After naming the knightmare frame, I asked Lloyd for the key.

"Are you sure about testing it yourself? Even though you did good in the simulation, do you really need to do it yourself?" Ms. Cecile asked in a worried voice.

"I'll be fine, thanks for your worrying about me." I said as I caught the key from Lloyd.

"Why are you calling Cecile with honorifics but you just calls me by my name, where is the justice?!" Lloyd said as I refuted.

"At least, Cecile is a graceful woman and not an insane man like you! You're the madman who decided to use two conflicting elements as an energy filler, one wrong move and KABOOM. And you want me to call you with honorifics?!" I said as Ms. Cecile laughed at our interaction.

A madman who created the Yggdrasil Drive as the main engine and the Madman who likes to put in explosive things together but somehow made them work as the battery and holder of the core luminous of the Knigtmare frames.

"Let's begin!" I shouted as my excitement was through the roof, heck, piloting a mech was one in the bucket list of every man in their heart. How could I not be excited?

Ms. Cecile and Lloyd then adopted a serious expression as Cecile started the preparations.

"Mobile Weapon Z-01 Lancelot is being activated." Ms. Ceciles voice can be hear at the facility.

"I repeat, Lancelot is being activated. Hatch is Open. Z-01 Lancelot, standby for activation. Releasing the locks." Ms. Cecile spoke as even she was excited at the first mech born in this world.

"Have you read the manual?" Ms. Cecile asked.

"Yep, more than a hundred times." I replied as the locks started removing the air locks from Lancelot as high-pressured air started spewing out of the claws before unlatching itself from it and took the black mantle covering the mech, what came out was a beauty. I then stared at the Knightmare with a smile, Ms. Cecile's voice once again resounded in my ears.

"Its a new system so there's no ejection capability implemented yet. So do be careful." She said as I nodded.

"Is this really the finished product?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Lancelot, the prototype Mobile Weapon belonging to us, the Technological Department of the guild. The first of its kind in the world." Ms. Ceciles voice said in pride

"Well then Vergil, it's time for activation." Lloyd said as I nodded.

"First activation. Beginning from phase twenty. Energy Filler, installing." Cecile said as it was followed by the crew's voice

"Confirmed that it's fully stable. Energy Filler output low. Estimating it will take thirty seconds before the voltage reaches the critical point. Coal minus changing phase." The crew confirmed the status of Lancelot.

"Devicer setup" Cecile said as she motioned for me to get in.

"Confirmed entry of Devicer Z-01. Identification records have been entered." A girly voice said as I entered the key to Lancelot.

"Man Machine Interface link up confirmed." The girl said confirming that the key have finished connecting to the main servers.

"Yggdrasil Drive status confirmed." Lights started flickering at high speeds.

"Rejection response is minimal. Devicer stress response is minimal. Everything is within tolerance level." She said as the Yggdrasil drive started activating.

What is Yggdrasil drive that I created? It is basically just the main engine. I drew the container and Lloyd made a liquid kind of energy bomb to be used as the fuel source, to prevent explosion from happening I built the core luminous, which is the centerpiece of it in the form of a cube. In the series, the sakuradite was the component of it, but obviously, we don't have that, but with my father's stash, I found a mountain of ore that can be used as a superconductor, just like how sakuradite works as it transmits the energy to the body of the knightmare frame.

"Up until now, everything has gone according to the data..." Lloyd said.

"Status: All green." The crew said before the trucks started going out of the way of Lancelot.

"Backup procedure: All data backed up."

"Status acknowledged, Second decoupling is finished." I started entering the passcode of the lancelot and started changing some of the options for me to be able to use it with comfort.

Lancelot started heating up as the energy filler started giving the power Lancelot needs. As I positioned lancelot in a launching position. Lloyd's smug face turned serious after seeing that his dream was about to be launched. The landspinners, or self propelled roller skates, activated as it went to the back and the remaining cables started detaching itself from the mech.

"Lancelot, M.E. Boost." I said as the wheels started revving up as smoke started appearinf on Lancelot's back.

