Vergil In Another World

Chapter 27 - 26. (Updated)

Its been 2 years since getting our new home. I stopped going to middle school in Japan as I went overseas to attend MIT and use their resources to incorporate them into making weapons for myself and the gang. Mayumi was sad because of it but respected my decision, I smacked her forehead said to her that I can always come home everyday. I can teleport after all which makes her regain her smile.

(3rd person Pov)

So... what happened after 2 years? Uncle Jouichiro has built a 10 floor hotel with every type of cuisine as restaurants, ie; Japanese, French, Indian, and etc. His hotel has been growing and when the Guild announced that they are having a collaboration, the entire country was in an uproar.

The largest company in Japan, the Guild, has collaborated with the prodigy chef and introduced food tickets as a reward for the quest.

The Shinto Gods watching the economic boom of their country were elated and wanted to meet the person behind the scene. They were even surprised that they are not the real head of their business, just the one managing it.

They are curious about it and asked but Francis declined saying they will meet eventually. A Low Level Shinto God started threatening them but was told to back off by Amaterasu. The man in front of them may seem harmless but she can feel the slight pressure he is emitting.

Uncle Francis eventually told them that if they continued threatening them, then they can always start over in other countries making them shut up. Lastly, Francis said that, should anything happen to Jouichiro, they may be wiped from existence.

"It was not a threat but the truth. That's how terrifying the person backing us deals with those who he deems dangerous to those close to him." Francis said and they thought he was bluffing so he continued but this time green tattoos started appearing in his body covering even his clothes.

"I told you because I was kind enough to avoid massacre. I may be ruthless in business world but needless massacre is not my thing, but if you dare as much as lay a hand on those close to him, I can only pray for you but I will not pity you as you've brought it to yourself."

The Shinto Gods left unsatisfied, leaving three major Gods there, being Amaterasu, Tsukoyomi, and Susanoo. Amaterasu is severely interested in the one who is backing up Francis, she did not sense that he was lying earlier or did he have a reason to lie to them either.

One day a terrorist group has kidnapped Jouichiro and asked for money, It wasn't even a day, only an hour after they asked for money, when Jouichiro came back without a scratch nor bruise.

He pointed out the place where he has been taken, when the police checked the said place, it was so disturbing that other police officers fainted due to massive gore in there. They eventually called the special forces to check the place and the bodies' injuries and they found out that a massive amount of sword cuts assaulted them.

As for Hilda? She went to a maid school in France, she showed Vergil the magazine of a popular Maid school. She wants to be the best of the best maid out there, seeing her determination, he let her go. They were not sad as she can always return if she gives Vergil a call if she wants to go home or stay in the dorm there. She is in her final stages of training so maybe, she will return back to Japan for good.

Saeko? She was the only one who followed Mayumi in studying in Japan to which Mayumi's grateful for. They enrolled in a private school and Saeko joined the Kendo Club and a month later became the Captain of the club, with her swordsmanship, paired with Kenbunshoku Haki, its enough for her to win the national level, she was even asked if she wanted to participate worldwide, but she declined. Mayumi, Hilda, and Saeko became the best of friends.

How about Milluki? Milluki became the most trusted information broker, with the amount of money he earned, he used them for buying figurines. His room in the level 3 bas.e.m.e.nt can be called a museum due to the massive number of the figurines in there. His body didn't change at all, he neither lost or gained fats, which made me curious of how his metabolism works.

Also, Louisa became the support the Guild and Jouichiro's hotel, she already countered the enemy companies' movements before they even make their move. With her ability to slow down time and analyze information, you may call her the ric.h.e.s.t person alive, because if not for her, the rise of the Guild and the hotel will be heavily slowed down. Francis was starting to expand overseas because of their momentum but was stopped by Vergil because of what Old man Nobu told him.

Old man Nobu told him on his deathbed, that his mother is pretty much alive and his brother was also alive and asked him to never hate his family as her mother did it all to protect her sons. He didn't want to meet Dante yet as the time was not yet right, also Dante should be on his mercenary days, training himself, he don't want to disrupt his growth. It then made Vergil question himself.

'Was me being here created this massive difference?' he thought the difference is only a thing or two, but to this extent? He didn't expect it at all.

He also asked Old man Nobu if he wants to join his group and be reincarnated as a demon, but he refused, saying he wants to rest in peace and meet his wife waiting for him in the afterlife. Old man Nobu also asked Vergil to cremate his body and sprinkle his ashes into the sea because her wife loved the sea so much that they even transferred to a port town and lived in happiness.

Old man Nobu also told him that he knew that Vergil was injecting the demon's vitality to him to prolong his life. He then revealed to Vergil that He, Kaine(made up by me as the one who gave Vergil the V book), and Eiji were once magicians that once fought side by side with his father, Sparda ages ago. Meaning he is really old now and was on his deathbed.

Speaking of magicians, after Milluki gained all the information of the major players connected to the supernatural world, I learned that there are many Mage Associations, such as Nilrem who is affiliated with Khaos brigade, Hexennacht, a group of independent stray magicians led by Walburga, Grauzauberer led by Mephisto Pheles, Golden dawn, Rosenkreuzer and the Clock Tower led by Koichi Saegusa. Vergil also confirmed that the ten master clans didn't exist in this world.

Also from Milluki's research, the Saegusa's ancestor was experimented by Merlin Ambrosius, the legendary Wizard in the Arthurian legends. Merlin transformed the body to be able to feel, control, and be able to use the devil's energy, while still making him a human, and transform it into elements.

Meaning the ancestor was transformed from a human to an artificial devil, soon the ancesror was released by Merlin and removed his memories of being experimented on and left the information on how to use magic. That ancestor returned to Japan and had a family, and his children, inherited his ability to use magic. His wife thought that he married a monster and left them, he then became a mercenary to fill his children's belly.

All of the money he saved was used to build the foundations of the clock tower, after his death his children continued his legacy and made the clock tower prosper. After so many years they grew at a fast pace and was now a powerhouse that can't be underestimated.

As for Soi Fon? Find out more on the next episode of... Dragon ball Z.

Title: Time skips... and time skips... and another one?- or not. Part 1


Let me know what to improve as always ????

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