Veteran new police officer

Chapter 107 The Supervisory Committee handles the case!

Han Xin and Li Cainiao didn't sleep well all night, and Yang Qianli, the deputy director of the "First Branch Office" didn't sleep all night!

Fighting against gangs is different from fighting other criminal gangs. Many victims dare not come forward to testify, and without evidence it is difficult to bring those bastards to justice.

As soon as he received the order last night, he followed the clues provided by Secretary Song and arranged for the police to go to several local entrepreneurs who were victims overnight to do their ideological work and race against time to collect evidence.

At the same time, police were organized to investigate the whereabouts of the gang members overnight.

They were busy until 12 noon. Nie Guangjun, the security captain of the Chengdong Police Station who was assigned to the special shift, reported that the locations of Wu, Pan and their eleven subordinates had been locked. He finally relaxed and hurriedly called Secretary Song. report.

"Judging from the information we have learned, this is indeed a gang with a mafia nature! With the solid evidence we collected overnight, we can definitely organize the arrest!"

"All members' positions are locked?"


Yang Qianli looked at the notes and was confident: "The person named Wu drank too much last night. He is sleeping at home and hasn't gotten up yet. The person named Pan is having dinner with a few friends in the palace. There are four of the eleven boys under them. One of them was gambling at one of Ma Zai's houses, two were playing mahjong in the mahjong parlor, and the others were either eating out or sleeping at home."

Secretary Song walked out of the old Agricultural Bureau compound, opened the car door and asked, "Do you have enough people over there?"

"I only have sixteen policemen here, it's definitely not enough!"

"I will report to District Chief Zhang to see if we can put the special patrol team on standby to assist you in arresting him."

Gangs involved in gangs need to be cracked down, but the 3.13 case is more provocative.

Yang Qianli likes to detect and solve quickly, and doesn't like to be sloppy. He couldn't help but ask: "Secretary Song, why do you have to organize the arrest now when the time comes?"

"Not now, just keep an eye on me and follow orders when to act."

"Secretary Song, they are just a bunch of 'routine loans'..."

"I know."

Secretary Song got into the cab and changed the topic: "Qianli, did you find anything else or any other clues during the investigation?"

Yang Qianli was confused by the question and subconsciously asked: "What's going on?"

"Like a protective umbrella or something?"

"That's not the case, Secretary Song. You don't even think about how old it is. Who dares to protect them?"

"It's fine if there is no. If there is, you must report it to me immediately and keep it strictly confidential."

"Secretary Song, did the inspection team say something?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. We can't organize an arrest now, but we can prepare the procedures first."

"Understood, I'll wait for your order."

In terms of cracking down on crime, the branch is not without achievements.

Four such "routine loan" gangs have been eliminated, and one of them came from the urban area.

Moreover, the amount of money involved in the case of the gang that Yang Qianli is gearing up to arrest may be relatively large, but in terms of public outrage, it is really incomparable to the four that were eliminated before, because they mainly targeted entrepreneurs and contracted projects in other places. boss.

To the branch, this is really not a big case.

The only troublesome thing is that Chen Guoping was actually involved, and it was just when the municipal party committee's inspection team came to inspect the branch!

Secretary Song didn't want the inspection team to come out for inspection, otherwise they would be passive by then, so he closed the car door and called Director Ma quickly.

Director Ma was also very busy and asked as soon as the call was connected: "Old Song, how are you doing there?"

"Yang Qianli just called to report that they have initially collected some evidence and have locked the location of the gang members and can organize arrests at any time."

"Even if they haven't collected it yet, when the time comes, our supervisory committee can still take action!"

Of course, the Supervisory Committee can take action. The Supervisory Committee has great power. It can detain the person involved in the case for up to 180 days. What is the situation that is not clear for 180 days?

The Public Security Bureau is different. If there is not enough evidence, the person can only be detained for questioning for a maximum of 48 hours.

Secretary Song took out a cigarette and asked in a low voice: "When will the opportunity mature? Director Ma, you know the situation in the branch. The police force is too tense. Yang Qianli really can't wait too long."

Director Ma knew that he was worried not only about the tightness of the police force, but also about the inspection team. He subconsciously looked at the First Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office across the door:

"The bank statements have been checked. Not only is there a problem, but the problem is huge. The technical means are also in place. Now we are waiting for him to take the bait."

“How big of a problem is that?”

"The case is under investigation. I can't tell you for the time being. Just follow the plan discussed yesterday and let the criminal police brigade organize him to attend the establishment meeting of the anti-crime class on time."

"What if he behaves differently after the meeting?"

"Cai Haiyong will take someone there later. I will inform you before taking action."

"Director Ma, can you let Han Xin take action?"

Secretary Song took a deep breath of cigarette and said with a wry smile: "Even if Han Xin can control him first and then turn around and hand him over to Cai Haiyong. It would be better if Han Xin can help escort him and send him to the detention center."

Director Ma knew very well that he and District Chief Zhang wanted to express the branch's attitude towards anti-corruption. After weighing it, he agreed: "No problem."

"Thank you, Director Ma."

"Don't thank me. If something like this happens, don't say you are under great pressure. We are also under great pressure."

