After escaping from the house, I immediately heads toward the school. As I was on the way to school, I noticed a pair of eyes, monitoring me. I was surprised that it was the silver haired french maid.

'Since they cannot defeat me, they decided to monitor me?' I then decided to greet her as I summoned Yamato and made a portal near her. She noticed what I was doing and tried to escape but she's too late. A portal opened as I walked out of it.

I noticed that she was holding to an artifact, was that the tool she used to spy on me? What if she's spying on me and I decided to... you know what it is. It looks like she underestimated the range of my senses, thinking that a mere artifact will be enough to spy on me.

"Yo, miss maid. Enjoying the view?" I asked her.

"Yes, the view is wonderful up here. Also the name's Grayfiya, not miss Maid." She spoke calmly and played along but her nerves are screaming in danger. She looked at me who was casually observing her, others may see it casually but whenever she tries to make a move, only death awaits her.

"So... what's the catch? Spying on me and deemed me as a threat to the underworld? I already told you, you cannot afford it, but if you do declare war on me, let me ask you a question. Do you think, the underworld can survive if I summoned the Qliphoth there?" I asked her but confusion is in her face.

"I see, you don't know what Qliphoth and its root is. Declare war on me, try it. Maybe you'll know what it is. Hmmmmm. Maybe a fruit will spawn after the war."

"I-I'm not here to declare war, I was only tasked to have friendly relations with you." She said, she know what Qliphoth is but Qliphoth with roots?

She had no idea what it is and what can it do, but if it came from the kid in front of her, then surely it wasn't ordinary. She also heard me saying of a fruit, but what fruit? She had no idea. She was then woke up from her stupor as she heard me speak.

"Oh, I see. Then you don't need this anymore right? Also you failed your task, you want to create a friendly relation by spying on the target? Don't make me laugh." I broke the spying artifact and left the place by a portal leaving a dumbfounded Grayfiya, she left afterwards to report what just happened.

The day passed by with nothing noteworthy happening. As soon as class ended, I got a text from Louisa that the house is now good to go.

As usual, Mayumi is tagging along with me.

We then went to an alley and opened a portal back home. I then told Uncle Jouichiro to pack up, Uncle Rayleigh is also on the way back to pack up. Since, Louisa and Uncle Francis can't pack up, I decided to put their clothes and belongings in the inventory. As for Milluki, I'll just teleport him later as he still had a job to do. I'll just send Hilda via portal to send him food.

Kuroka has been missing since yesterday but it doesn't matter if she does tell the place were living in, it was Azazel's house, but if she really did that to me and sold the information of Azazel's house, all I have to do is find her sister then I will eventually get to her.

I was about to get a ride when Mayumi offered to take us to our new home, I was skeptical about it as I know she will crash in there day after day after day, probably playing with Saeko and Hilda, but in the end I accepted as I haven't been to the place yet so I can't teleport there.

We then rode for 15 mins, and we arrived at our new house. Soi Fon also followed us by using shunpo. We were in front of the place and saying it was huge was an understatement, the mansion being 100 million yen is pretty cheap.

We were greeted by Louisa and opened the gate for us as the car we rode in got inside. I then gestured them to pick a room they want, I also asked Louisa where her room will be to drop her wardrobe in there.

As I dropped Uncle Francis' belonging to a vacant room, I then headed downstairs only to see Hilda, Saeko, and Mayumi missing. I don't really mind as Uncle Rayleigh is in here to protect them.

Having nothing to do, I headed to the bas.e.m.e.nt and saw a bunch of training equipment. I then felt Soi Fon following me to the bas.e.m.e.nt, I looked at the place where she is blending with Kenbunshoku haki and she appeared.

"How about a we spar, Soi Fon?" I asked her as she is still frustrated because of what happened this morning.

"Sure." She gave a simple reply. This is a chance for me to train my martial arts as Soi Fon is an expert in hand to hand combat with her Hakuda.

We then went down to the 3rd level of bas.e.m.e.nt, and positioned ourselves. I removed my uniform and put on my sleeveless outfit while Soi Fon removed her Captain's Haori and her Onmitsukido uniform was in my sight once again. I admired her while she's preparing for the fight.

