"Let the match begin!"

But 10 seconds have passed and the competitors are still not moving. I summoned yamato in my hand and used my off-hand to crack my neck once more. I then started walking towards him with my weapon lowered as he did the same.

We then stood in front of each other waiting for one another's strike. He is powerful that's a fact. Thor made his first move by swinging his hammer to me as I blocked it only with Yamato still in my sheath. I then redirected the hammer to fall on the ground and used judgement cut to test him out.

Massive amounts of cuts started appearing on Thor's body. The crowd was astonished seeing their display of power and it seems like their hero, Thor, was in a disadvantage.

"Hah. It seems that that human can hold out on his own, but brother is still not getting serious yet." Loki said while watching the match.

The slugfest keeps on going on for 5 minutes straight as I keep trying my best to merge my Ryusui Gansai-ken with my swordplay.

Thor is riddled in cut wounds but I know that it is all superficial wounds as I didn't intend to wound him deeper and I am using him as a grindstone to perfect my swordstyle.

Thor stepped back for a bit as the crowd was astounded once more to see their hero backing out of the fight, but contrary to their feelings, Thor spoke.

"Looks like you are using me as a grindstone, VERY WELL. Don't disappoint me with your strongest!" He said as lightning started flowing through his hands and channeled it to Mjölnir as it started being covered in lightning.

The crowed cheered and Loki had a wide grin on his face. But all of them shut their mouths down when a massive wound appeared on Thor's c.h.e.s.t. This slash was different as the cut was really deep. Thor tried to regenerate the wound but it healed so slowly.

"I forgot to tell you, my blade has anti-divine property in it as well as anti-healing and immortality." I said to Thor who just smiled at my words.

"Looks like you really are taking me seriously. Then allow me to show you my strongest as well." He removed his armament, Járngreipr, off his hands.

"What?! He removed his strongest armament! How will he handle Mjölnir without the protection of Járngreipr?!" Heimdall announced as they don't know why Thor removed his armament, but Freyja and Rossweisse already knew the truth as it was already told by Vergil. The 'true' nature of Mjölnir and Járngreipr.

I then waited for the hammer to awakened as the Mjölnir started emitting a very hot temperature and started pulsing as well.

"Looks like you've awakened huh. Wake up sleepyhead." Thor said as veins started popping from Mjölnir shocking everyone besides those who know the true nature of Mjölnir.

"This is a shocking development folks! To think that Mjölnir is a living entity! Truely fitting for the strongest Nordic God!" Heimdall praised.

Thor then picked up Mjölnir one handed as Heimdall shouted.

"One hand!? What monstrous strength!"

"Ddraig, boost my reserves, I'm going to need it as I'm close to merging my swordstyle."

"Very well partner."

'BoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoost!' Massive amounts of power started flooding my body and I directed it to my brain as I used my thought accelerator to quickly merge the Ryusui Gansai-ken and my swordplay.

The Hammer Thor threw started returning back as I used Darkslayer Arts to dodge it once again and Thor caught it and used the centrifugal force to rotate once more to slam the hammer down once more.

I then transformed into my Sin Devil Trigger as the yamato started turning into Devil Sword Vergil.(The reddit one)

The crowd was shocked at my display of power as I put the DS Vergil in front to block Thor's attack.

"Geirrod." An attack that Thor used only once in the fight against Jörmungandr.

Light started blinding the crowd as the clash was happening and when the light died down, they were shocked to see me in my Sin Devil Trigger form.

"You are the second person to make me use this form, the first one being the God Slayer."I said in a deep voice The crowd were in a rollercoaster of shock as the rumors of me defeating the God Slayer shocked them once more.

"I see. Then I'm honored to face your full power." he said.

I stepped back and readied ourselves as we knew that the next one is the most strongest attack we will unleash. He then threw the hammer at me with his strongest throw as I dodged it with Darkslayer Arts

"Thanks to you, I've finally completed it. My own sword arts. As a gratitude, let me show it to you." I said as I dodged the returning hammer and caught it once more and this time he mixed it with his lightning.

"Geirrod Thor's Hammer" A combination of his two moves, his strongest attack.

Meanwhile I made the DS Vergil wave it and formed a yin-yang in the air as water started coating the sword.

"Sword of the Raging Water God, Godslayer" I said in a deep voice.

I then received Thor's strongest attack with mine and the clash once again caused a massive shockwave as clouds of dust started covering the two fighters.

A minute has passed since the clash but the dust was still covering the two. The crowd who are watching the match are very tense and wants to see the end of the fight.

Another 30 seconds passed before the dust started clearing and they were shocked when they saw Thor's hammer... split in two.

Thor fell down as he received his first loss ever since he was born, but he was smiling. I then deactivated my sin devil trigger and when they saw me in my dmc 5 form with the black coat. They instantly fell for me meanwhile, Freyja after seeing the clash in front of her eyes, lost the strength in her legs as water started dripping in her legs and when she saw my a.d.u.l.t form, it was the final blow. She started blushing as she came many times simultaneously.

'Ahhhh, I want to make you mine.' She thought.

I then started offering my hand to Thor as he grabbed it and he raised my arm in the air, signifying the end of the match. All of them are in disbelief, to see their strongest God being defeated shocked them.

Thor then said to me

"Next time, I won't lose and I will take the title of strongest from you." I laughed at him as we fist bumped.

"Sure, come at me."

It was then that history's greatest rivalry, is born. Even leaving the heavenly dragon rivalry in the dust.


Well I think this will be the final chapter for today as we will prepare for the quarantine because of COVID-19

Stay safe out there to all of you guys, If there's still time maybe I can post by midnight.

You will see a person's true nature when in a disaster. People hoarding for supplies and reselling for a high price. They aren't humans but animals in my eyes.

So yeah, Let me know what you thought of the chapter and ways to improve it. Also if there are typos or mistakes, let me know as well.

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