Veteran new police officer

Chapter 127 Linghai drug ban!

Maybe the restaurant run by Mr. Yang, a policeman from the Shuangshui Police Station, is "big and attracts the wind". If he goes to eat while being inspected, he will easily be "inspected" by the inspector.

Maybe I've been there too many times and wanted to change my taste, so I arranged dinner at a very secluded restaurant.

It looks like a private house from the outside, with a small sign saying "Auntie's Private Kitchen" hanging on the door.

There is a unique cave inside, the small courtyard is very clean, and the several private rooms are decorated to a high standard.

When Han Xin picked up Li Zheng and rushed to the hotel, Zhang Yuhang and Liu Haipeng were cracking eggs with Lan Doudou and Cao Na.

Lan Doudou put down his cards and stood up to introduce himself. Everyone expressed their welcome. Li Zheng was flattered and quickly saluted and said hello.

After exchanging pleasantries, we washed our hands and ate.

Although this place is relatively secluded and unlikely to be "inspected" by disciplinary inspection inspectors, alcohol is still not allowed and can only be replaced by drinks and toasts come and go, which feels weird.

However, the dishes here are indeed very Linghai specialties. Han Xin picked up a piece of Shagang pork head and asked curiously:

"Zhang Da, how did you find this hotel? I couldn't even find it on the map. When I came here, I walked around outside several times before I saw the small sign at the door."

"This is my first time here too. Doudou recommended this place."

"This place is close to the detention center. Your wife often comes here, and I have followed her a few times."

Lan Doudou smiled and held up her chopsticks to greet Si Gang's colleagues to eat.

Han Xin finished the food in her mouth and said with a bad smile: "Master, it turns out that my wife is so corrupt that she specially chooses such a hidden restaurant to eat."

"What kind of corruption? The main thing is that it's quiet here. It's really pitiful to think about our line of work. It's like being a thief even if you make a living."

Lan Doudou sighed.

Li Zheng was deeply touched and couldn't help but smile: "We are the same. There is a nice restaurant in Liangzhuang town, but none of us dare to go. Every time we have a party or have something to do at home, we go to Xin'an, and all our money is taken from Xin'an." The hotel made money."

"The main reason is that I am worried about the negative impact."

Zhang Yuhang smiled and raised his drink: "Xiao Han, congratulations on your divorce. When we get together again, remember to bring your girlfriend with you."

"No problem, thank you Zhang Da."

Han Xin had never been in such a good mood. She took a sip of the drink, subconsciously picked up her phone and looked at the WeChat message Jiang Yue had just sent, and said with great enthusiasm: "Zhang Da, Captain Liu, no one can rob me from me today. I will pay for it today." !”

Li Zheng said hurriedly: "Let me do it. I have caused trouble to everyone, so you must give me a chance."

Before Zhang Yuhang could speak, Lan Doudou smiled and said: "This is for you to catch the wind, how can I ask you to pay for it. Xiao Han, you must pay for this meal, but you have to wait until your girlfriend comes back. There’s a squadron dinner tonight, and Nana will go ask for the invoice later.”

"The squadron has a dinner, and we eat and drink with public funds. Do we have a small treasury?" Han Xin was doubly surprised.

"We don't have a small treasury, and this doesn't count as public funds for food and drink."

"Then how to reimburse?"

"We have a bonus!"

Han Xin smiled and asked: "What bonus?"

Lan Doudou didn't know how to explain it, so Liu Haipeng smiled and said: "The district established the Comprehensive Achievement Award for Anti-drug Law Enforcement and the Detection of Drug Cases several years ago. The Comprehensive Achievement Award is evaluated once a year, and the first place is rewarded." Ten thousand, the second place will be rewarded with eight thousand, and the third place will be rewarded with five thousand.

The document says it is awarded to units and individuals. In the past, it could be given to individuals as bonuses. Now whoever dares to give it to individuals will use it as union fees or activity expenses. Anyway, they have to be spent quickly, otherwise it will be gone. "

"The evaluation is done once a year, Captain Liu, are you saying that our squadron was evaluated last year?"