"Lancelot, Launch!" Ms. Cecile said as I controlled Lancelot to advance.

"Full throttle at the start!? Really, Vergil?!" Lloyd said before laughing hard. His dream to build his own mech was accomplished.

'Heh~ this is even better than what the manual says.' I thought as I let it loose around the island as Lloyd prepared some shooting targets for me. I shot them with Slash Harkens, or rocket propelled anchors.

All in all I was satisfied with the mech. The time we spent on building Lancelot was not for naught.

As I returned, I saw Lloyd still laughing like a mad man while spewing something in the likes of upgrading Lancelot's arsenal.

I then jumped down from the c.o.c.kpit as I headed towards them with a smile.

"Looks, like its a success, Ms. Cecile." I said as Lloyd stood up after regaining composure.

"Hooo~ that was the best laugh, I had ever since I was born." Lloyd said

"So? Next on the list?" I asked in curiosity as this mad engineer would add ridiculous stuff at Lancelot sooner or later.

"For now, its a secret. We're finally done. OY YOU GUYS TAKE A BREAK FOR TODAY, ITS A SUCCESS." Lloyd shouted as cheers erupted from the place. I then said my Goodbyes to them and went out and out of sight first before using Yamato and opening a portal back home.

When I arrived home, I was met with Hilda as she greeted me with a bow. After heading back to my room and got changed. Now that I'm of legal age, it was only a matter of time before I got married to Soi Fon. I have already started making preparations, if not for me enrolling to Kuoh, then I would've gone with Soi Fon to pick her dress. What I didn't tell her was that I don't want the ceremony to happen here, but back in her old world. I have been searching for ways to pinpoint travel to other worlds, and so far, I'm bound to disappointment, but it doesn't stop me from doing so.

I have also been engaged to Amaterasu, Scathach, Brunhilde, Hephaestus, Tsubaki, Nevan and Freya.

After changing, I went to check on Tsubaki, Hephaestus, and Demeter at Orario and I can't help but be mesmerized at the lively city. They really did a job well done. After checking on them, I immediately went back home and was met with Freya holding Latina's hands as they just got back.

Freya came to me as she gave me a kiss in the cheeks and Latina hugged my body for a second before separating.

"Papa, Mama Freya taught me cool ice magic! I made a snowman with the magic she taught me hee hee~" Latina said while Freya had a small heartfelt smile on her face which is generally rare.

Latina grew up and she's a 7 y/o girl now. She turned from a lovely kid to a more lovable kid that even Mayumi admitted defeat towards Latina as she can't sway Latina to cause mischief with her.

"Come, lets go inside. You must be tired. I said as I held Freya's hands and she coiled it around my arms while Latina held my free hand. Just like a family that just got back from vacation, the difference is just, Latina had many mothers.

Freya is not causing trouble anymore unconsciously because I removed her divinity to S*x as she said removing it was her proof that she truely loves me and no one else.

When we entered, I greeted mother and father as I hugged my Fiancees as they did the same.

"How was your enrollment son?" Mother asked as I nodded.

'I should at least attend the first day so that they won't suspect me of not attending my classes. My only job there was monitoring the administrators and not to finish my studies there. I only had a year left in MIT before I'll get my degree. I could've applied for early graduation but the legal resources and the books made me reluctant to do so.' I thought

Hundreds of books are coming to the library everyday, ranging from theses, theory papers, new methods book and many more.

Mother then smiled at me as father was grimacing and I smirked at him with a face saying 'Nope. You ain't getting your revenge.'

2 weeks passed by in a flash as today is the first day of school. I dressed up with mt uniform with my sleeveless vest underneath and wore the golden amulet outside.

"Well sh*t. Let's see how the first day goes." I said as I grabbed my sandwich and a box of pizza for my lunch and put it in my inventory.

I was about to go through the front gates of the school as I saw Akeno and Koneko, staring at me in shock, before tears started streaming down from Shirone's face while Akeno was barely holding back her emotions.

I patted Shirone as she said.

