Veteran new police officer

Chapter 108 It’s better not to come back!

He also asked the "Supervisory Committee to handle the case" and asked Huang Da and Yu Jiao to cooperate...

What kind of place do you think this is? Even your Yang Zai, who always likes to challenge the criminal police brigade, would not say that to Huang Da and Yu Jiao when something like this happens!

Han Xin not only regretted letting Li Cainiao participate in the operation, but also wanted to punch Li Cainiao.

Huang Da recognized Li Cainiao as a new police officer from the Chengnan Police Station. His face became even more ugly. He glared at them and asked, "Han Xin, what's going on? Chen Guoping, raise your head!"

Director Ma had just made it very clear that after controlling Chen Guoping, he was not allowed to have contact with others. This "other" obviously included the team leader's instructor.

"Huang Da, I'm sorry, I can't answer your question."

Han Xin looked back at Chen Guoping, who neither dared nor was embarrassed to raise his head, and insisted: "He can't answer your question either."

"My subordinates are in our brigade and are arresting my squadron leader. I can't ask any more questions?"


Too many people will have a bad impact.

It is not appropriate to take people to the duty room, and it is even more inappropriate to take them to the case handling area.

Han Xin simply said, "Secretary Song will be here soon", and together with Li Cainiao, they carried Chen Guoping into the technical squadron office and closed the door behind him.

Fan Ziyu was stunned and couldn't believe that Chen Guoping really had a problem.

You Yaoxing and other auxiliary police officers of the Serious Crime Squadron were all stunned. They looked stupidly at the closed door of the technical squadron office and did not dare to say a word.

Fu Li, the squadron leader of the technical squadron, had a big head and hurried to the door and said: "Xiao Han, this is our squadron's office, not a place to handle cases..."

Not everyone has a chance to catch corrupt individuals.

Thinking that he had accomplished something that even Yang could not do, Li Yijun's blood boiled with excitement. He squeezed Chen Guoping's arm tightly and turned around and said: "Requisitioned, five minutes at most!"

"Shut up, will you die if you don't say a word?"

Han Xin glared at him, took out her phone, opened the group chat, and quickly sent a voice message: "Director Ma, Director Cai, Chen Guoping is under control. I took him to the technical squadron office, please give instructions."

"Keep him under guard. We'll be there in about five minutes."


Huang Da realized that the big scammer would not take coercive measures against Chen Guoping for no reason. He felt that the rookie at the Chengnan Police Station was probably telling the truth, so he quickly said: "Fu Li, come back!"

"Huang Da, it's really none of our business..."

"Who said it's none of your business?"

Huang Dayi took a few deep breaths, turned around and yelled: "You have nothing to do? What's there to see? Come back to my office!"

Fan Ziyu was startled and hurriedly closed the window and ran into the office with several comrades from the squadron.

The squadron leader was actually arrested by Han Keng. You Yaoxing was about to speak but didn't want to go back.

Yu Jiao got angry, pointed at them and roared: "What are you looking at? Didn't you hear what Huang Da said? Listen to me clearly. No discussion, no inquiring, no texting or calling on WeChat!"


Huang Da really couldn't think of any problems with Chen Guoping, but one thing was certain. If Chen Guoping had no problems, the Supervisory Committee would never investigate at this juncture when the inspection team came to inspect the branch.

He took out his mobile phone and was about to call Bureau Chen to report when a police car drove into the yard and Bureau Chen and Secretary Song arrived.

He and the instructor quickly stepped forward to help open the door.

Chen Ju's face was ugly. Secretary Song's face was not only ugly but also looked very scary. As soon as he got out of the car, he asked coldly: "Where are the people?"


Huang Da quickly raised his arm and pointed at the technical squadron office.

Secretary Song did not go in to look, nor did he ask any more questions. Instead, he turned around and looked at the door.

Director Chen looked at him and Jiao Yu and sighed lightly. Without saying anything, he turned around and waited for the people from the Supervisory Committee.

After waiting like this for about three or four minutes, three official vehicles filed into the criminal police brigade, led by Cai Haiyong, the former deputy director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Procuratorate and now the deputy director of the First Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Supervisory Committee.

Seeing Secretary Song pointing at the technical squadron office, he walked in with a few case investigators without even saying hello to everyone. You could clearly hear him introducing himself inside and then reading out the detention order.

As expected, Chen Guoping had a problem. He did not complain, but acted very cooperatively. He handed over his police pass, mobile phone, handcuffs, car keys, office keys, desk drawer and file cabinet keys.

Immediately afterwards, Han Keng and the rookie from the Chengnan Police Station took the dejected Chen Guoping out of the technical squadron office. Under the leadership of the supervisory committee case investigators, Chen Guoping was put into the second official car and then drove away.

The investigators of the Supervisory Committee who had not left showed the search procedures, divided their troops into several groups, and began to search Chen Guoping's car, the drawers of Chen Guoping's desk, and the filing cabinets of the serious crime squadron...

There are also two case handlers working on-site in the conference room on the second floor.

Starting from Huang Da and Yu Jiao, they went in one by one to "pass the hall"!

Secretary Song and Bureau Chen didn't say anything, and others didn't dare to complain. They could only cooperate. They had to cooperate.

Cao Na was not a civil servant, so she didn't have so many scruples. She closed the door and secretly dialed Lan Doudou's number.

