I opened a portal towards the room where Nevan resides as the gatekeeper. When I entered the place, a swarm of bats started flying through me before they started combining in the middle of the stage and a woman with red hair that reaches and covers her b.r.e.a.s.t and a black dress that only covers her wrist and lower part of her body.

She then started walking towards me and got closer and started flirting with me.

"First time, sir?" She asked as I only stared at her. Seeing me not responding she continued.

"How cold of you. You were such a handsome person as well. As expected of the son of Sparda." She said expecting a reaction from me but all she received was silence.

"Oh my, this is the first time I've received a cold treatment. Its turning me on." She said as I finally spoke.

"Swear your fealty to me and you'll stop being sealed in this place." I said to Nevan who was shook because he knows that she was sealed along this place but she quickly regained her composure.

"My my, how sweet of you to release me from this seal, but let me remind you, it was your father who placed this seal on me, not you. I doubt you could even give me what I want." She said to me

"Oh, that shitty b*stard? how many decades, millenia, or centuries was it since you were sealed in this place. I've already surpassed the Sparda of that time, you just need to swear your fealty to me and freedom will be yours." I said to Nevan who was pondering what should she do.

"Show me first the power of the one I'll swear fealty first before I make my decision." She said as she flew to the stage with her bats and lightning started surrounding her.

Since she wants to see my power to decide whether to swear fealty for me or not, I decided to show her 40% of my power as I summoned Yamato and used my First form of Devil trigger mixed with Balance Breaker as she stood there dumbfounded and pressured at the same time. We didn't need to fight as she already knew that she was not my match.

"I swear fealty towards the older twin of the Son of Sparda" She said as I used Yamato to separate her from the rune seal that my father created, when I saw the seal I was disgusted of the quality of the rune but understood that even a legendary craftsman was a sh*t work.

"Name's Vergil by the way." I said as I started examining the changes in my body.

After Nevan swore her fealty to me, she started flirting with me once more. She smjled sweetly as she realized that the seal was not present to her body anymore and the one she swore fealty was a handsome man and a son of Sparda to boot. Maybe settling down with him was nice after all, Nevan thought.

"My my, Master. Thank you for removing this seal as thanks..." She tried to kiss me but unfortunately for her it will only work for me once, Scathach already caught me off guard with that so Nevan won't be a problem as I used DS arts as she pouted.

"Seems like master is a shy type of man. Makes me turned on even more." She said as her bottom part started leaking.

'Ugh, Freya now had a bestfriend.' I thought as maybe my decision to take Nevan was a mistake or not.

When Nevan finished her acts she turned into a soul and started bonding with me turning my body into its storage. I then opened a portal and I watched how Dante walks up to Agni and Rudra.

(Agni and Rudra just keeps alternating when they speak. I won't put in 'Blue one or red one said or replied' as its redundant.)

"Look brother! Its been age, but we finally have company." The blue one said

"I see that." The red one replied

"We must entertain our guest."

"That's right we have to be gracious guest."

At this point Dante started being impatient and started walking side to side.

"What should we do?"

"How should I know? We need to come up with something!"

Dante sighed as he watched the two act like an a comedy act that no one would laugh at and is started to get irritated.

"Brother, our guest is sighing."

"SIGH? What is SIGH?"

"Well a SIGH is when..."

"ENOUGH ALREADY! How long are you two gonna keep on going like this?" Dante said as he finally snapped.

"In case you didn't get the hint. I'll spell it out. Your GUEST wants to go through. Got it?" Dante continued.

"Our job here is to guard this door." The red one said

"That's right! We cannot let you pass!" The blue one continued.

Soon they started fighting as I called out to Nevan and I laid down a blanket and a picnic basket with Uncle Jouchiro's foods. Nevan got curious about the food as she started taking a sandwich and sat beside me before eating. When she bit through the sandwich, she started squirming because of the food as she let out a sigh and her cheeks were flushed red as she o.r.g.a.s.med because of a sandwich. Well, if you think Nevan was overreacting, you should've seen how Freya reacted towards Uncle Jouichiro's food, but I won't tell. Imagine it for yourself.

Dante then beat the crap out of the two statue using his four styles and defeated them in under 5 minutes and I nodded at his time, heck if he took more than 5 minutes, I would've gone to the battlefield to quickly wrap it up.

When Dante defeated the two statues, he was about to go towards the door and I shook my head at Dante's poor sensory skills as he didn't even sensed us having a picnic over his fight. The two swords that flew to the ground suddenly called out to Dante.

"Wait!" The red sword sais

"Yes, wait!" The blue sword continued

"We have been waiting for a long time!"

"Yes, a very long time."

"For someone stronger than us."

"For someone who can control us.

"My name is Agni." the red one said

"And my name is Rudra. You shall take us with you!" the blue one said

"We could be of great help to you!" Both Agni and Rudra said.

Dante then pondered for a second before accepting.

"Okay, but on one condition." Dante said.

"What is it?" Rudra said

"Name it!" Agni continued

"No! Talking!" Dante said as Agni Replied.

"Fair enough."

"As you wish." Rudra replied.

Dante then started swinging both Agni and Rudra and started showcasing his skills as he held Agni and Rudra in an unorthodox way as fire and wind started flowing out of the blades and when he finished his demonstration and was about to keep it...

"Impressive." Rudra said.


Dante smashed the head of the two and said.

"NO. TALKING." Seeing that they are not replying.

"Good." Dante was about to enter the door when he sensed the killing intent towards him and looked at my direction, finally, he have seen me.

"Holy f*ck, how long have you been there, brother? You even got yourself a nice babe." He said to me as I started packing up.

"Ever since you started talking to the two, you should've seen your face when they started making a comedy skit." I said making Dante embarrassed about it.

"My, the younger of the twins, a splendid man as well." Nevan said to Dante in an alluring voice.

"Why don't you join me then? I'm sure brother is boring with the way he acts." Dante said as a tick mark started appearing in my forehead.

"I would like to decline, I like your brother more as he made me feel challenged, also I've already bonded myself with him." Nevan declined Dante

"Well, its a pity." Dante said quickly shaking it off his mind and shrugging his shoulder.

After packing everything up, we started heading out of the room.


I'm back I guess?? Can't say if I'm back because the work just keeps on piling up. Fortunately today was an off day for me so yeah.

Rewatching DmC 3 cutscenes to make sure I'm not wrong in the order. Also after not writing for a few days, I'm kind of rusty so yeah. I'll also post the three chapters of the fairy tail Father world and won't update it unless I've reached the 100th chapter of this Novel first.

As always let me know your thoughts in the chapter and ways to improve it. If there are typos or mistakes, let me know as well. I'm gonna post 2 more later? I don't know, I won't promise anything.

Promises are meant to be broken.

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