"It was really you, Vergil-nii." Shirone said as confusion strike me for a second before realization hit me. She must've smelled me when the meeting with the Guild and the Maous were happening and decided to keep quiet about it as she wasn't sure. I smiled at her before looking at Akeno who is in a turmoil of emotions as she walked closer to me before asking.

"Why? If what Shirone said is true... then you're there in the meeting with the guild and Maous? Why didn't you tell me?" she asked with resentment in her voice.

"Because its not the time yet." I simply replied

"Then is the time now, right?" she suddenly jumped and beat my c.h.e.s.t with her fist as she finally broke down. I let her vent her emotions, although her actions earned a glance from the students as they saw one of the most beautiful people in the school is in the arms of a man.

After her tears dried up, she separated to me as she slowly regained her smile. I wiped her tears with my handkerchief.

"Let me guide you around the school, also Mayumi is in here as well!" She exclaimed as I laughed a little.

"I know. I also told them not to tell you about me." I said earning an angry stare from Akeno.

"Why you...!" she said as I immediately evaded her.

"Well, I've got to meet the student council president first. See you around, Akeno, Shirone." I said as I sprinted away from them.

When I arrived at the student council room, I saw Dante already sitting pretty comfortable in the chair as he was given hate looks by everyone in the room.

I also noticed that there were a few additions alongside Saji, Tsubaki, Momo, and Sona. A magician with long brown hair, a woman with reddish brown hair, and a tall woman that looks like a tomboy.

Seeing me enter, they shifted their hateful gaze towards the person who entered as I ignored them and did the same.

"Well, Ms. Prez, what do we do now?" I asked her as they intensified their glares towards me. The only one without hostility is Sona and Tsubaki Shinra. I thought that they must've known more about me from Serafall.

"Well, just sign here and the admission will finally be completed and your homeroom teacher will guide you to your designated class." I did as I read the clause first and didn't notice anything unusual and signed it as Dante did the same.

Our homeroom teacher came afterwards as we were guided to our designated class. Turns out that Dante was separated from me in another class.

"Why did you let them be, Prez?" Asked the tomboy looking girl.

"You are new are a new member of the student council so you haven't known this yet, but the man who came earlier is Dante, the infamous odd stray hunter, because of the way he dispatches those in the contract in the oddest of ways possible." Sona said earning grasps from the new members.

"The one who came in later was more mysterious than Dante, the only information we got from the guild is that he's an MIT student, nothing more, nothing less, if not for my sister telling me about him, then we would still be in the dark about him. My sister said that Vergil had already defeated Sirzechs and Grayfia as they admitted losing to him themselves, the more absurd about it was that Vergil was a kid at that time." This time, Momo and Saji joined the shocked group.

Sirzechs is Satan-class while Grayfia is the strongest queen acknowledged by everyone, but was defeated by a kid? Vergil could only be called a monster not a genius.

As soon as I entered the class, I felt a headache already as I saw that this was Akeno's class. Of course with Akeno here, Rias would be sure to follow. Fortunately, Hilda, Saeko, and Mayumi was also here so it didn't matter.

When Akeno saw me, her eyes lit up, while Rias was inspecting the newcomer. The teacher then asked me to introduce myself.

"Well, I'm Vergil Redgrave. I like pizza and chocolate. As for my dislikes, I hate those who wants to bother my peaceful life." I finished my introduction as gasps and gossips were heard from the room.

"Well, you can take the empty seat at the back, in the middle of Akeno and Rias. You're fine with that aren't you?" The teacher said as they both nodded. When I sat down, Akeno gave me a smirk as if she already won.

Too bad for her I have many tricks up my sleeve. I raised my hand and excused myself for going to the washroom. When I arrived at the washroom, I used my doppelganger as another Vergil appeared in front of me.

"You know what to do." I said as the doppelganger nodded.

"I have many things to do, why would I have to join the class? It's simply annoying." I said as I used Yamato and open a portal to the testing island and helped Lloyd in thinking of an upgrade to Lancelot.

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