The place started trembling as pressure started descending in the temple, the Demonic Generals and Commander was rooted in the spot as the pressure from the juggernaut drive and conqueror's haki started mixing and all those below Demonic General started fainting.

The Generals and Commander cannot move a single step as the transformation entered its final phases. They felt that grim reaper's scythe was hanging on their neck. They started forcing themselves to move but the pressure on them just started pressuring them even more.

When the transformation was finished, A red dragon with golden linings and blue gems, roared mixed with conqueror's haki as the generals started feeling faint. Seeing the demons in front of him, the dragon started his massacre on to the poor souls as it stepped on the unconscious demons who fainted from conqueror's haki earlier.

A few was able to move as they attacked the dragon but all they did was aggroed the dragon and was immediately killed when it bit the puny demon in front of it.

While the massacre was going on, I was like a spectator watching it in a widescreen in a black space. Soon figures started popping into the darkness.

"So you are the current wielder of the boosted gear huh." A man with a gruff turquoise hair said.

"Indeed, he looks manly as well!" the woman has long, wavy blonde hair decorated with a head accessory, wearing a light purple dress.

"Well, since the other's don't want to talk. The two of us should be fine right?" The man said.

"My name is Belzard. And that woman is Elsha. Quite the knockers she got, don't you agree?" Belzard said as she glanced at Elsha with fire in his eyes.

"Mou~ its not for you to look at Belzard. Its for him." Elsha then showed me her cleavage but my heart was not moved in the slightest. As a man of culture T.H.I.G.HS is the way to go!

Not only can it give you the perfect l.a.p pillow, when you eat her out by the p*ssy, due to p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, she will squeeze you with those heavenly t.h.i.g.hs. Or when you want to pull out when suddenly she will lock you up with her t.h.i.g.hs, its simply cheating, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY WEAR STOCKINGS.

What can OPPAI do? Sandwich your d*ck in between then she licks the tip? Now what? No more.

Ass? After squeezing them and sandwiching your d*ck between the two mounds of flesh, the only p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e you get will be the sound of spanking, nothing more, nothing less.


Seeing my indifference Elsha was shocked, even Belzard who is busy looking at Elsha's cleavage looked at me in interest.

"Are you not moved by OPPAI? Impossible! All of the previous wielders of the boosted gear are connoisseurs of OPPAI. Why aren't you one?!" Elsha asked in shock.

"Cause I'm a different faction." I simply said making Elsha speechless.

"Don't tell me you are of the a.s.s faction?!" Belzard screamed at the top of his lungs.

"No, I'm of the third faction, the middle ground." I said as they nodded in satisfaction, as long as I'm not part of the A.s.s faction, then its all good.

Elsha then raised her dress as she showed her t.h.i.g.hs to me as I shook my head and summoned a stockings before throwing it to her.

When she tried wearing it though, my eyes started following her hands as I stared at her t.h.i.g.hs and immediately calculated.

"Though not the same as Soi Fon, I'll grade it with an 8.5" Heck, Soi Fon is a whopping 9.5 in my eyes.

"So, why are the previous wielders of the boosted gear came to see me?" I asked bluntly as shock was shown in their faces.

"Well, it was the first time you've used juggernaut drive and it is uncontrollable and costs your lifespan, but in your case, your immense power replaced the need for the life energy so you can say it was negated." Belzard said.

"Well, I can actually control Juggernaut Drive while I'm talking here with you guys." What I said was like a bomb dropping in front of them as they froze.

"I-Impossible no one gained control of Juggernaut Drive in their first time!" Elsha said.

I didn't answer but I simply used my Initial DT as horns started protruding from the dragon's head and demonic energy started surrounding the dragon and suppressed the rampaging dragon.

"Since you flaunt your dominance so much, let me break it for you!" I flared my demonic energy as the mass of demonic energy started enveloping the dragon and turned into a blue ball as the dragon started slimming down.

"Well, as you can see I have subdued an angry Dragon. Farewell, if you want to go and be resurrected, let me know, and I'll see if I can do something. See ya next time." I said as my form started fading in front of them.

"Looks like the title of the strongest wielder of the boosted gear was stripped off of you, Belzard." Elsha said as Belzard laughed at her remarks.

"There will always be a time that the young will surpass the old." Belzard said as he also started fading.

"But I'm not old? I'm still ripe you know?!" Elsha countered as she faded from the background as well.



I returned to the real world as I looked at my form. Well, its just a slim Dragon with blue gems. Nothing much changed but I can feel the power flowing through me.

I looked at the Demon Generals before continuing my rampage as I enforced conqueror's Haki and infused my hand with Armament haki and the boost started piling up and the demon generals fell to their knees and kneeled down as if asking for mercy.

