Doppelganger PoV

After receiving the order, I went back to the room, sat down before plopping down and slept.

Time passed by as the end of school bell tolled. I was about to find an hidden area and disperse myself but Akeno and the others tried to stop me as I used air trick to be out of their sight and dispersed myself. While Rias seemed to be confused why Akeno seems to know the newcomer and decided to ask her tomorrow.

PoV ends.

After my doppelganger dispersed, I received what happened in the school as the doppelganger did a good job by escaping from The ara-ara sisters and the gang.

Currently, we're drafting an upgrade for Lancelot by making it fly and making some weapons for it. The first one is a vibrating sword while the other was a pulse cannon which is my thing as I'm a gunsmith and a blacksmith as well.

As for the floating device, it was for Lloyd to design. Well, as a fellow madman, he can do it for sure. I have also started drawing the frame for Gawain as well, but I would consult Lloyd about it after I finished drawing it for some insight.

Just imagining Knightmare frames taking down a legion of enemies felt so satisfying. I then thought that it was time to wrap up but I saw Ms. Cecile and Lloyd still at it.

"Don't push yourself Lloyd, Ms. Cecile. Take a breather." I said as I summoned a box of pizza outside the room before going back to the room. I then shared some of the pizza as their eyes lit up from the taste. Of course, it was uncle Jouichiro who made it. Lloyd then entered a fired-up mode as his thought process was doubled after eating uncle Jouichiro's food.

I then waved my goodbye before going to a secluded place and opened a portal outside our home. I was about to step in when I felt a massive energy heading my way and was utterly surprised. To think that the famous loli would visit me.

"Well well, to what do I owe the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of your visit, Ophis?" I said to her. I'm not afraid of her at all. Instead I'm more of excited if a fight broke out.

"Give back, souls." Ophis said as I processed her words.

"Oh, the hero faction's souls? Why?" I asked her.

"I need them to drive Great Red out of the dimensional Gap." She said

"And? What would I get from it?" I asked her back as she thought deeply.

"I can lend you power." She said as a snake appeared in her hand. I laughed. Laughed really hard as I activated my initial ultimate eye and looked at her she was surprised to see the concept of infinity revolving around his eye.

"Do I look like I need your temporary power?" I said to her. I then took out the Jar of Suffering and showed it to her.

"This is the Jar of Suffering. It can capture and torture unfortunate souls that were s.u.c.k.e.d by it by burning their souls. Truly... an eternal damnation." I said as I returned the Jar of Suffering back to my inventory. Seeing Ophis not speaking I sighed.

"Look here, if you want silence, then why don't you open another dimension in the dimensional gap. Are you an idiot?" I said to her as she thought about it.

I then summoned a lollipop and opened it before throwing it to Ophis and started heading inside the Manor.

Ophis stared at the lollipop before l.i.c.k.i.n.g it and her eyes lit up and thought of doing my suggestion. If she can have her silence then it would be worth it.

I arrived home and scanned the place and saw Akeno and Shirone along with the gang watching a romantic movie as while Scathach, Louisa, and Latina is watching magical girl series in the other room. I sighed as I entered.

Soi Fon was the first to notice me as she stood up and helped me out by removing the uniform. My top was a sleeveless vest but it showed the outline of the muscles of my arms and my neck.

Noticing me, the girls paused what they are doing and greeted me as I did the same before they go back to watching, even Akeno and Shirone only glanced at me before going back to watching. The only one who continued staring at me was Nevan and Freya. When they saw the outline of my body, they can't help but drool. Its like they were fated to be sisters but born with a different mother.

Latina also came out of the room as she hugged me for a second before separating and told me that she have met many friends as she entered the first grade of Elementary School.

At the kitchen, I saw the older folks in their as the silence loomed in the kitchen.

"So? What happened?" I asked them but I was met with silence. Mother then walked towards me and held my hand as she gave me a pink pendant. When I saw the pendant I was stumped.

"Ya bastard knocked my mother once more? You filthy father!" I roared as cheers erupted from the kitchen, the girls in the living rooms got out of there as they also joined in the celebration. Dante also just came home as I walked towards him.

"Dante, take a look at this." I said as I opened his palms and dropped the pink pendant. When he saw it she immediately threw it to the air as he rushed towards father and punched him but Father simply blocked him.

"Ahhhhh! Screw you filthy father! You knocked mother then you're gonna leave again? Screw your parenting issue!" He roared as laughter resounded in the hall once more. Through the whole cursing thing, Soi Fon was the person who blocked Latina's ears from being corrupted.

