After the match, Thor was looking at his broken Mjölnir.

"Don't worry, just give me the materials, I will craft a better hammer for you." I said as I have the confidence to make a better Mjölnir, if not for my stingy father then it would be a masterpiece of mine.

I then asked him where Mimir's location is. He then guided me the way to Mimir's location and when we were there, he left me, alone with Mimir who is sealed with tree roots.

"Ahhh~ a rather 'peculiar' visitor." he said.

"Well, nice meeting you, wisest God." I replied.

"To think that the son of Sparda would visit me. I'm really honored." He said and was waiting for my face of surprise but he was disappointed as it didn't affect me.

"To think that the wisest of the Gods, who claims that he knows it all would be sealed in here." I said to Mimir

"Well, its because of these wise mind of mine that gave me these." As he motioned the sealing roots covering a part of his arms, legs and body.

"Enough about that, what have you come here for, Son of Sparda?" He asked.

"I want to learn from you." I firmly said as knowledge would always be a great weapon in someone's hands.

"And what do I get from teaching you?" he asked.

"A secret. Secret that not even you knows." I said as I tried baiting him.

"And what is this supposed secret be?" He asked.

"Teach me and I'll tell you." I said as he thinks if he should accept or decline. As a pursuer of knowledge, it is disturbing for him to not know something.

"I will teach you but after that you'll tell me that secret that not even I knows." he said

"Let me ask you a question first. What is that cursed palace away from Asgard, that keeps burning the outer wall." I asked as I'm really confused why a cursed place was in there.

"That, is the place where the Oldest sister of the Valkyrie, she was eaten by a curse when she angered Odin by allowing a warrior that differed from Odin's intention and pretty much had taken most of her divinity, resulting in a sleeping curse at a hall engulfed in flames. And the fated one who can remove the curse will be bestowed by her blessings of happiness." He explained as I understood what it meant.

"I see. Now I'm more curious in that place." I said

"I suggest you stop, only the fated person will be able to cross that flame as it will burn everything that it deemed unworthy." He said.

"Heh~ we'll see." I said and sat down in front of him as he started teaching me all the knowledge he had ever known in the nine realms.

"To think that my lifetime of knowledge would be perfectly learned in only 6 months. Maybe I should just kill myself?" He said jokingly because that's how absurd it was.

"Hey, Mimir, can I ask you once last question? It's been plaguing me for so long for some reason." I said.

"Sure go ahead." He said.

"Its about women." I said as Mimir immediately went silent.

"If you are talking about many girls taking an interest to you, then you should go ask Odin. I can only provide you little for this topic as I'm not versed in this topic, also I've been chained to these for as long as I remember." Mimir said

"Sure, just an insight would be enough, I could figure it out on my own." I said

"Well, women are the most mysterious creatures ever created. Their mind runs in a way that our mind cannot comprehend. Well, if you are given a choice if you want one wife or plenty of them?" He said.

"I don't know. I love Soi Fon because of the bonds we forged over time, but I would be lying if I didn't feel the same towards others, but it would be a jerk move to Soi Fon as she's my fiancee and would be married should I hit my legal age." I said

"There you have it. You have already said that you have feelings for others, and if this Soi Fon you are talking about would let you, then why don't you try forging a bond with each other? If it works, it works. If it doesn't, then it doesn't. Its just simple. Don't make your mind a complex one the same as a woman. Make your mind a simpleton as it should be. It was Eva who first ate the fruit of knowledge, not Adam. Its reasonable." he said as I chuckled at it and reached enlightenment once more.

"Well, now its time for me to fulfill the end of my bargain." I then leaned and whispered the secret that no one knows.

He is confused as well as shocked from my words and processed everything I said but can't fit it to everything he knows of or learned.

Well as for what I said? Its pretty simple really, I just said to Mimir that:

'Morgan Freeman is the God above all.'

I then made my way back and was once again met with Freyja.

"Do you really have that much free time to wait for me?" I said

"Well, I was interested in your conversation with Mimir. To think that someone already like you and have many that interests you already, me being one of them." Freyja said as she licked her lips.

To be honest, I pity someone like Freyja. She was disliked because of her divinity. She can't help but l.u.s.t for those that interests her, and that's why I would never accept her as all she felt was l.u.s.t and l.u.s.t alone. If there is love in her feelings, then I might change my mind, but as I can see it right now, its just pure una.d.u.l.terated l.u.s.t.

I didn't answer her as I continued walking back to Asgard and met with Thor who is being trained by Odin. I said my greetings and asked for the remains of the Mjölnir and the materials to start recasting Mjölnir.

I then made my way to Sindri and Brok's house and was greeted by a hug by the two. Their relationship got better over time though as I teased them about it but didn't deny it.

I asked them if they want to recast it or reforge it, because it is their prided weapon. Brok said that we will reforge it as it would only shame their name if they just recasted their prided weapon that is broken once.

We then worked for it around the clock as another year passed by as we finished the weapon.

"A masterpiece, a weapon for a king." Sindri said as he looked at the new weapon."

"Indeed, a weapon fit for a king." Brok nodded.

"So? What are you going to name it?" I asked the two.

"Jörmungandr? A weapon that no one can match?" Brok asked

"No, brother, using such vulgar name is just to your taste. How about Leviathan?" Sindri said as they continued arguing about the name of the weapon.

"Since we're at an impasse, how about I name it?" I said as Sindri and Brok was interested in the name I will give it.

"How about... stormbreaker?"

Final chapter of the day.

Stay safe out there fam. Covid-19 is being rampant once more. Be sure to stock up in your necessities and make your groceries before it affected much of the populace. Also it is much preferred to just stay inside your house, waiting for the pandemic to pass.

Let me know your thoughts on the chapter and ways to improve it. Also if there is/are typos in the chap, let me know as well.

Good Day/Night to y'all.

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