I quickly finished the generals as I have my mother to save and paperworks to finish. Hehe~ with doppelganger, I can laze around the office, MWAHAHAHAHA.

Taking it off my mind I charged a toned down Longinus Smasher and sent it towards the Demon Commander as it disintegrated into nothingness.

"Mundus! You will come out or I will make you?" I shouted as I deactivated Juggernaut drive. I wonder the changes that would happen if I transformed from juggernaut drive and mix it with Sin trigger? Well, I better finish this fast.

"What do you want Evil-Spawn?!" A deep voice resounded from the temple.

"You know as much as I do what I came here to do!" I shouted back. I waited for a whole minute and was about to step in when a demon pushing a trolley with a cage came out of the temple as I rushed towards the cage. Dante did the same as he started descending down the high-ground.

I immediately cut the cages as I caught my mother and noticed that her life force was weak and immediately channeled demonic vitality to mother as it activated mother's cells and started restarting her whole body.

Mother opened her eyes to see me holding her back as tears started forming in her eyes.

"Am I in heaven? Did I die? Or is this a dream? I don't want this dream to end. I can see my son." She said as she hadn't fully understood the situation and she hugged me tightly.

"Wow, I never knew that my son would grow up to be this handsome. A pity you took after your father." She said as I finally spoke and at the same time Dante arrived as she lowered the little girl and the little girl started running to me and started crying.

"Mother, this is not a dream. We are here to save you." I said as I smiled at her.

"Hush, Vergil, I don't want this dream to end." She replied

I looked at Dante with a wry smile and turned my attention to the little girl so that Dante can explain the ccirc.u.mstances

When Dante showed up, she was overjoyed as she got to meet her sons in a dream.

"Mother, what brother said is true. This is not a dream. Its all reality." Dante said as he lightly pinched her mother so that the pain would sink in.

When the pain started assaulting Eva she looked at Dante in a pale face and a hint of realization appeared on her face as she hugged Dante tightly.

As for me, I decided to console the girl as I don't have a single f*cking idea on why she is crying.

"Why are you crying, little girl?" I said to the little girl.

"Because uncle right there took away from you and you became monster and started rampaging. I thought you eaten by dragon. So I'm sad." She said in a broken language.

"Well, nothing happened to me, as you can see." I said to her.

"Really?" She said


She then clung to me as I picked her up. Mother then stood up after Dante filled her in on what happened.

"Vergil? Is it really you, my son?" She asked.

"Yes, mother. In the flesh." I said as she ran up to me and hugged me as well and the little girl was sandwiched between the two of us. When she realized that a person was squashed she separated from me and a dark miasma and a stern voice sounded from mother.

"Vergil, aren't you too young to have a child?" She asked me. I have nothing to hide after all she was the one who clung to me.

"Well, little girl, can you tell us your name first? As you can see I'm not your papa and mother thought that you're my kid." I asked the little girl as Eva waited for an explanation

"Me? Latina. Papa? You Papa." she said in a cute expression but inside of me I'm screaming 'I'm dead.'

"What did she say? I can't understand her language." Eva said.

"She said her name is Latina. I found her on our way to save you." I said but Latina shook her head and spoke in human language.

"You. Papa." Alas, Latina took away my remaining hope.

"You're a father?! VERGIL!! WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT." Eva roared as Dante took joy in my plight.

"Look, mother let's talk after we go home alright?!" I said as I opened a portal with Yamato and we all entered the portal and we arrived back at the entrance of the tower. I then used the sword I asked of my father to seal the portal connecting the demon world and the human world.

I saw Hilda, Saeko, and surprisingly, Lady as well training with the demons. I then sensed that Lady finally removed the transformation rune from her body as her true self showed up. Turns out that she was younger than us by a year when Scathach messaged me with telepathy.

Mother was surprised to see a lot of girls waiting for them. And when they saw mother, they started being a woman with class and Hilda and Saeko finishing it up quickly. I have already messaged Scathach to get Brunhilde as we were about to go back from the demon world.

When they saw me though all of them froze. Amaterasu, Freya, Brunhilde, and Soi Fon stared at the kid I'm carrying. Sensing the stares, Latina turned to them and smiled sweetly making them melt and when Latina spoke, blood started rushing up their noses.


It dealt a critical blow. 500% Crit Damage


Chapteeeer. I don't know why the Dao of cliff is so strong today, I even made this chapter longer but it was all in vain and cliff-kun still showed up.

Well, Another time skip after this and the start of Canon is approaching. As for his tickets, I will tally it all up after the time skip.

Let me know your thoughts in the chapter and ways to improve it. If there are typos or mistakes let me know as well.


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