The pendant only meant one thing. We're going to have a little sister.

Uncle Jouichiro and Hilda also prepared a feast for celebration, Akeno and Shirone was immediately hooked at the food made by uncle Jouichiro and Hilda as they only knew that Hilda sometimes cooked the bento of the gang when uncle Jouichiro was out on a business.

After the party, I went out and saw uncle Francis in the door answering a phone call.

"The Leader of Britain is making moves alongside the Tepes Family and the Pendragons. They seemed to be building some kind of factory machine or mechs that they called Glasgows. Also two of his heir that was presumed dead was seen entering Japan. Other nearby allied countries of them also placed orders on those Glasgows." He said as I understood.

'If they start causing a ruckus and involved the guild, I will take them down myself.' I thought, plus with Lloyd in my camp, they won't be able outtech us. We will always be leagues above them in terms of technology.

I don't care if they start causing another world war because it will provide the guild's mercenaries with tons of jobs. But if they touched a single personnel of the Guild then they are on. Unfortunately for Britannia, this is not a world that can be taken over with just mechs. Sure they're cool and whatnot but its not enough.

There are literally living entities that can destroy their nation whenever they overstepped their boundaries. If they kept their stretch just around their territory then they can freely do so, but uniting the whole Europe continent? They would have to go through the Greek Pantheon, Celtic Pantheon, Indian Pantheon and many more obstacles.

The only thing they can do about their glasgows would be to strengthen their Inside Defense.

'Looks like I can check the banished heir if I had the time.' I thought as Francis said that he had some matters to attend to. I then thought on who would be the better strategist. Louisa or that man? With my thought accelerator, could I compete with them? Maybe, maybe not. There is only one thing for sure. Shiro and Sora were undoubtedly the greatest chess players that humankind had ever created.

I lied down in the grass at the courtyard to think about the things happening lately. I sighed as this world just doesn't make sense. I thought I would only be guarded against supernatural factions, but it seems like its not happening. Different hidden factions started rising up to power as they felt stability was not for them. The feeling is like, God likes to mess this world up for his entertainment. If my guess is true then Lelouch Vi Britannia was the presumed dead heir of the emperor alongside Nunally.

I massaged my temples for a second before clearing my mind. While I was clearing my mind, Akeno came out and saw me lying down in the grass before sitting down beside me.

"What're you doing out here, aren't you cold?" She asked me.

"No, its like a warm spring to me. As for what I'm doing, I'm lying down on the grass." I said as she giggled.

"I know that it was not you when you returned from the washroom." She said to me which surprised me.

"Color me impressed. It seems that you're not slacking at all." I said to her as she smiled.

"Nee, Vergil. Will you take me and my mother away this time?" She asked me.

"Sure." I simply replied.

"But can I ask you to wait?" she said as I nodded.

"Do you want that piece out of you?" I asked as she was shock at my words as she slowly nodded.

"Yes. But take it out after I finished finishing some things. Is that fine?" I nodded once again as we both enjoyed the company together.

"You know, you and Mayumi were the friends I've had as mother was keen on teaching me the arts of a priestess before she let me out and enrolled me to a nearby school. Truly fate works in an unexpected ways." She said as I shook my head inside and sneered as well.

'If not for God and his entertainment he wouldn't even ask her sister, if he ever had a sister related to fate, to mess with me.' I thought.

"Well, what can I say. I only know a thing for sure. A sh*tty God is trying to mess with me." I said as Akeno seemed to be confused about my words but didn't speak anymore.

Akeno then took my hand and gave me back the note I gave her. It was tattered but the text was still readable.

"I have done what you asked me. Aren't you going to give me a reward?" Akeno said as her S/M fetish is acting up.

I stood up and kissed the back of her hand before lying down again as Akeno seemed to be unsatisfied by it and pouted. But not giving what she wanted is the best course of action as she will start to crave for more.

I scanned the mansion once more and saw Shirone talking with her sister Kuroka in her room. I have long since removed the mutated bishops that Kuroka had as I used her as a test subject if my theory of removing evil pieces with Yamato is feasible. And it worked that's why I asked Akeno if she wanted her piece out.

I then thought of changing schools to a more interesting one since I can just use a doppelganger and have it transform into a different identity and monitor the two heiress. I then used my thought accelerator as I pulled out an information in the cl.u.s.ter of files. It was a prestigious school that's for sure. Only that the name gathered my attention.

Ashford Academy.

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