're wasting the potential of such a gear, I'll be taking it away from you and I will realize Ddraig's dreams... to dominate Albion... Saying it sounds wrong... Why?... Why did it turn to this? Dafuq? Maybe just dominating opponents. There, sounds good.

"I see, a noteworthy individual indeed. Anyway, thanks for the tea. It was a beautiful ceremony by the way."

I then stood up from the seat and started heading back to my room to sleep. And the night passed by without any anomaly happening.

I woke up and the chirping of the birds can be heard. I then look at the time and saw that I woke up way early and decided to sleep for 30 more minutes but the birds are like the messengers of that troll God. They kept chirping louder making me get up unwillingly.

'Damn birds.'

Having no choice but to get up early, I got out of my room only to see a towel covered Soi Fon. Apparently she just got her laundry in the veranda and was about to head inside her room only to be seen by me.

'Maybe it was an act of God after all.' I thought. I then slowly closed my door like nothing happened leaving a steaming red Soi Fon behind. She didn't scream like a typical anime girl, but her face was really red.

'How am I gonna face Yoruichi?! I'm not pure anymore!' Thought Soi Fon, as a traditional woman, her purity was a massive topic for her.

(But her Onmitsukido uniform in the manga shows her dayum t.h.i.g.hs and flawless back. But I suppose those who see her in her uniform tends to die a quick death XD)

Putting it all behind me I started cleaning myself and dressed to go to school early as I want to escape from Soi Fon's sight today.


Took a break from studying and made another one to regain my sanity also since ideas have flowed into meh.

Lemme know if there's still improvements that can help.

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