After getting out of the room we started heading to the top of the tower. And when Dante and I reached the top of the tower, we both saw Arkham and Rizevim. Rizevim's arm look as good as new and it piqued my curiosity but before I spoke, Dante beat me to it.

"Well, a boring party indeed. No chairs, food, the only girl in here just left." Dante said with no shame at all.

"Well, I apologize for the lack of decorations because of the lack of time. Welcome to the tower of Temen-ni-Gru and your soon to be resting place." As soon as Arkham said that a purple smoke surrounded us as the hero Faction started popping out of the pink smoke. This time I was the one who spoke.

"Heh~ the deserters of the battlefield called themselves heroes? *Ptui* What a disgrace. How was the wound? Healed already?" I said to Cao Cao who had a massive scar in his c.h.e.s.t as he gnashed his teeth in anger but held out when Rizevim spoke.

"Hold your horses, Cao Cao he's mine." Rizevim said in confidence.

Seeing that we are outnumbered, I looked at Dante who had a grin in face as I did the same.

"Hey, Dante. Race on who can defeat the most?" I said to Dante with a grin.

"Sure! You're on!" Dante activated his devil trigger while I simply used my stance in Judgement Cut End.

(A new move in mod update in Vergil's skillset. I will leave the link down later)

I charged it up as the hero faction started coming to me while Georg started assisting them. Cao Cao, Guan Yu, Ma Chao, Cu Chulainn, and Rizevim charged to me as they started using their weapons to attack me but I simply stood in my stance as I charged my Judgement Cut End.

Seeing me charging a huge attack, Rizevim used his source of confidence, his sacred gear canceller but when nothing is happening his face paled as he realized that my sword is in no way a sacred gear. Of course, Ddraig was separated from the Sacred Gear System and is now a part of Yamato.

"SLAY ALL!" I said as the space was cut into multiple pieces and flesh and blood of the hero faction started falling down as I'm bathed in their blood.

"HEY THAT'S CHEATING!" Shouted Dante as he faced Jeanne, and Arkham.

"Heh~ If you've got time to speak to me then finish your opponent." I said as I used the eyes of the God and I saw their souls. I immediately summoned a Jar that I've made should I fight against Sephiroth Graal. I s.u.c.k.e.d all of their souls into the jar as they paled, even Rizevim with a smug smile paled when he realized that he can't get away from the Jar.

I pinched Rizevim's soul as I came close to him and said.

"I will leave you so that you can use that toy that your friend has to revive. I will leave you for Vali to kill. Until then prepare your neck for when he comes for you." I then let go of Rizevim's soul as he flew in fear.

I then turned my attention to Georg who tried to run away but I simply used Air Trick before he was covered by Dimensional Lost as I dragged him out of it as he paled and realized that he can't get out.

I simply stomped in his head and used my Yamato to separate Dimensional lost from him before the sacred gear system acts to transfer ownership to a new host.

I then looked at Dante who knocked out Jeanne and was currently fighting Arkham and Arkham is in a disadvantage. He severely underestimated the powers of the Sons of Sparda. He thought that it was only a fluke or luck when he heard that the strongest Nordic God was defeated by me.

He regretted the fact that he was greedy and didn't assess the situation clearly. Dante then knocked him out with the Cerberus and Agni & Rudra. When we finished cleaning up, I saw Dante hesitating if he wants to kill Jeanne. Dante can feel that Jeanne was like a broken puppet without string. He then looked at me as his eyes started shining, I got a fcking bad feeling about this.

"Heeeeey~ Brother~ Can you hear me out for a sec?" Dante said clearly planning something bad.

"As you can see, the girl lying down there? How about you take him back to the Manor? Because if I was the one who took her in, as you know. MY FCKIN LUCK WITH WOMEN SUCKS. Surely she'll try to kill me in my sleep. Hell, the lady earlier when I saved her from turning into a meat paste, instead of gratitude, did you know what I received? A fckin bullet in the head. How about it? You'll take her in okay? I'm not taking no for an answer." Dante immediately jumped from the tower as he felt that the tower that will lead you to Demon World is a hoax and I tried to stop him.

Seeing that he already escaped I sent a telepathic message to Scathach to tell Dante that our job is not done yet, we haven't rescued mother yet.

After I finished sending the message to those down the tower, Mary Ann came up the tower and saw the carnage and she started vomiting. When she saw her father in the pile of dead bodies, she was enraged and when she saw me, she shifted her anger towards me and started shooting as I simply blocked by rotating Yamato in a helicopter motion and cut all her bullets.

"Woman, what the heck do you think you're doing?" I said as probably she hadn't told anyone her name, not even to Dante.

"WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?!" She shouted towards me as a dumbfounded expression arised from my face.

"Have you even checked if he is breathing? Because I'm pretty sure Dante just knocked him out." I said to Mary Ann who had a dumbfounded face herself and she blushed because of her childish outburst.

She then came closer to her father as I did the same because I know that Arkham has an alter-ego Jester. I would like to fight him when he has the power of father but time is ticking and I want to get this over with.

Mary Ann then started pointing a gun towards Arkham as her hand started trembling. Seeing her not finishing the job. I spoke up.

"If you cannot finish your job then stop. Killing someone close to you is a path hard to go back to. I can see that you're trembling meaning you either had a huge anger towards him or you just can't finish your job because of your attachment to this person." I said as she dropped the gun and dropped to her knees as she started crying.