At the same time, Li Yijun was taking a nap in a car parked outside the criminal police brigade.

Han Xin, who had just finished eating in the brigade cafeteria, was sitting in the technical squadron office, chatting with Xu Wenjing while quietly observing the serious crime squadron office opposite.

As her name suggests, Xu Wenjing is really quiet.

Wearing a white coat and a pair of myopia glasses, she sat quietly at her desk and wrote down her learning experience last night.

She was not surprised that cheaters came to visit, because the anti-narcotics squadron and the technical squadron had a good relationship, and they were both now under the charge of deputy captain Zhang Yuhang.

"Sister Xu, your handwriting is so beautiful."

"It's not as beautiful as your master's writing."

"I think it's almost the same. It can be used as a copybook for me."

"I know my handwriting is crooked, why don't you practice it quickly?" Xu Wenjing raised her head and asked with a smile.

Han Xin scratched his neck and looked embarrassed: "I have practiced, but writing is just like going to school. It depends on talent. I don't have this talent, and I can't do it well no matter how hard I practice."

Thinking that everyone else was busier than the other, Xu Wenjing couldn't help but laugh and said: "Not being good at handwriting also has the advantage of being bad at writing. At least the leader won't let you write notes for suspects."

"It's true, let me record it. I can afford to shame this person, but the leader can't, hahaha."

"You're actually smiling so happily. Isn't it an honor to write well?"

"Not honorable."

"I thought you didn't know."

Han Xin looked over and said with a smile: "Sister, write it quickly and lend it to me for reference. My master said that Teacher Yu will check it."

Xu Wenjing knew that he was here for this, so she laughed and scolded: "What reference? You want to copy the homework?"

"What do you mean by copying? I just want to learn from it and use it as a reference."

"I can let you learn from it, but you can't copy it verbatim."

"Don't worry, I will not only learn from you, but also from my master and Team Liu. I will learn a little from each of you's homework, and then ask Cao Na to help check whether the sentences are fluent and whether my homework is correct. That’s it.”

When meeting such a scumbag, Xu Wenjing really didn't know what to say, so she simply put the experience she had just written in front of him: "Okay, let's learn from it."

"Thank you, Sister Xu, you are my biological sister!"

While joking, Huang Da came out of the office and invited Chen Guoping and others to go to the conference room on the second floor for a meeting.

There was no way to monitor her back to her office, so Han Xin simply went to the general room and asked Sister Guo for a notebook, then returned to the technical squadron and copied the homework of Xu Wenjing and other technical police officers.

The Technical Squadron is the most Buddhist squadron. All the policemen, including the squadron leader and instructor, believe that he is a big scammer who can't trick anyone in the Technical Squadron, so they choose to turn a blind eye to his shameless behavior.

A theft occurred at a company in Xinba Port, and they were notified to investigate the scene.

The urban squadron sent a piece of inspection materials, and those who stayed behind were asked to go upstairs for inspection.

Before he knew it, he was the only outsider left in the office.

At this time, a WeChat notification came from the phone.

Han Xin put down her pen, clicked on the group chat, and was surprised to find that there was one more person in the group.

Director Ma sent a text message, introducing the person who had just joined the group as Deputy Director Cai Haiyong from the First Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the District Supervisory Committee, and asked him to report the latest situation.

"Report to the two leaders, he is having a meeting in the conference room on the second floor."

"Keep an eye on him, he may make some unusual moves later."


Thirteen photos transferred from the branch's intelligence center were posted on the white blackboard in the conference room on the second floor.

Looking at the familiar faces in the top two photos and listening to the situation introduced by Fan Ziyu, a police officer from the intelligence squadron, Chen Guoping's heart was beating so nervously that he felt like he was on pins and needles.

Huang Da knocked on the table and said seriously: "Comrades, such a rampant gang involved in gangs has been active for two years before it was discovered, and it was discovered by a few intelligence policemen in the intelligence center who sit in front of the computer every day. This shows that what is the problem?"

This is soul torture...

The inspection team is inspecting the branch. Even if we strike hard to kill this gang now, when the inspection team finds out, they will definitely ask why they didn't attack until now and what they did before.

The dozen criminal policemen who attended the meeting had their heads hanging down, and no one dared to say a word.

Huang Dayue got more and more angry as he thought about it, and asked sideways: "Chen Guoping, you are the captain of the anti-crime team, you speak first!"

Chen Guoping calmed down and said quickly: "Huang Da, judging from the clues transferred from the intelligence center, this...this gang's activities are relatively hidden, and some criminal acts are even committed in other places..."

Huang Da was not satisfied with this explanation and knocked on the table again: "Someone has reported it online, more than once, and it can be found in searches now. Don't you usually go online?"

Fan Ziyu clicked the mouse and was shocked when he looked at the page he just queried.

Huang Da raised his head and asked, "Xiao Fan, have you discovered anything?"

"Report Huang Da, not only did someone post a report online, but someone also reported a crime."

"Which unit did you report the crime to, and was it accepted?"

"Someone called 110, and both the Chengxi Police Station and the Xitang Squadron accepted the case. Due to insufficient evidence, they were only given security penalties at that time, but the clues were all transferred to our professional team."

