The huge size and terrifying kinetic energy instantly triggered a devastating impact. The ground where the nest was located was like being hit by a giant hammer. It shook violently, collapsed, rocks cracked, and the soil surged. The entire area fell into a doomsday-like chaos in an instant.

In this sudden attack, dozens of Dunhuang magic tigers had almost nowhere to escape. A dozen of the magic tigers closest to the center of the nest directly bore the full force of Chen Xian's fall.

Their bodies were instantly crushed into bloody fragments under the irresistible pressure, and their life breath dissipated instantly. They were buried under the ruins before they could even wail.

The rest of the Dunhuang magic tigers, although they were lucky enough not to be directly crushed to death, could not escape the strong shock wave caused by the impact.

This shock wave swept around like a raging wave, destroying the rock walls, trees and even the remaining building structures around the nest, and also involved those magic tigers that had not yet died.

Their bodies trembled violently under the violent energy impact, their internal organs were injured, and their bones were broken. Even with strong physiques and tenacious vitality, they could not resist the baptism of this terrifying force. They fell on the rock wall of the ruins, wailing in pain.

Chen Xian had no mercy at all. When he stood up, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and he walked straight towards the demon tigers that had not yet completely died. He moved swiftly and powerfully. When he waved his hands casually, his claws were like sharp blades that tore through the air. The high-frequency vibration force contained in the slashing was instantly pierced through the space and pointed directly at the target.

A series of sharp slashing waves poured out like a storm, accurately cutting into the Dunhuang demon tigers that were still wailing. The sound of flesh and bones being torn apart was accompanied by blood splashing. Those demon tigers were cut into several pieces in extreme pain, and the sparks of life were quickly extinguished under Chen Xian's ruthless offensive.

Chen Xian quickly harvested many souls, and then began to feast on them, not caring whether there would be any strange materials. He grabbed the corpse of a Dunhuang Demon Tiger and ate it in one gulp.

After a while, Chen Xian devoured all the demon tigers, leaving no bones behind.

It was a pity that due to Chen Xian's reckless operation, several cubs in the nest were also crushed to death by the shock wave, otherwise he could have made a fortune.

Fortunately, there were many demon tigers in this place, so Chen Xian didn't need to feel sorry for them at all, and just looked for the next nest.

Chen Xian pushed forward in this desert Gobi, and any demons that gathered together were taken away by a Great Wilderness Star Meteorite. He didn't bother to care about the ones that were alone, and just kept moving forward. He didn't know how many demons he devoured along the way, and finally came to the Shawang River.

The Shawang River is a plateau river that has been dry for many years. After years of wind erosion, the entire river has become extremely wide. Even on the map, the Shawang River looks like a long earth-colored dragon lying on the land of Dunhuang. Its length is almost half of Gansu, and its narrowest place is probably more than ten kilometers!

There is a kind of horrifying creature all over the Shawang River. They are the white sand demon soldiers. Looking forward on the raised Gobi land, it is a piece of dry land that is sinking.

It is called a river, but it looks more like a sea, slowly sinking along the continental shelf. It is filled with some fine white mud and sand. The thickness of the mud and sand varies. From a distance, it looks more like a white ocean that is waving.

The Shawang River is the fastest way from the desert Gobi to the northern corner of the burning plain. If you take a detour, you have to go around a long way to the lair of the Dunhuang demon tigers. The density of demons there is higher, and there will definitely be monarch-level demon tigers, so basically everyone chooses to cross the Shawang River.

Chen Xian naturally didn't have this worry, because he could fly over directly. As for the no-fly zone of the dead dragon's skeleton, it was only for humans and ordinary demons.

If he couldn't fly over, it only meant that he didn't fly high enough or fast enough. Moreover, Chen Xian didn't dare to provoke anything at this time.

But he was more curious about the Shawang River. There must be something special about this river that gave birth to so many white sand elemental demons.

Chen Xian flew directly to the sky in the middle of the Shawang River, holding the remains of the Dunhuang magic tiger that had long been dead, and threw it to the mysterious sand sea below without hesitation. This throw was like throwing a stone into a lake, stirring up thousands of waves.

The body of the magic tiger hit the sand sea in the Shawang River heavily, raising white sand all over the sky, dust flying, and a huge momentum. Its movement spread rapidly like ripples, and in an instant it spread to the vast area of ​​several kilometers.

Bang! ! !

Bang! ! ! ! !

A series of loud noises instantly exploded from the white mud and sand, and the white sand and dust flew for several kilometers at once, as if countless dragons were stirring under this white sand river.

The next moment, one after another, white sand demon soldiers as tall as five meters broke out of the ground like evil ghosts from hell, and stood up from under the sea of ​​sand. They were covered in white sand, like evil ghosts suddenly appearing in the world, and quickly formed circles of strict white barriers, tightly surrounding the remains of the Dunhuang Demon Tiger without leaving any gaps.

Outside the white encirclement, in the depths of the vast sand sea of ​​the Shawang River, countless vague outlines were rapidly emerging from all directions, converging towards the center like a tide. These were the white sand demon soldiers who had awakened and rushed over after sensing the violent movement.

The white sand demon soldiers lived in this Shawang River, and they all held giant sand knives about three meters long in their hands. Their bodies covered with sand were not as soft and vulnerable as they looked, but were densely connected together, looking like a piece of mighty armor.

A pair of eyes full of hostility, like phosphorescent fire in the dark night, flickered with deep hatred for any creature that violated their peace.

For these demon soldiers sleeping at the bottom of the sand sea, the most intolerable thing is that outsiders broke the tranquility here and disturbed their long sleep. Even the weakest vibration can touch their sensitive perception, instantly awakening all the same kind within a radius of several kilometers, and rushing to the source of the disturbance.

In a short while, hundreds of white sand demon soldiers gathered around the magic tiger. They crowded around the corpse. Although the Dunhuang magic tiger had been torn into pieces and was almost unrecognizable, the white sand demon soldiers were not satisfied. They still glared, waving the giant sand knife in their hands, and continued to chop the lifeless fragments frantically.

Chen Xian felt that such a stupid demon was the most suitable for brushing the experience value of the golden finger. His figure instantly soared into the air and rushed into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling blue meteor streaked across the sky, carrying with it terrifying energy that was enough to destroy everything, and fell rapidly towards the densely gathered white sand demon soldiers below.

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