I set off to different nations by using air trick a lot of times, with my reserves I can keep doing this for a long time. I marked all of the territories as I went home and picked up the trio.

We arrived at Siltvelt and had Soi Fon and Amaterasu wear a veil. With Soi Fon's beauty, she could struck a chord from the man's heart just by looking at her face, even more so from Amaterasu, as a Goddess, her appearance really is fit for her title. Even nations would fight for her hand, unfortunately for them, she's with me.

When we entered the kingdom of Siltvelt, the guards looked at us with wariness but when they saw Latina and her horns being carried by a human, their respect towards me went up. For a human like me to have a hybrid of a human and a demi-human of the goat species as a daughter, they must've experienced being chased and barred by challenges before arriving at this place. That is what the guards thought.

They let us pass but stopped Amaterasu and Soi Fon and told them to raise their veil. I told them that they wear a veil because their face was burned on the way here as I signaled them to transform their face to a hideous one with animal ears and lift their veil for a second.

The guards saw the faces of the two and were shocked because of the damage in their face. They then patted me as they let us pass through.

We then enjoyed the sight of the kingdom and ate the local delicacies as we enjoyed the break before returning back home.

"Did you have fun?" I asked Latina who is tired from the trip.

"Un! I had fun." She said as I carried her as I can see that she's fighting the sleepiness. I then smiled at Amaterasu and Soi Fon as they enjoyed some family bonding and thanked them for coming with us.

After tucking Latina, I then used my doppelganger and had it do the paperworks before I slept.

5 years have passed since I have went to the shield hero world and now I'm about to enter Kuoh, which is AGAINST MY WILL but I had to.

"Vergil, can you go to Kuoh Academy and monitor the administrators in that place? I've been receiving notices from other administrators around Kuoh about their poor management there." Amaterasu pleaded but I'm not convinced, heck if they didn't do well in administrating Kuoh, the Guild will just takeover of it as it was stated in the agreement.

"That's right son, you should attend a normal school as well, you literally have no friends at your age other than those who comes here on a daily basis." Mother said as I countered.

"I do have friends! I met Cecile and Lloyd at the institute!" I said as mother replied.

"Are they of your age?" I went silent as Cécile is 24 years old now while Lloyd is 29.

I met them at the institute 3 years ago as I was building my own bikes, I have already completed Cavaliere and I literally have different set of bikes that I built with different engines. Cavaliere only lacked a demon soul, which father had tons of it. Though, I won't be the one using it for battle as heavy weapons are not my thing.

When Lloyd heard of me, an engine maniac maker, he asked me if I could build an engine for a big robot as I pondered before nodding. The man named Lloyd, is Lloyd Aspund, he was also followed by his assistant Cécile Croomy.

I then asked for the specifications of what they want and frowned. The cost of this would be through the roof. I then shared my insights about it, although I didn't dabble much on robots because of paperworks and being focused on making a collection of bikes, I still have a much better perspective about it as the engine that this thing needs is a unique one.

Lloyd frowned at it as he muttered. "Is my dream really unreachable?" He said as I then looked at the design once more, maybe I can invest money on Lloyd to make this thing possible and have him work under me.

Thinking to that point, I extended my hand to him and asked him if the Guild sponsored his dream and worked under the guild, would he be willing to complete this thing? Lloyd was overjoyed as he grabbed Cécile's hands and started jumping all over the place. Cécile looked embarrassed at Lloyd's action as I shook my head.

We then started making it as I used some of the ores that my father had and with the guild's help and funds, we literally have just completed it today and they asked me to enroll to Kuoh Academy. What a pain in the *ss.

Lloyd just called me if I could test out the finished product, I sighed internally as I really wanted to test that thing out. It was one of my fantasies back in my old world.

In fact I have tons of them.

Well, back to enrolling. Hilda, Mayumi, Lady, and Saeko became besties and enrolled at the same time at Kuoh Academy the same year I returned from Shield hero world, now they are incoming 3rd year senior high students.

Mayumi have also met Akeno in their first day as the two were overjoyed. Oh, I also told them not to tell about me as I blocked it from Mayumi's subconscious with demonic power. Meaning she won't be able to tell Akeno about me with a slip of her tongue. Mouth is the source of trouble after all.

Thinking about studying alongside kids my age in a school that just turned co-ed, is enough to make me feel a headache. If I didn't obey mother, Father would literally beat me up because mother ordered him to and I don't want him to take revenge for scamming him of his treasury. Basically, mother has us around her palms. Father is just that of a cheat character.

HA! You thought I was the only one forcefully asked to enroll school? Alongside me is Dante as we were on our way to school on Cavaliere that I gave Dante on our 18th birthday.

Dante became infamous in the mercenary world for completing jobs in the most odds of ways possible. Assassinating a stray devil with a water gun, Hunting a stray fallen angel who murdered a family with a toy gun, and many more bizarre ways. As for how he did that? I have nooooo fcking idea.

When we arrived at the school, the guards led us to the principal's office as they told us the steps and all of the requirements which we did flawlessly, the last step was to meet the student council president as she holds the final say.

"Why would an MIT student that was supposed to have his degree next year have to enroll to our shabby school like this place?" She asked in an inquisitive voice.(I have no effin idea how MIT works and how they get their degree or complete them, so its just pure BS)

'Heeeeeh~ looks like she commissioned the guild for our basic infos' I thought as the only thing they could get from the guild about me was that I'm an MIT student.

"Would you believe me if I said we were forced?" I said in a bored expression as Dante had the same bored expression.

"And why would the Infamous Dante, agree to being forced to enter this school?" She asked.

"Simple, Father would beat us up black and blue and we both don't want him to have the last laugh." I laughed at his words as I thought the same, man we really are twins.

Seeing us not taking them seriously, a young man with short blond hair and grey eyes. He wears the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, albeit without the blazer and his sleeves are rolled up. 

"Why are you not taking her seriously, she had the final say in your enrollment right?! What if she declined?" He said as we both looked at him in glee.

"ALL THE MORE BETTER!" We then looked at each other before laughing like a maniac, maaaaaan having a brother that thinks the same was a good thing.

I have plenty of works and tests to do while Dante just lazes around the club when he reached the legal age and was reprimanded by mother but he just doesn't listen.

"Okay, accepted. Welcome to Kuoh Academy." Oh well, I'll just need to use Doppelganger and have him enter the boring class while I work with Lloyd for future testing.

After we were enrolled, we split ways as I immediately opened a portal just outside an underground testing bunker that is on an island owned by the guild. When I entered, I saw Lloyd and Cécile having the last check and it only needs the pilot and it will be ready to go.

"Hey, Vergil, you're finally here! Hurry and enter the finish product so that I can finally realize my dream!" He exclaimed to me as I laughed.

"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry Hello Miss Cécile." I greeted the staff as they did the same.

"So? What are you gonna name the finish product if we succeeded?" I asked Lloyd as he entered into his deep pondering state. After a few minutes, Lloyd finally raised his head as he made up his mind.

"The name of my masterpiece shall be..." Lloyd paused for a second as if building up the hype.

"Knightmare Frame Lancelot"


Final Chapter?

Let me know your thoughts in the chapter and let me know if there are typos/mistakes.

Ticket tally.

1x SSS-rank consumable

1x B-rank random weapon ticket

1x C-rank Random Magic

1x C-rank ticket

1x D-rank random magic

2932x E-rank random ticket

2932/9 = 325.77 = 326/9 = 36.22 = 36/9 =

I'll go back to watching La Casa de Papel. Ciao!

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