"Are you still mad about what happened earlier?" I asked her and her ears are slowly turning red and didn't give me a reply. She just rushed in with the intent to release her frustration.

She sent a punch to me as I redirected it to the side and she followed by a kick to my face to which I blocked. She then started sending a barrage of punches and kick but I redirected, dodged, and blocked her attacks.

She rushed in once more but this time I went offensive, I sent a liver blow to stop her flow and she dodged, but it was fine as I disrupted her timing. I then followed it with a sweep and she backed out and glared at me intensely.

She increased her speed and kicked the ground as she instantly appeared in front of me, sending a punch aiming at my face as I dodged it by tilting my head to the side.

I then sent a knee strike to her stomach and she dodged and reappeared at my backside, and I automatically reacted to it as I turned and chose to send a liver blow to her to trade blows.

As soon as her punch connected with my face, I twisted my neck to disperse most of the damage but Soi Fon who received my liver blow was wheezing as she was breathing heavily.

"Are you really that mad at me, that all your attacks are aimed at my face?" I said as her glare intensified. She forgot the pain and rushed in once more, but it was a pointless fight anymore, she isn't thinking straight anymore. I then had a mischievous idea, being influenced by Mayumi after being with her after so many years.

As soon as she sent a kick at my face, I blocked and held on to it and got closer to her and removed my hand holding her foot as I locked her arms with a hug and whispered "How about I take responsibility for it?"

It was the final straw as Soi Fon's head immediately turned red and I formed a block of demonic energy to stand on and put my hand on her forehead followed by my own forehead making her face to face with me, she turned redder with a tint of pink.

"Hm? You're not sick, right? Why is your face red?" I continued teasing her as she finally spoke

"W-w-what are you s-saying. M-My h-heart is o-only for Y-Yoruichi! I'm not sick! I-I don't know why my face is red!" She shouted and immediately punched me and I flew quite a distance before stopping just before I hit the wall.

"Whoa, that punch sure packs a lot huh." I said and looked at Soi Fon who is sitting on the floor mumbling things about not having the dignity to chase after her again, and that she is sullied and cannot marry anymore with tears threatening to fall.

'Dealing with a traditional woman is hard... real hard.' I thought. "*sigh* If you think you are sullied by me, then I'll take responsibility for it. Once I'm of legal age, I'll marry you, though not out of love but because its my responsibility to you. As of now, I don't want to think about complicated things such as love and marriage, I still have lots of things I want and need to do and to accomplish. For now... I guess, lets do the basics and lets have a date or two... also maybe announce our engagement to everyone."

I said as I really can't do anything about it, it'll always result in awkward situations when we meet, its better to do this so she can focus on her missions.

Soi Fon looked at me for a second before lowering her head down again, I walked towards her and patted her head.

"Though, our marriage is not out of love, we still have plenty of time to change that and settle our feelings, but for now, lets enjoy the time we have and get to know each other more. We barely know each other after all." I said to assure her.

'Aside from what I've watched and read from the manga, there are lots of blocked out information about her.' I thought

I can't help but sigh as the topic of woman and love are arguably the most complicated word ever created by humankind.


I guess I did... below average? Its rushed chapter after all. I also aimed for Soi Fon first as she is the only legal person to chase aside from Louisa. I don't want FBI on my tail. XD. As you can see he will take responsibility for Soi Fon and marry her not out of love, but he will slowly develop feelings overtime.

Also Demons gain low respect because they thought that Demons are just lowly barbarians who succ.u.mbs to their instincts. But the high level intelligent demons can't get out because of the seal Sparda created to the hell gates.

Also next chapter is a massive time skip of maybe 6 or 7 years split into 3 or 4 chapters. Cause I think the Cleria Belial incident happened a year before canon. It took a year before Rias and Sona were chosen to take the mantle of its administrator to gain experience.

Also I plan to have MC skip levels and have him attend MIT with the help of his thought acceleration thingy. Also after the time skip, belial incident and start of the canon, its time for him to meet Dante.

Let me know your thoughts as I'm a dumb author, so help me out XD

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