"So there are already clues!"

Chen Guoping said anxiously: "I have some impressions of these suspects, mainly because there is insufficient evidence..."

Gang-related cases have certain special characteristics. In a certain matter or even a certain period of time, they may only be suspected of breaking the law, and they can only be punished by public security. It is often said that big things will not happen but small things will continue.

Only when the accumulation reaches a certain level, their internal organizational structure is clear, and sufficient evidence is collected and fixed can they be uprooted, which is what the masses often call settling accounts.

Huang Da took a deep breath and said with a gloomy face: "If there is no evidence, collect it quickly. The bureau leader requested that a special class be set up immediately. I will also serve as the squad leader. Guoping, you will serve as the deputy squad leader. You will be responsible for the specific investigation and strive to solve the problem in the shortest possible time." Let’s get rid of this gang involved in crime!”


"Now let's study the investigation plan. It's up to you to talk first."

I’m really afraid of what will happen!

Chen Guoping didn't know how he survived these two hours. It wasn't until Huang Da announced that the meeting was dismissed that he calmed down and closed his notebook.

The inspection team is conducting inspections, and it is difficult to say whether anyone has reported it to the inspection team.

What's more, the bureau leaders are focusing on this case. Huang Da even asked to hold a meeting every day and listen to reports every day to understand the progress of the investigation.

He did not dare to hesitate any longer, walked out of the meeting room, and quietly sent a WeChat message.

When I returned to the office and saw that there was no reply from the other party, I quickly closed the door and made a phone call, telling those two bastards to run away as far as possible.

As a result, the bastard named Wu didn't take it seriously and actually laughed on the phone and said: "Captain Chen, what do I have to worry about when you are here? Besides, I neither stole nor robbed."

Chen Guoping was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "The inspection team is here, what do you think the inspection team does?"

"I know the inspection team is here. They are inspecting your director and deputy director. What does it have to do with you?"


"Captain Chen, I didn't press you to pay back the money, and I didn't charge you with the interest. Why did you have to let me run away?"

Nothing made sense on the phone, so Chen Guoping became anxious: "Where are you right now? I'm going to find you right now."

"I'm playing cards at the palace. Come over. We'll have dinner together later."

"You're still in the mood to play cards and eat, but I think you want to go to jail!"

The time has come.

Director Ma didn't want to be muddy and called Han Xin as soon as he received the report.

Han Xin didn't dare to waste a moment. She called Li Cainiao first, then opened the door and walked out of the technical squadron office.

As soon as Li Yijun ran to the door, Chen Guoping changed into casual clothes, went downstairs with a bag, and walked straight to his car.

His Buick was parked between two police cars. Because the distance between the cars on both sides was relatively small, he had to be careful when opening the door. The courtyard wall happened to be behind him.

People from the Supervisory Committee were arriving soon, and Director Ma asked not to let him leave. How could Han Xin miss this opportunity? She quickly rushed to meet him and blocked him between two cars.

"Captain Chen, where are you going?"

"Who are you……"

"Han Xin of the Fourth Squadron."

It turned out that he was Han Xin who had cheated the Chengdong Police Station three times. Chen Guoping reacted and saw another young man in casual clothes arriving. He suddenly realized that something was wrong and subconsciously reached out to pull the car door.

How could Han Xin let him get into the car? She grabbed his wrist and pushed him to the wall. Li Yijun wanted to help but couldn't squeeze in, so he quickly walked around the police car.

Chen Guoping didn't expect that the famous scammer was not tall and didn't look very strong, but his hands were very strong and he couldn't shake him off even if he wanted to.

He was about to push Han Xin away with his left hand, but Han Xin suddenly exerted force, grabbed his shoulder with his right hand, twisted it, and pressed him against the courtyard wall.

"What do you want to do, you're crazy!"

“It’s not what I wanted to do, it’s what you did.”

"Brother Han, handcuffs!" Li Yijun squeezed over from behind the police car.

Han Xin put her shoulder on the frightened Chen Guoping, released his right hand to take the handcuffs, and quickly handcuffed Chen Guoping on his back, who no longer dared to struggle.

Fan Ziyu, who had just come out of the bathroom, found that he had dragged Chen Guoping out from between the two cars. She subconsciously opened the window and asked, "Old Han, what are you doing? That's Team Chen!"

"It's none of your business, go back!"

"Why is it none of my business? Did your kid take the wrong medicine..."

You Yaoxing and other police officers who had just attended the meeting, as well as Lao Tang, Tian Mo and other auxiliary police officers on duty were all alarmed and walked out of the office one after another.

Naturally, such a big movement could not be hidden from Huang Da. He and Yu Jiao had just walked out of the office and opened the window. They were about to ask Han Xin what he was doing. They saw Chen Guoping not only hanging his head without saying a word, but his legs were trembling. I couldn't tell the time.

When Han Xin was arresting his colleagues in the brigade yard, he didn't know how to explain it. Li Cainiao, who had just grabbed Chen Guoping's left arm, said: "The Supervisory Committee is handling the case, please cooperate!"

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