The white encirclement surrounding the demon soldiers was like a target carefully drawn by the heavens for Chen Xian, clearly marking the core position where the enemy was concentrated.

Chen Xian aimed at this focus accurately and accurately, and with an irresistible momentum, he blasted straight at the target.

The moment the meteor hit the ground, the world was shocked, as if time had stopped at that moment. Then, an unprecedented shock wave broke out instantly with the meteor landing point as the center, sweeping across the entire section of the Shawang River.

Dozens of white sand demon soldiers gathered together were the first to bear the brunt. Facing the blue meteor falling from the sky, they didn't even have time to react. They were directly crushed by the meteor transformed by Chen Xian's more than 60-meter body with the momentum of a mountain pressing down on their heads. Their bodies burst instantly under the huge impact force and turned into flying debris.

The rest of the demon soldiers who were unprepared also failed to escape this catastrophe. They were swept up by the sudden and terrifying energy fluctuations, thrown into the air one after another, and then rolled and collided in the chaotic airflow. Finally, under the wanton impact of the energy ripples, they were turned into powder one by one and merged into the storm composed of countless monster soldiers' remains and gravel.

The blue energy ripples were like a raging wave, spreading outward madly with the meteor impact point as the core. Wherever it passed, the white sand was surging, the sand sea was boiling, and violent waves as high as tens of meters were raised, carrying gravel, monster soldier fragments and the diffused breath of death, rushing in all directions like a beast.

When the residual power of the Great Wilderness Star Meteor gradually dissipated, the originally noisy white sand sea became dead silent, and only the messy battlefield and the scattered monster soldier wreckage silently told the thrilling scene just now.

Chen Xian silently put the soul of the white sand demon soldier into the lantern, and then began to search in this sea of ​​sand. The white sand demon soldier is an elemental demon of the earth system, so Chen Xian certainly cannot eat it directly.

However, this kind of elemental body should also condense special resources. Chen Xian silently collected their remains and carefully checked whether there were any strange materials in them.

Fortunately, Chen Xian has two dimensional systems with strong perception abilities, the sound system and the space system, which can help him find the remains easily. Otherwise, if someone else came to this battlefield in the sea of ​​sand, he would never find them in his lifetime.

He is not stupid, and he must blast these white sand demon soldiers away.

But his momentum is too terrifying, and the white sand demon soldiers dare not approach him at all. If a smaller existence sets foot on the Shawang River, even if they are also commanders or high-level mages, they will definitely chop him into meat sauce.

But Chen Xian was 60 meters tall and weighed tens of thousands of tons. With one kick, all the fish were scared away. Although the White Sand Demon Soldier was reckless, he was not really stupid. No one dared to provoke this level of existence unless the master of the Sand River appeared.

Soon, Chen Xian found a strange material from the remains of the White Sand Demon Soldier. It was in powder form and had the attribute of earth. It should be worth some money.

In the original novel, Mo Fan and his friends did not seem to have time to touch the corpse and hurriedly left the Sand River. In fact, this place where elemental demons can be born is actually worth exploring, but now is not the time.

Chen Xian did not stay for a long time and continued to fly towards the North Corner of the Burning Plain.

After crossing the white Sand River, a vast land dyed red by flames suddenly appeared in front of him - that is the legendary North Corner of the Burning Plain, a special area that is still shrouded in mystery.

Compared with places like Dongting Lake that have been repeatedly explored by hunters and mages all over the country and are almost everywhere, looking for undiscovered opportunities in it is undoubtedly like a dream bubble.

Only those demon territories that are rarely visited and have not been explored and developed by humans on a large scale can contain real opportunities and treasures.

The North Corner of Zhuoyuan is such a secret place protected by the geographical barriers of Shawang River and Dunhuang. The number of mages who can successfully reach this place is rare, making this land a truly fertile land that is undisturbed and rich in unknown possibilities.

The area of ​​the North Corner of Zhuoyuan is not large. From a height of 10,000 meters, it is a huge fire basin, and Chen Xian can easily fly over it.

The soil and gravel in the surrounding areas are all brown-red. In the central area of ​​the North Corner of Zhuoyuan is a flat-topped mountain rising from the ground.

In fact, this flat-topped mountain located in the center of the North Corner of Zhuoyuan is more like a volcano, but it is very different from the common volcanic structure of wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. It is more like a straight volcanic column, piercing the blue sky resolutely, so steep and dangerous that ordinary people cannot climb it without the ability to fly.

On the top of this volcanic flat-topped mountain, a Fire Cloud Forest miraculously grows. The plants here are extraordinary. They do not rely on ordinary sunlight and rain, but on the high temperature of flames as a necessary condition for survival and reproduction.

In this sea of ​​​​hot forest, the most eye-catching is the unique Star Language Sky Tree. It is not only the master of this Fire Cloud Forest, but also a special life form that breeds the mysterious Fire Tribulation Fruit.

The Fire Tribulation Fruit, its name indicates the extraordinary birth process and the powerful power it contains. Once the fruit matures and hatches successfully, it will be born-Yan Ji! A life form that is closely connected to the fire element and has extraordinary abilities.

Yan Ji is one of the purposes of Chen Xian and Mo Fan's visit this time. It would be best if they can contract, and even if there is no way, they will not force it. After all, the situation in the original book is quite special. At this time, Mo Fan is already a high-level, and there are also flying summoned beasts such as the Gale Magic Eagle.

Under this butterfly effect, there is no need to go to the inside of the Fire Pillar Mountain to climb, just fly up directly.

This means that they will find the Flame Witch faster than in the original book, and Chen Ying may recognize her in advance, and the ghost woman's conspiracy will not have a chance to unfold.

Without Chen Ying's backstab, the parties who coveted the Fire Tribulation Fruit could only return empty-handed. The powerful strength of the Flame Witch at the advanced stage of the Commander level is not a joke, and Chen Xian may not be able to beat her.

Without much hesitation, Chen Xian flew directly to the top of the Fire Pillar Mountain to say hello first!

At the edge of the Fire Cloud Forest, there is a raised rocky soil with a gentle and wide slope, like a miniature hillside spread on the flat ground.

At the highest point of this hillside, there stands a unique giant tree, which is completely different from the surrounding Fire Cloud trees, unique and eye-catching.

This giant tree has no leaves at all, and its branches are twisted and winding like a coiled dragon. Although there are no green leaves to decorate it, it still shows a majestic momentum due to its dense branches. Its existence is like a lonely watcher, standing under the starry sky, as if it is one with the night sky.

The trunk points straight to the sky, as if it wants to break through the sky and merge into the endless curtain of the starry sky. The dense branches stretch in all directions like veins, twisting and circling. Looking up from under the tree, you can see stars embedded between the treetops, as if the whole Star Language Tree is carefully decorated by bright stars, becoming a magnificent picture hanging under the night sky.

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