When we entered the portal, I was surprised to see a vast forest.

"Wow never knew that demon world's portal would lead us here in a f*cking forest, just great." Dante said but I kept silent as I'm using my observation haki along and pairing it with Demon Sense as I scanned the whole forest. I felt that someone is in the northwest direction, some sort of battle.

"Follow me." I said as I dashed to the direction I felt the presence.

It took us a minute to reach the place and we were a bit too late. A man holding a little girl was stabbed and had lost its light, meaning I could not heal him now. I then looked towards the little girl and felt pity. I shifted my attention to the killers and decided to ask them about Mundus.

I looked at Dante as he did the same and nodded at the same time as we rushed to the killers and beaten them black and blue. We both had an understanding that at some point, demons would learn of the human language and speak of it. I left Dante to the task of acquiring information from them as I head towards the little girl who just stared at the dead body.

"Little girl, do you know how to speak?" I asked her. She didn't answer but still just staring at the dead man.

"He's not going to go up anymore." I said to her and I got a reaction.

"Why? Why Ragu not stand?" She asked. I felt like she said it in demon language but I understood her words clearly, quickly destroying the language barrier between us.

"Because he's dead, he's not breathing anymore." I said to her, although a bit cruel, she needs to learn the truth and not some kind of white lie.

"Ragu dead?" She finally got what I'm saying as she immediately got sad.

I sighed as I summoned a box of sandwich for her and urge her to try one. Seeing her being skeptical towards the food, I ate one to ensure that she would take it. Seeing nothing happening to me, she finally decided to take one and ate. When she took a bite she was immediately enraptured by the food and smiled with tears in her cheeks.

Dante then came back and saw the little girl's smile and said to me.

"Hey, brother, it seems like they really don't know anything. They don't even know someone named Mundus."

I massaged my temples as an incoming headache was coming, if I knew the demon world would be this big, I should've atleast make some preparations. In time of our dilemma, the little girl finally spoke.

"Mundus? I know. I know where lives." She said as a ray of light finally dawned to us.

"Can you lead us to him? We need something from him." I said as her body shook and shivered in fear.

"No! Mundus kill you! Mundus wants kill me too!" She said to persuade us.

"Nah don't worry, we can handle it. Just tell us the direction of Mundus and we'll go." Dante said.

The little girl hesitated before standing up and motioned for me to lower my head and whispered that I'll bury Ragu and she'll lead me to Mundus. I did as she told and buried Ragu and she motioned for me to carry her as I did and we rushed to the direction she told us. Although we were wary about the little girl's words, she's the only one who knows Mundus at the moment.

We headed and followed the directions she pointed and when we arrived, what we saw was a huge temple. Dante was about to ask the little girl if what she's saying is true or not, but when the guards came out, we immediately knew that the place might be it.

Seeing the cl.u.s.ter of Demonic Generals, I already knew that this place was Mundus' abode. I had the little girl close her ears as I shouted.


Silence resounded the place as the Demonic Generals started laughing and mocking me. A hybrid? Dares to speak against Mundus? Preposterous!

The other demonic generals stopped laughing as they didn't see how I struck, even the Demonic Commander didn't see how'd it happen.

"Since this is the way its gonna be, don't blame me for annihilating your force, Mundus!" I let the little girl down and pointed to Dante as she looked at me first before running to Dante.

"Hey Vergil, don't you dare hog all of the fun!" Dante said as I ignored him.

"Take the little girl far from here and stay there." Dante frowned but decided to follow as he took the little girl and sprinted out of the place and stayed on a place where he can see the battle.

"Now that nothing's holding me back, although overkill, I need to unleash this at least once so that I have grasp to control this form." I said as I started chanting, holding Yamato, blue light started shining from the sword as I chanted.

I, who am about to awaken,

Am the Heavenly Demon Dragon who has stolen and surpassed the principles of domination from God

I laugh at the "infinite", and I grieve at the "dream"

I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination

"Juggernaut Drive"


Chapteeeeeer! Man, why do I feel like the Dao of Cliff keeps on appearing.

Anywaaays, need a bit of help changing some words or if you have different chant as I'm going to change the chant if I combine juggernaut drive and Sin trigger.

I, who am about to awaken,

Am the Heavenly Demon Dragon who has stolen and surpassed the principles of domination from God

I mock the "infinite", and I'm unbothered to the "dream"

I shall become the Azure Dragon of Annihilation

And I shall sink you to the depths of the endless purgatory!

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