“In the past, we used to give reviews to others, help them organize materials and send them to the Police Support Office, Discipline Inspection Commission, and Legal Review, then submit them to the supervisor for approval, and finally send them to the Finance Bureau for filing. This reward is what the Chengnan Police Station has received the most, and we have never received it once. .”

"Then where does this reward come from?"

"This is the drug case award for solving the 2.12 case. It is evaluated every quarter. The clues were discovered by our squadron, and our squadron also investigated the early stage. We must have a share. Huang Da, Yu Jiao and Chen Bureau all said that the reward Half of them will be assigned to the brigade and half to our squadron."

"That's great, there's also a reward!"

"Of course."

"Do you know how much it costs?"

Liu Haipeng didn't know the exact number, so he subconsciously looked at Lan Doudou.

Lan Doudou picked up her mobile phone and searched, looking at the documents issued by the district government three years ago, she said with excitement: "For every drug-related entertainment venue that is investigated and punished, and the personnel responsible for the venue are criminally punished in accordance with the law, a reward of three thousand yuan will be given; For each drug criminal case in which less than 50 grams of drugs are seized, a reward of NT$1,000 will be given;

For every drug criminal case in which more than 50 grams and less than 200 grams of drugs are seized, a reward of 2,000 yuan will be given...

For every drug criminal case in which more than 10 kilograms of drugs are seized, a reward of 20,000 yuan will be awarded, and based on ten kilograms, the reward will be 10,000 yuan for each additional 10 kilograms of seized drugs, up to a maximum of 60,000 yuan! "

When it comes to real interests, even Cao Na couldn't help but ask: "Sister Doudou, how many drugs were seized in the 2.12 case?"

"According to the standards of the Ministry of Public Security, it should be ten kilograms."

"The reward is 20,000 yuan, half for the team and half for us, so we get 10,000 yuan!"

"More than ten thousand."

"Converted to more than ten kilograms?"

"Even if it exceeds, it won't be much more. I said it's more than 10,000 because there are clauses below."

Lan Doudou looked at the phone and said with a smile: "I'll read it to you. To detect the drug target cases of the Provincial Public Security Department, any drug suspects are captured, brackets, criminal detention or above, more than ten people or the criminal network level three is destroyed. Those who are above level five and below will be given 1.5 times the reward!

Anyone who captures more than 20 drug suspects or destroys a criminal network level five or above will be given twice the reward;

Those who capture more than 30 drug suspects or destroy the criminal network level seven or above will be given three times the reward! "

Han Xin reacted: "The 2.12 case not only destroyed the drug manufacturing factory, but also traced the source of the original drug. In total, more than seven levels were destroyed, and more than 30 suspects were arrested!"

Lan Doudou put down her phone and chuckled: "So we meet three times the standard, the total reward is 60,000, and our squadron can get 30,000!"

"Enough for us to eat for many meals."

"You just know how to eat. This money will be of great use after being approved."

"Master, how are you going to spend it?"

"I discussed it with Team Liu this afternoon and am about to report to Zhang Da."

It’s not easy for the Anti-Narcotics Squadron. This is the first time to get a reward.

Zhang Yuhang put down his chopsticks, looked at her and Liu Haipeng with a smile and asked, "How do you plan to spend it?"

Liu Haipeng put down his drink and said with a smile: "Zhang Da, our anti-drug funds are small, but we still need to carry out work in all aspects. In recent years, we have relied on the help of various units and social groups such as the Volunteer Federation. In the past, we could not even afford to treat others to a meal." No, now that we have money, we want to treat people to a meal and express our gratitude."

As an old squadron leader, Zhang Yuhang knew very well that all these years he relied on the help of relevant units and groups. He nodded slightly: "Yes, we should also invite anti-drug volunteers such as Wang Meiqin and anti-drug officers from various streets and towns."

"I definitely have to invite you. Doudou and I made an estimate. Including several school leaders, there are about a hundred people. Counting drinks, it should cost about 12,000 yuan."

Liu Haipeng paused and continued: "In the past, we always took advantage of other people's activities. This anti-drug month, we plan to organize a few activities ourselves. More than 10,000 yuan will definitely not be enough. We will ask others for help when the time comes."

"What activities are you planning to do?"

