"Stormbreaker, you say?" Sindri asked.

"Yes, stormbreaker." I said.

"Hmmm. What do you think brother?" Sindri asked Brok

"Why not?" Brok said and the name was finalized.

We celebrated that day as we have forged that can rival or be greater than Mjölnir. I then walked back to Asgard and as usual Freyja was waiting for me as I passed her and walked straight back to Asgard and gave Thor his new weapon. He was fascinated with his new weapon and immediately tried it. Even Odin was surprised by it and thought if he should pass his throne now or wait.

I then left the place, I have been in this place for a year and 7 months. Its time to go to the place the last place that piqued my interest. The burning castle.

I walked into the place followed by Freyja and this time when Rossweisse heard I would be going to her sister's place, she immediately hurried along.

As I got there in front of the burning palace, I can sense that the fire is telling me to go away or i'm not worthy. Might be due to my divinity to fire. Since you deemed me unworthy... I gave an evilish grin that scared Rossweisse. 'I'm going to use you as a flame to my forge.'

I then took out a bunch of materials that shocked Freyja as she had never seen or heard of. And one of the ores in the chunk? Its anti-curse. I haven't had the time to integrate this to Yamato as it won't melt whatever I do, but with this living flame in front of me? Piece of cake.

I made my territory created forge visible to everyone as they were surprised of the popping blacksmith. First I tried to see the range where the living flame can reach and when I know its maximum range I started putting the Yamato into the flame as it made it heat up slowly.

I then put the anti-curse material in a metal dipper and melted it over the flame. The flames seemed angry as it flared up its heat trying to overheat Yamato, whatever he does won't destroy Yamato though. Its indestructible.

"Well, your purpose to me is done. Its time to move on." I then used yamato to open a space just passed the flame and the two who saw it was dumbstruck. The flame was like a barrier, even if you fly above it, it is still covered by the flames, but with me opening a space there, it changes everything.

"What, you aren't going to come?" I asked the two as I walked inside the portal and arrived inside the palace.

I then explored the place and saw that the palace was a simple place, seeing nothing that interests me, I spread my observation Haki. Freyja and Rossweisse felt like something scanned them and both looked to me as I said in a low voice.

"Found it." and walked to the direction where I sensed someone.

They were confused as to why I said that but still followed me. When we were in front of the hall, I stopped and they stopped as well and was confused why I stopped and they felt the same scanning feeling as I spread out my Observation haki once more, and I saw a barrier just in front of us.

I then summoned Yamato to cut the barrier apart and destroyed the door and inside was a glass casket and a beautiful lady lying in there. I can pick up with my ears that she is breathing.

"Well, well, what do we have here... hmmm a sleeping beauty." I said as Rossweisse immediately ran towards the casket, removed the lid and hugged her sister.

"Brunhilde-onee-san!" She called out to her with tears flowing in her eyes.

"Hmmmm, that curse hurt her a lot don't you think?" Freyja said.

"Indeed, for her divinity to morph into something like a curse to bind her down, a terrible fate indeed." I said and turned to Rossweisse who have been wailing at her sisters fate.

"Rossweisse, do you trust me? If you do then step aside and close your eyes. You won't like what you'll be seeing next." She did what I said and closed her eyes. I then slid down the shoulder part of the dress to show me her c.h.e.s.t. (only the heart part, not including the b.r.e.a.s.t.)

I then summoned Yamato and Rossweisse opened her eyes as she felt me summoning a sword and was scared of what's going to happen next and tried to stop me from doing what I intend to do, but she was too late. I thrusted Yamato down to her heart as light started covering the area. And I was dragged to a white space, in there I saw a person. A woman.

A beautiful woman with midnight blue hair that reaches her waist. She had a rather elegant but formal dress with a hairpin in the shape of a wing.

She then noticed me.

"Looks like you are the hero who've awakened me from my slumber." she said in an elegant voice.

"I'm no hero, I just do what I want." I replied as she smiled.

"Indeed, you have no hero qualities other than your strength. And I do hate heroes." She said as she remembered the betrayal, her lover said to her when he came here to be the first to wake her up.

"So? Why drag me into this space?" I asked as she came closer and she tried to kiss me but what she kissed was a cold flat of the blade of Yamato.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Passing my blessing and the acc.u.mulated knowledge of runes, I've learned in my entire life." She said.

"I know there are other ways to do that, Valkyrie." I said with a stern voice.

"Awww, what a party pooper." She said as she held my hand and a rune started floating in it and merged with my hand. Massive amounts of information flooded my mind as I tried to separate them one by one with thought acceleration.

After I finished integrating the runes, a wing tattoo appeared in my arm and the same happened to Brunhilde.

"What is this brand, Valkyrie?" I asked Brunhilde.

"It is the mark that represents that you have received my blessing and also that you are a champion I've chosen to devote my life and heart into." She said.

"Sorry, but I won't be needing this. The runes are enough of a payment for waking you up. I've had many problems with women already, don't add in to it." I said as I summoned Tsumugari Muramasa to cut the bond within the brand.

I was about to cut it when Brunhilde covered the brand with her hand.

"Please." She pleaded.

"You are the person I saw in my dream that will prevent ragnarok from happening." she said.

I sighed internally and placed the sword back to my inventory and she backed up. The white space then crumbled as we saw Rossweisse and Freyja.

"I'm back, Rossweisse, Freyja-sama." Brunhilde said.

"Welcome back sister." Rossweisse ran at fast speed almost stumbling into her sister's open arms.

"Looks like you're awake, Valkyrie." Freyja said.

"Well, I'm done in this place. Time to leave." I said as I opened a portal to Asgard. Although I can teleport back to my home, I would still like to say my goodbyes to the people here as a decorum.


Chap for today. Once again be safe out there fam.

Don't have a reference for stormbreaker, just make it an oversized MCU one with wooden handle just like the leviathan axe.

Next arc will be meeting Dante.

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