"This man. This man is my father. And in her pursuit of power, he sacrificed the person she loved the most, my Mother, Kalina Ann. That's why I hate all demons!" She said as continued breaking down.

"You do know that there are demons who have an emotion right?" I said to Mary Ann as she stopped sobbing.

"What do you know!? Demons will always be demons! Cruel, Ruthless, Emotionless killers!" She said as I didn't deny it. I just slaughtered the Hero Faction.

"Come on. Finish your job, I have something I need from him so finish it so we can separate ways." I said to Mary Ann who hesitated before picking up the pistol and aimed it at Arkham. When she was about to shoot, Arkham slowly opened his eyes as he coughed and Mary Ann started rushing to him.

I sat down as I watched the interaction of the two. I kept looking at Mary Ann as I nodded as she is like Asia, Pure and Innocent, the only difference is Mary Ann had the blood of the priestess that Father sacrificed and also a key to opening the demon world.

Arkham then stated to Mary Ann that he was manipulated by a demon named Vergil and when he saw me, he panicked and pointed to me as he said that I'm Vergil. Mary Ann then stood up and took Kalina Ann and fired a rocket to me as Arkham's grin turned wide. I simply sliced the rocket and Mary ann started shooting me with her guns as I just casually blocked them with my helicopter guard.

She then started rushing towards me as all her guns ran out of bullets and picked up a weapon from the pile of dead bodies and attacked me with it. I then saw Jester trying to escape as I used my demonic power to lock the space making sure he won't escape and locked him in place.

When Mary Ann saw that I was distracted she thrusted a sword to my abdomen as I received it.

"This is for manipulating my father!" She said as I shook my head.

"Look behind you. Look towards the person you called father." I said to Mary Ann as she thought that I was just lying so I pushed her to turn her body f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y and she saw Jester as her father that was lying in the ground vanished.

"W-what happened? Where is father?" Mary ann asked in confusion as I continued.

"That, is your father's alter-ego. A Demon Jester and the reason why he didn't kill you was due to your blood, the blood of the priestess that was sacrificed by Sparda is flowing to you, making you an important piece in unsealing the tower. Alongside the amulets and Sparda's blood, your blood is also a key to opening the Demon world."

Mary Ann fell to her knees as her whole world crashed down and I didn't stop it and let it crumble. Arkham/Jester then shouted in panic and fear as he knows that I knew how to open the demon world.

"Don't believe him! I'm your father, you must obey me, you hear me!? You must listen to me and me alone! Now kill him!" he shouted but it only helped in crumbling Mary Ann's world. I finally spoke towards Mary Ann.

"Don't listen to what your father says to you, listen to yourself, what it is that you want. Ask your soul what it really wanted deep inside, and voila you'll have your answer." I said to Mary Ann who looked up to me and started pondering.

"My soul... My soul is screaming for me to kill him so that no more innocent people will be hurt by his hands." I then handed her the pistol she was using and a clip that had only one bullet left and pointed it towards the despairing Jester.

I noticed that her hand started trembling once more as I walked towards her and held her hand firmly and aimed it at Jester. She then pressed the trigger as the bullet passed through Jester's head and she immediately fell to her knees and sobbed.

I carried her with my back and brought her towards her father to at least say goodbye to his father. She then held her father's body as she wept her eyes out and it started raining. After saying Goodbye, she looked towards me and said.

"I was supposed to introduce myself as Mary Ann but I want a new life and a new life demands a new name." She said.

"Whatever you say lady." I replied casually.

"Hm. I like that name, I'll go for Lady then." Mary an- No, she is Lady now. I picked up Jeanne who's unconscious and opened a portal towards Dante and the gang. When they saw me, they shivered as they saw me carrying an unconscious Jeanne and Lady following me.

"*whistle* How I wish I had my brother's luck when it came to ladies." Dante said.

"Lady, I need some of your blood. It won't take long." I gestured to Lady who was hesitating.

"Why are you insisting on opening the demon world?" She asked and I replied.

"If the reason you went here was to settle your family business, we brothers also have a family business to settle in the demon world as a d.i.c.khead kidnapped our mother and was now at his mercy. That's why we are coming to his rescue." I said to Lady and she understood and gave her hand to me and I slit his wrist so that the blood will fall towards the hole. I then used my demonic power to close up the wound.

The tower then had an earthquake as the platform we stood on started rising up higher than the tower and when we reached the peak, a portal towards the demon world opened up and a fake force edge fell down as I can tell. Now I know why Arkham turned into a blob of monster when he absorbed father's power.

Seeing the portal, I then looked at Dante who had anticipation in his eyes and Lady had wariness on what will come out.

"How about you sit this one out. It is our family business from now on. Just stay with Scathach and the others for now and wait for our us to come back. Don't worry, we won't die." I said to Lady who is reassured by my words. I then opened a portal to Scathach's place and then let her walk towards it.

After she had left, I then looked at Dante as he nodded. We both walked towards the portal leading to the demon world.


Final Chapter of the day.

I was thinking if I should split this up into two but I decided to just turn it into one. Also I posted the prologue of the Fairy Tail world and will leave it be until I reached 100 chapters in this novel. So yeah. The name of the novel is 'A Father's Duty'

Let me know your thoughts in the chapter and ways to improve it. If there are typos or mistakes, let me know as well.

This is the link for Vergil's DmC 5 updated moveset, Damn Judgement Cut End was so damn cool! Disclaimer: You will have a boner from it ????????????

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