"The day before yesterday, I met Secretary Chen from the High-tech Zone at a meeting. The High-tech Zone also wanted to do some publicity, so I discussed with him to see if we could hold an 'anti-drug health run' there. This is an outdoor event.

For indoor activities, we want to hold an anti-drug theatrical performance at the Cultural and Art Center. We will ask the Singers Association, Dancers Association and volunteers to help.

During the anti-drug month, all streets will hold activities, including the Yanggang community. I will discuss with them later on whether we can be included as before, and try to make it more colorful..."

As soon as Liu Haipeng finished speaking, Lan Doudou put down his chopsticks and added: "There is one more big thing to do. We have several drug addicts working in Linghai in the capital. This year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, which involves the capital. Regarding security and testing, we need to find a solution quickly."

Zhang Yuhang asked in a low voice: "Are they unwilling to come back for testing?"

"The round trip costs thousands, and it is not easy for them to find a job. I discussed with several anti-drug officers to see if we could ask anti-drug volunteers who are in or on business trips to the capital to bring files and diapers. Help me test it, and then take a photo and send it back."

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot. This matter is indeed important."

The anti-drug work has been carried out very well!

Li Zhengzhen realized the gap and couldn't help but ask: "Can't we entrust the local police station to help detect it?"

This involves work motivation. Colleagues in some places may feel that doing more is worse than doing less. Drug addicts who are not under their supervision take the initiative to apply for urine tests, but they ignore them.

Lan Doudou sighed secretly and said helplessly: "Drug addicts can undergo community detoxification in other places. However, they must apply for a power of attorney for drug addicts in other places according to regulations, entrusting the local public security department or the central drug treatment community to help with urine testing and prescribing urine tests. Proven, but it’s troublesome to connect.”

Liu Haipeng said with a smile: "We can solve the problems ourselves and try not to trouble others as much as possible."

Li Zheng came to his senses and said sincerely: "Zhang Da, Team Liu, and Lan Zhi, your anti-drug work is really good. We, Si Gang, want to learn from you."

"We still want to learn from you, and we still envy you."

"What do we have to learn from, and what do we have to envy?"

"Your anti-drug funds are more than ours. If I remember correctly, you spent more than 1.6 million last year, while ours in Linghai only had 560,000!"

"I don't even know if it's true or not." Li Zheng felt incredible.

Lan Doudou picked up her phone again and searched for the district government’s announcement on the budget of the Anti-Narcotics Office: “Look, we only have 560,000, of which 350,000 are used for social worker wages for the Anti-Narcotics Office.

Taking advantage of the Spring Festival, anti-drug publicity month, and the opening of primary and secondary schools, the cost of carrying out anti-drug publicity and education is only 200,000.

The "three official" funds, that is, official reception expenses, were 14,700 last year. In order to strictly implement the "eight regulations" and reduce official reception expenses, this year there are only 10,000, and these 10,000 are received by the branch. Follow us The squadron doesn't matter. "

Li Zheng looked at the budget and final accounts announcement of the Si Gang Anti-Narcotics Office that Lan Doudou had just found, and frowned slightly: "We have more than 1.6 million in Si Gang. Where did this money go? The Anti-Narcotics Office usually doesn't seem to have anything." What activities have you done?"

It must have been misappropriated to other places, such as recruiting auxiliary police officers in the name of recruiting anti-drug social workers, and the money was used to pay salaries to the auxiliary police officers...

Zhang Yuhang couldn't help but hurriedly asked him to eat.

Han Xin asked in confusion: "Master, the announcement just now said that our district's anti-drug office has no fixed assets and no public cars, but we do have a car. Where does the maintenance cost of that car come from?"

"That car was purchased by the Municipal Anti-Drug Office and distributed to the grassroots anti-drug units, that is, to the streets and anti-drug officers. But we have so many streets in Linghai, and there are several anti-drug officers, and only one was given to them. The car is difficult to allocate, so it will remain with the bureau, and the maintenance costs will be borne by the bureau."

“Does this count as appropriation?”

He had just shown off and finished making fun of Si Gang, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face so quickly.

What a scoundrel, what a big swindle...

Lan Doudou's teeth itched with hatred and she said unhappily: "Why do you have so many problems? Eat vegetables!"

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