Veteran new police officer

Chapter 126 Know people well and assign them well

In terms of social security, Sigang should be the best among the seven districts and counties in Binjiang.

Precisely because the public security is good and there are very few drug cases, not only is there no anti-drug brigade, but there is not even an anti-drug squadron.

The management of precursor chemicals and the corresponding administrative approvals are mainly responsible for the deputy captain of the criminal police brigade who is about to retire to the second line and the back office lady of the brigade's general office.

Anti-drug publicity and education work is carried out by the bureau office, and drug cases are investigated by case-handling units including the police station and criminal police squadron.

Anti-drug work has been carried out, but it has no characteristics and nothing new.

Although the Linghai branch does not have an anti-drug brigade, it does have an anti-drug squadron within the criminal police brigade. The personnel are relatively young and full of energy. The anti-drug work is carried out very well. It can be said that it is at the forefront of the district and county public security bureaus.

Xiao Zhi and Cheng Zhi asked Li Zheng to be the first to join the fourth group. In terms of time, he could study one month longer than others. This was also based on the consideration that the Sigang Public Security Bureau had not made much achievements in anti-drug work.

I hope Li Zheng can take advantage of this precious opportunity to learn from Han Xin how the Linghai branch carries out anti-drug work.

Deputy Director Wang Yan of the Sigang Public Security Bureau also hopes that Li Zheng will succeed in his studies and that in the future, Sigang will be able to play a major role in anti-narcotics and even drug control!

Li Zheng didn't want to live up to the expectations of his leaders and elders, so he rushed to Linghai at two o'clock in the afternoon.

I heard that my colleagues from the Chengnan Police Station had escorted two suspects from the 3.13 case back from the mountain city, so I took the initiative to assist my colleagues from Linghai in sending one of the suspects to the High-tech Zone Hospital.

It is worth mentioning that Yang Biaohan knew that the criminal police brigade was having a hard time, which reflected the responsibility of the deputy director of the "No. 1 Branch"!

I no longer asked Huang Da about taking turns to take care of the suspect and take care of the suspect's child. With the consent of the director and instructor, I took the initiative to take on these two difficult tasks.

As the actual leader of Linghai's anti-drug work and the deputy leader of the 3.13 task force, Zhang Yuhang couldn't help but call Lan Doudou and asked her to buy some milk and snacks and come over to see Lin Lihong's daughter.

Lan Doudou came over to take a look and realized that her previous worries were unnecessary.

Xu Li, Wang Yijuan and other policewomen from the Chengnan Police Station took good care of the children. They tidied up a room and brought many clothes, shoes and socks from home that were too small for their children, as well as stuffed toys that their children no longer played with... …

Lan Doudou chatted with them for a while and was about to go back when she met Li Zheng who had just returned from the hospital.

Sister Jiang from the detachment's general room had greeted him before. She knew that Li Zheng was not only a policeman seconded to the detachment, but also from Liangzhuang where the "old detachment leader" had worked.

As the instructor of the Anti-Narcotics Squadron of the Criminal Police Brigade of Linghai Branch, she must express her welcome.

After chatting with Li Zheng for a while at the Linghai Branch Headquarters on the 3.13 case, I discovered that the "evil gangster" ignored him and called the police as soon as he walked out of the Chengnan Police Station.

"You are both the deputy captain of the anti-narcotics team and the deputy leader of the fourth team. Can you be a bit like the deputy captain and team leader?"

"What's he doing here so early?"

“It’s a good thing that people are active at work!”

Han Xin had also just returned home, and was recalling the brief "entanglement" at the train station just now, and said impatiently: "Master, today is Sunday, he doesn't want to rest, I want to rest."

Lan Doudou walked into the office and said angrily: "Today is Sunday, but you can come to the work to see who is resting at home and who does not have to go to work today?"

The inspection team is inspecting, and Chen Guoping has been investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Everyone has to work overtime, and rest is impossible. It is estimated that they will not be able to rest next weekend...

Han Xin sympathized with her colleagues in her old unit who were in dire straits and said with a smile: "But I have been seconded to the anti-drug detachment of the Municipal Bureau. Does my old unit want to work overtime? What does it have to do with me? Besides, I am very busy!"

"I know you are very busy. You are surrounded by beautiful women. I don't know how happy you are."

"Master, how did you know?"

"Xiao Si from the Popular Science Education Center is Cao Na's apprentice. Xiao Si told Cao Na, and Cao Na told me. Not only do I know, but there are also photos of you taking a group of girls to visit. Others value sex over friends, but you are Pay more attention to sex than master!"

"Master, you don't want to watch me be a bachelor all the time. I'm already twenty-seven. And the four girls yesterday were all my sisters, a cousin, a half-sister, and a half-sister. , and a sister next door.”

Han Xin thought about it and smiled: "Besides, taking them to visit and study is also work. Anti-drug publicity and education should start from the people around you. This is what you taught me."

Thinking that the "evil disciple" cannot always be alone, Lan Doudou chuckled and said: "What's going on with the sister next door? Is she the girl with short hair and wearing jeans?"

"Master, how did you see it?"

"I've seen photos. There are two girls who are not only very beautiful, but also look a bit similar. They should be your cousin and your sister who are related to you by blood. The little chubby one can't be your girlfriend, so it can only be the short one. Hair.”

Han Xin exclaimed: "It's amazing, you can analyze all this!"

Lan Doudou smiled and said: "There is nothing obvious about this. Tell me honestly, do you like that girl with short hair?"

"Not just like it."

"What's the meaning?"

"She is my girlfriend, master. You don't need to keep an eye on me anymore. I have officially left the ranks of singles!"

"Really, that girl is pretty pretty too. How could she like you?"