"Really, I saw it with my own eyes. He and the boy from the Chengnan Police Station not only arrested Team Chen, but also put Team Chen in the Supervisory Committee's car and drove away! The people from the Supervisory Committee are searching at the moment, looking for Huang Da and the others. Talking!"

Lan Doudou was a little confused. She was stunned for a while and then said with a grimace: "I have only been peaceful for a few days, and such a big thing happened at the right time when the inspection team came to inspect."

"Yes, Huang Da is very angry, and Jiao Yu's life will probably not be easy either."

“It’s not just the teacher Huang Dayu who is having a hard time, our whole team is not having a hard time either!”

Cao Na asked in a low voice: "Sister Doudou, even if Captain Chen really has a problem, what does it have to do with us?"

Lan Doudou sighed and said: "It's a big deal. If you don't believe it, just wait and see. The Supervisory Committee is the first group, and the Procuratorate will follow soon. The inspection team will definitely also intervene. In addition, our branch's Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office will ask, Talks, rectifications, one after another.”

Cao Na realized the seriousness of the problem and murmured: "If I had known this would happen, I might as well have stayed at the Anti-Drug Science Education Center as a docent."

"You're okay, our life is really hard."

At the same time, Han Xin and Li Yijun had assisted the case investigators of the Supervisory Committee and brought Chen Guoping to the detention center.

The detention center is also called the detention base. Although I thought it was mysterious before, I never thought of finding out where it was.

I thought it was located at the district committee, but when I arrived I found out it was in the detention center of the branch.

The two-story building is filled with surveillance cameras, and the doors and windows are all sealed with steel bars. The detention room, interrogation room, and interrogation room inside are all soft-packed, and the conditions are better than those in detention centers and detention centers.

The Supervisory Committee has staff handling cases here, and the auxiliary police officers who assist in the custody of detained persons are recruited by the Supervisory Committee in the name of the branch.

Although it is located in a detention center, the director and instructors of the detention center cannot enter, and it is not known whether the prosecutor stationed in the detention center has the authority to supervise the place.

Chen Guoping was taken into an interrogation room by several staff members. Director Cai handed the newly opened handcuffs back to Han Xin and said with a smile: "Comrade Han Xin, your mission is completed."

"Then let's go back first?"

"Go back, maybe there will be a chance to cooperate in the future."

Han Xin was about to say that the cooperation was not good, but Director Cai looked at Li Rookie's face and asked: "Young man, what's wrong with your face?"

"Report to Director Cai, it's gingivitis."

"I thought Chen Guoping was stubborn and punched you."

"No, he is quite honest."

"It's fine if you don't."

Director Cai admired these two newborn calves who were not afraid of tigers, and also sympathized with these two newcomers who were cheated by their bureau leaders. He patted Li Cainiao on the arm: "Don't forget to send the car to the district committee when you go back, Director Ma. Said there was also a motorcycle.”

"Yes, let's go back and return the car."

"Thank you for your hard work. Your mission is completed. Our work has just begun, so we won't send you off."

I watched him for a day and a night, and even helped arrest his colleagues in his own unit. After the matter was done, he didn't arrange a car to take him there, but had to take a taxi back...

Han Xin discovered that the Supervisory Committee was not honest in its work. She walked out of the detention center and turned around and said, "Don't forget that there is also a mobile phone card that belongs to someone else."

It was so exciting just now!

Li Yijun took out his mobile phone and said, "I can't forget it."

I called an online taxi and returned to the brigade. I split into two groups, one drove a motorcycle and the other drove a Passat. They took the car to the downstairs of the district committee and just handed the key to a young lady from the Supervisory Committee, Fan Ziyu. Just called.

Han Xin opened the door, climbed into her car, clicked on the car's Bluetooth and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Old Han, it turns out that you are not only an informant placed by the Public Security Brigade in our brigade, but also an undercover agent placed by the Supervisory Committee in our branch. You have three identities, you are a triple spy!"

Han Xin was really not in the mood to joke with him, not to mention that he sounded like he was not joking. She put on her seat belt and asked, "Lao Fan, what exactly do you want to say."

Fan Ziyu opened the door, took a peek, closed the door and said, "I just found out that you stayed in the technical squadron all afternoon, and it turned out that you were monitoring Team Chen!"

"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

"Something's wrong."

"You have something to say, I'm busy."

"Old Han, I'm telling you this because I treat you as a brother. Even if Chen Guoping really has a problem, it's not your turn to arrest him! If the Supervisory Committee wants to arrest them, it doesn't matter if you arrest him. Think about it carefully, what happened now In this way, no one will dare to be friends with you in the future!"

Han Xin could hear the words coming from the bottom of her heart and said helplessly: "I want to obey orders and perform tasks. Do you think I want to catch him with my own hands?"

Fan Ziyu asked curiously: "Whose orders do you obey and who carry out the tasks assigned to you?"

Some blame can be thrown away, and some blame cannot be thrown away randomly, otherwise it will be reported to the leaders that the two sides are not human beings. Han Xin can only say perfunctorily: "I'm sorry, the case is under investigation, so you can't talk nonsense."

"Then what happened to Chen Guoping?"

"Don't say I don't know. Even if I know, I can't say it."

"Well, don't say anything. You'd better not come back!"

"What's the meaning?"

"You can just call and ask Sister Doudou."

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