It has been a few days after the fight with Vali and I asked Uncle Francis to set up a meeting with the Shinto Gods after the fight and today is the day of the meeting. I'm also excited to have a bout with the Gods themselves. Even though my strength is on par with heavenly dragons if I went all out, I still want to see if my martial arts or swordsmanship can match up to them.

I brought Soi Fon as she is interested in seeing Gods. We followed Uncle Francis to the venue which is a Shinto Shrine. A servant guided us to the place of the meeting and as we arrived at the place, many eyes were watching the newcomers. I then saw a raven black haired beauty approaching us.

"We're not late aren't we?" Uncle Francis said

"No no, you're right on time actually." Amaterasu replied.

"Shall we start the meeting then?" Uncle Francis proposed but the shinto Gods looked at Soi Fon completely disregarding the kid with them, only one person was looking in disbelief with a mix of curiosity towards me.

"Beautiful lady, may I have the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to invite you at my humble abode for tonight." A horny Mid level God mesmerized by the beauty of Soi Fon said to Soi Fon but she ignored him.

"You dare ignore me? A mid level God? I took the chance to invite you to my humble abode, and you disregard it like its nothing!?" Seeing that he's being completely ignored and felt like a dumb fool, he was about to strike her down but a voice sounded to the ears of everyone.

"I wouldn't recommend you doing that if I were you, if you don't want to die in two steps, right Little Bee?" I said to the Mid Level God before turning to Soi Fon who is blushing from my teasing.

"I presume you are the person Francis was talking about? and she is?" Amaterasu spoke to me much to the disbelief of the Shinto Gods.

"Well, I'm surprised that you noticed. Even though I'm keeping it well in tact, you still managed to sense my energy. I'll praise you for that. As for the woman beside me, she's my fiancee. Looks like I need more training Little Bee." I said the first part to Amaterasu with curiosity on how she figured it out while the latter part to Soi Fon with a sad tone while Soi Fon is just silent but her ears were red.

"Why thank you for your praise, its just that I tend to be more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to magic. Shall we begin the meeting then, Mr.?" Amaterasu said

"Vergil Redgrave." I said.

"Well then, Mr. Redgrave, shall we start?" Amaterasu said but...

"Hold on a second, you're saying that the kid in front of us is the backer of Francis? Are you taking us for a fool, Amaterasu?" The mid level God said.

"Me? Taking you for a fool? Please. Susanoo, Takemikazuchi, Tsukoyomi, I'm sure you've felt it as well. It might be faint but the magic that is leaking in his body is pure and dense. So sit down and don't interrupt us. If he's not the one Francis' is talking about then I might have assumed that the lady in front of me is the one Francis talked about."

Amaterasu said as Susanoo and Tsukoyomi was fired up to have a bout with me while Takemikazuchi is interested in the sword I'm holding. The mid level God calmed down seeing the reaction of the other Gods.

I'm holding the Force edge with a sheath, but the leaking demonic power from it can be felt by Takemikazuchi as a God pertaining to sword, he swore that he'd seen that sword before but can't remember when and where did he see such a sword.

The meeting then started with a few casual talks and praises, I let Uncle Francis do the talking as he's the experienced guy in dealing with meeting like this, my thought accelerator was working full time as I understood the contents of their meeting. It may seem like I'm only listening to them but with my thought accelerator, I can follow up with the topics they are discussing. The meeting reached its final stages and it is time for the most heavy talk.

"Mr. Redgrave, I heard that you have a proposal for us that will benefit us both, care to explain?"

"Just Vergil is fine, my proposal is actually a simple one. The former ruler of Kuoh is currently missing and no one's administrating the town causing chaos all over the place. My proposal to you is to let Uncle Francis be the administrator and he will protect the town in my stead. In exchange, I want 3% of the monthly payment of the loans alongside 2% of the interests that the devils will pay in the future, should they continue loaning the place. It is a cheap price, I must say. So what do you say?"

"Preposterous, you act like you own this place brat! You are living under the pantheon of the Shinto Gods and you dare rip us off like this?" the mid level God from earlier spoke up.

"Living under the pantheon of Shinto Gods? Then should I erase your pantheon and make it mine?" I threatened him, I'm close to killing him, he's been getting on my nerves since earlier and even disrespected my fiance.


Amaterasu's voice can be heard resounding in the place. The God then sat back down in shame, after this meeting, he would be lucky if he didn't become a stray God kicked by the Japanese Pantheon.

"Quite ruthless, I must say, but I like it. What do you think my Little Bee?" Soi Fon had an amus.e.m.e.nt look on her face but glared at me at the latter part.

"If I have to be ruthless to avoid a disaster, then by all means, I will be. Now then, shall we get back on topic?" Amaterasu said as she definitely gained my respect with her taking action.

"So your proposal is, you get 3% of the monthly loan payment alongside 2% of the interest of the loan should the devils continue loaning the town? What if they don't?" Amaterasu said

"Then we'll take 0.1% of the earnings gained from the town itself. How about it?"

"I didn't know you were so knowledgeable about business, very well then. I accept your offer. In turn you shall uphold on your end of the bargain. With this, the meeting has ended. Vergil, do you mind joining us in the party at Takamagahara?" Amaterasu invited us to the party and we agreed as a magic circle teleported us with them.


One more before I hit the sack ????

Also I made a mistake in their school timeline because I got confused of their school system(Things like 3 years middle school and 3 years high-school which is different of what I'm used to so, I apologize for that) , I will fix it later or if I can't sleep as I'm sleepy after studying ????

As usual, lemme know if there are problems and things to improve.

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