"Sister Doudou, are you my master? Do you think you can say that as an apprentice? Besides, except for my lack of education, my conditions in all aspects are still acceptable!"

"I'm kidding you, tell me, how old is that girl and what does she do?"

People feel refreshed when happy events happen, not to mention this is not an ordinary happy event.

Han Xin really wanted to share it with others and talked about Jiang Yue's situation with joy.

Lan Doudou was happy, closed the door and said with a smile: "As expected of my apprentice, he was quick enough to strike. Fan Ziyu, Zhang Hao and Zhou Kehong were still eagerly waiting for the junior sister to come to the branch to report, but you didn't say anything. What a fool. Don't give them a chance, well done!"

"Even if you give them a chance, they still have no chance."

"Stop blabbering, keep this matter a secret, don't tell them, give them something to think about, and let them continue daydreaming."

"Give them hope and then make them despair...Master, isn't it a bit cruel to do this?"

"Not cruel, you don't know how angry Fan Ziyu has been these past two days."

Han Xin asked curiously: "Why is he playing harp?"

Lan Doudou explained: "This matter has something to do with you, and it also has something to do with me. On the day he arrested Chen Guoping, didn't he tell you that he should arrest him or let the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision come to arrest him? He also told you that it was best not to come back. Well, it turned out that you were seconded the next day, and he thought you were angry with him and ran away."

"Then what?"

"He told me alone and asked me to help keep it a secret. It was so funny that I couldn't help but tell Cao Na. Cao Na then told Xu Wenjing, and Wenjing told the people in their squadron. As a result, everyone We all know it.”

Han Xin asked in confusion: "Shouldn't he be feeling guilty? Why is he snarling again?"

Lan Doudou said, dumbfounded: "Even if I really have opinions about you, I can only keep those words in my heart, how can I say them out? In the end, he said it out, and he said it to you. Everyone thought he was upright and open-minded. Dare to tell the truth, dare to tell the truth, everyone praises him!"

"So he's very arrogant now, stepping on me to win the respect and even admiration of everyone?"

“Not just respect and admiration, but real benefits.”

"What's the benefit?"

"It will soon be the May 4th Youth Day. The Municipal Youth League Committee is conducting selections. The Municipal Youth League Committee and the Youth League District Committee are also conducting selection activities. They are municipal-level May 4th Youth Medals and outstanding youths and outstanding youths. Our brigade has applied for recommendations before. It is Chen Guoping who is in charge, and Chen Guoping must be removed now."

Lan Doudou paused, and then said: "If we withdraw, someone will have to take over. Huang Da and Yu Jiao don't want to directly decide who to recommend as before, so they will hold a meeting and engage in democratic review. I, You Yaoxing and Fan Ziyu are all candidates." , and Fan Ziyu was elected with a high vote!"

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "So the 'star' of our team will be Lao Fan from now on?"

"That's him. The bureau leaders also think he's pretty good. The Political Department asked Sister Guo to quickly sort out his deeds. He compared a murderer and a wanted criminal. These are all deeds!"

"Master, in terms of performance, you are no less than him. If I were here, I would definitely vote for you."

"I'm just running with you. I really don't care about this. I voted for You Yaoxing myself. In terms of performance, You Yaoxing has done well over the years, and he is now in charge of the serious crime squadron."

Han Xin felt that this matter was not as simple as she said.

In all likelihood, the bureau leader was once bitten by a snake and feared for ten years. He was not worried about You Yaoxing, who was in charge of the work of the serious crime squadron and was about to become the squadron leader. He simply promoted Fan Ziyu, who had no official position and no job, to sit in front of the computer every day. Intelligence police, even if they make mistakes, how many mistakes can they make...

But it feels so unpleasant to be stepped on by others!

Han Xin was just feeling that Lan Doudou's proposal to give Fan Ziyu hope first and then make her despair was very reasonable. Lan Doudou suddenly changed the subject:

"Xiao Han, Li Zheng is not only your new colleague but also an anti-drug colleague. When people come to Linghai, we can't show any respect."

"How do you mean to treat him to a meal?"

"If you are not busy tonight, I will call Team Zhang Da Liu and ask him to come out for a meal together."

"Okay, I'm not busy at night."

"One more thing."

"What's up."

Lan Doudou looked back behind her, holding her cell phone and saying, "Chen Guoping has done a lot of harm to Huang Dayu. Your teacher's wife said that the superiors will definitely hold him accountable. Huang Dayu may be punished. My second uncle may not be able to serve as an instructor for a few days."

When subordinates commit crimes and leaders are held accountable, you may have felt that the leader being held accountable was wronged before, but now it is normal.

When such a big incident happened, Han Xin was not surprised that Director Chen, who was in charge of the criminal police brigade, was held accountable, let alone punishing Huang Da and transferring Yu Jiao.

In the words of the superiors, this is an inability to fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party. In fact, the brigade leaders did have too much trust in Chen Guoping before.

Han Xin was not sure how to evaluate it, and Lan Doudou added: "I heard that the bureau leader has talked to Yang Qianli. It is estimated that he will be transferred to our brigade as a deputy instructor in two or three days at most."

"He definitely doesn't want to come, let alone just an assistant coach!"

"This is not a matter of whether he wants to come. If the party committee of the bureau really makes a decision, he will come even if he doesn't want to come. As for the position, the assistant coach should be just a transitional one. When my second uncle is transferred, the bureau will let him take the opportunity. .”

"Hahahaha, the bureau leaders are really knowledgeable and good at appointing people!"

Han Xin almost burst into tears laughing.

Lan Doudou couldn't help but laugh and said: "A tough life does not need to be explained. Besides, as a leader, he will have friends."

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