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Massive amounts of Demonic power flooded Vali's body, I watched the transformation happening as he turned into a bulky dragon covered in armor pieces. The Dragon roared and sets its eyes on me, it then walked towards me as every step it makes sends tremors to the ground and making spider web cracks to its path. The dragon then rushed towards me with a flap of its wings and tried to bite me.

I wore beowulf much to the shock of Azazel as I dodged the bite by tilting my head sideways but a beam was charging in its mouth, catching me off guard. I immediately jumped and punched the head downwards as the beam launched downwards, causing a massive explosion. I'm not affected by it though. He is slowly dividing my physical prowess too, looks like I have to kick it up a notch.

I positioned myself with my usual Ryusui Gansai-ken stance, I then flexed my fingers to make them flexible as the technique I'm going to use next needs perfect accuracy and speed.

The dragon roared and flapped its wings again to me but this time, I kicked my speed up a notch higher.

"Ryusui Gansai-ken! Fang Interpolation!" my hands moved like the water and my punches are connecting and causing shockwaves and lifting it up into the air while my finger pierces through the dragon's small weaknesses. (Just watch how Garou wrecked Stinger, thats how I envisioned the shockwaves XD)

I then finished it with an elbow to its sternum. The dragon was then sent flying and crashed into the wall, the bas.e.m.e.nt was not destroyed completely as Azazel was maintaining the barrier.

I was about to pick up Vali from the ground but I still saw the bulky dragon, it then shined as white light covered the bulky dragon and transformed into the slimmer form of juggernaut drive. I then heard the voice of Vali who is laughing but I noticed that his voice deepened.

"Hahahahaha, thanks to you brother Vergil, I mastered that form of mine. No matter how much I wish to fight you in my current form now, I can't move my body anymore. What did you do to my body?" Vali asked with elation in his voice as he dissolved the armor.

What I saw shocked me as I saw an older version of Vali, like in his early teens.

"What the heck happened to your body?" I asked him as I was wondering why did his body m.a.t.u.r.ed by at least 3 to 4 years. His appearance now looks older than me by a year or two, but his mental age... let's not talk about it.

"What do you mean what happened to my body? I can't move it, I should be the one questioni- Oh." Vali then noticed that his voice deepened and his clothes right now feel small for him.

"Uncle Azazel, this should be enough right?" I then flashed a V sign at the cctv camera.

"Looks like you two are hiding something from me eh? Not that I care. That armor you got there Vergil, what is it and where did you get it? Also what was that thing where you chanted something Vali? Also why did your body m.a.t.u.r.e by 3 to 4 years? Why didn't you show that thing to me when we were training?" Azazel launched a bunch of questions.

"Oh, this? I bought them from a travelling merchant. It boosts my strength by at least 5 times when I wear it." I showed Azazel Beowulf as Azazel had an interest in what it provides.

"I see." Azazel then looked at Vali who shrugged and gave up.

"Juggernaut drive, the forbidden art of the sacred gear divine dividing. As for how my body grew up like this, Albion warned me that if I used Juggernaut Drive, having not enough demonic power, it used my life essence." he said while Azazel was thinking about his research while Vali was pondering about the battle just now.

"Then all is well yeah? Devils have long lifespan after all. Anyway I'm leaving Uncle Azazel. See ya, Vali." I said and waved

"Un. Thanks for the good fight brother." Vali said, making me think that his mental age didn't m.a.t.u.r.e with his physical body.

I then left the place and teleported home. Uncle Jouichirou came home today, so we're having a feast. After dinner I started doing my regular Saitama training. All the tickets I've got from weekly quest is 104 E-rank tickets which I traded to become 10 D-rank ticket and traded it to a single C-rank ticket.

As for Mayumi, she started going with Saeko in a private high-school, and became the student council president of the school, her magic control has also improved a lot that she didn't need to use her CAD to cast spells. Her magic reserves have also improved as she can keep casting spells continuously for almost 20 minutes.

Aa for Soi Fon, when I announced to them that we are engages, there are different reactions, they didn't expect that I became engaged at such an early age. Uncle Rayleigh, Uncle Jouichiro, Uncle Francis had a look of amus.e.m.e.nt and curiosity, as for Hilda and Saeko, after being 'educated' by Mayumi via girls' talk, didn't know what engagement is, so they asked Mayumi what it is and she was shaken and immediately confronted me about who the girl is.

Seeing that there's no more hiding about it, I asked Soi Fon to show herself, I was about to introduce her but Mayumi dragged her leaving me dumbfounded at what just happened. After that, their relationship even improved, Soi Fon also joined the girls' talk which I'm not allowed to listen into.

My relationship with Soi Fon can now be called a proper relationship, I guess? I dated her and took her to places where I think she will enjoy herself, for example a maid cafe where you can pet and feed the cats inside.

I also get to know more about her. I also bought her clothes and seeing her in a dress rather than her usual uniform, is rather refreshing and mesmerizing. We also talked about her feelings or her obsession for Yoruichi.

"You know, I may not have experience with dating, love or whatever it is called, but the feeling I felt when we were just having fun, the time passing by without us noticing, learning more about each other, and many new things I experienced is different to what I feel with Yoruichi. I've been her bodyguard for so many years and her trusty partner, I've admired her for everything, her beauty, her skills, her wits, and her antics. She's like a Goddess in my eyes, but I guess a Goddess is not for someone like me."

Soi Fon said with a sad tone, she knew that her love for Yoruichi will not be rewarded but still kept chasing after her and her shadow. I listened to her without complaining or saying a word. I'm glad that she's slowly opening up and seeing her fragile state, I can't help but pat her head.

"Don't worry about it, I know Yoruichi knows how you feel for her, you're doing great yourself. Maybe Yoruichi is in love with someone else? Who knows. Don't think too much about it." 'Sorry Kisuke, I need an scapegoat and you fit the bill' I thought as I channeled Soi Fon's inner frustration target to Urahara.


I used the Juggernaut Drive to match his age to the original but his mental age.... let's not talk about it.

So yeah, I squeezed out some chapter in my free time at work and school. If you are confused as to what is happening, these are the events that happened within 2 years timeskip, just more elaborated something like that.

Also I can't reply to chapter and paragraph comments as i'm quite busy with school works and work stuff but when I'm bored in my free time I used it in writing a chap and didn't bother replying as my free time is quite short sorry ????

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