Veteran new police officer

Chapter 173 Stand tall!

Since accepting the secret mission, Lan Doudou has started working overtime every day.

Because they agreed to contact her from 8 to 9 pm, she would stay at the workplace until 9 pm when her husband was on duty.

If her husband is not on duty, she will get off work on time in the afternoon, play with her daughter for a while after dinner, and ask her husband to drive her to the work on the pretext of having to work overtime, so as not to be mysterious at home and affect the relationship between husband and wife.

Yu Wenqiang really couldn't figure out where the anti-drug brigade got so much work, but his wife had already become an instructor. He could only support and must support his wife's work.

Just like the previous few days, he was chatting with his brothers from the SWAT team in the duty room downstairs, waiting for his wife to finish her work before going home together.

As soon as Lan Doudou finished talking to Ma Lulu on the phone, she called the "evil disciple"'s mobile phone.

Unexpectedly, the line was busy, so I could only sit in the archives room and wait.

Han Xin knew that she had been beaten, but she couldn't care about it now because she was busy talking on the phone with her old army comrades to analyze the case.

"This new situation you discovered is very valuable. It can at least narrow the scope. I will report it to my superiors and see if we can think of a way to find out if there is any drug dealer with the surname Lei or Lei in Mei Xi's area."

Staff Officer Lu thought for a while and then said, "If it doesn't work out, let Lao Xu go over."

Xu Jun was also unfamiliar with Mei Xi's side. Han Xin didn't think Xu Jun could handle it, and said in a deep voice: "Old Xu, there is no need to come over. He is not familiar with the place. He can easily scare off the snake by just running here."

"Then don't let him pass. I'll think of other ways."

"Guard the border. If you find anyone entering the country illegally, question them one by one and ask them carefully."

"Does this need your teaching?"

"Okay, okay, I'll wait for your news."

Han Xin smiled and then said: "Brother Lu, how did the subordinate who has been arrested get in touch with 'Brother Lei' before?"

Staff Officer Lu said helplessly: "We were introduced to the line through another gambler and drug addict. They added QQ friends, but never met them in real life. At first, they were afraid of being cheated, so they bought very little. Later, they bought more and more. , until we caught it.”

"Where's the drug addict and gambler?"

"Then he passed away. I don't know if he died there. Anyway, I couldn't contact him. I will send you the information later. If you have a chance, you can find out the whereabouts of that guy."

"No problem." Han Xin touched the corner of her mouth and then asked, "Do you have any chat records of Brother Chalei?"

"We checked. The QQ number was used for single-line communication with the arrested person. There is no other contact person or chat history. We can no longer contact him. We are trying to find a way to use technical means to find out who he was before. Where did you go online? There will probably be news tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Hurry up."

"Isn't this nonsense? I'm more anxious than you!"

"What do you know? I have a lot of things to do here. If I dig out Brother Lei sooner, I can do other things sooner."

"I understand. If you persist for one more week, there will be nothing to worry about for the safety of my eldest cousin."

Hang up the phone to his old comrade and contact his master who is far away in his hometown waiting for news.

As soon as the code was exchanged, Lan Doudou asked eagerly: "Who did you call just now? Why is the line always busy?"

"Sorry, I just called the old ghost."

Lao Gui is the code name of another contact person, who is said to be very ghostly. In the words of evildoers, he is like a ghost.

Don't pry when you shouldn't. Lan Doudou didn't want to ask about the "old ghost" again, but said nervously: "You went to your eldest cousin's house in the afternoon, and were you interrogated on the way?"

"Did she tell you?"

"She was terrified and I comforted her for half an hour."

"It was quite dangerous in the afternoon, but her performance in the afternoon was okay. Although she was nervous and scared, she didn't show any flaws."

Lan Doudou asked worriedly: "What if she accidentally reveals her flaws?"

Han Xin had already thought about it and had several plans. She said calmly: "Even if there is a flaw, the militiamen will not arrest her, let alone harm her. They will only tip off the drug dealers."

"If the drug dealer knew, wouldn't she be in danger?"

"It is more dangerous, but as long as she does not go to Mei Xi's side, the drug dealers will not dare to do anything to her. Even if they want to take revenge and take action, they must first bribe the military and police here, otherwise it will be easy to get themselves involved."


"Master, there's nothing wrong with her. Besides, if we wait a few more weeks for the news of the closure to come out, the drug dealers will no longer doubt her."

“Why wait a week before breaking the news?”

"What do you think?"

Han Xin asked back and immediately changed the subject: "Not only did she perform well today, but she also contributed to the anti-drug cause. If nothing else happens, her hometown village will not grow poppies in the second half of the year. I watched it this afternoon Look, there are seventy or eighty acres.”

"They grow so many poppies there. Doesn't it mean that drugs are banned there and they have stopped growing opium poppies there a long time ago?"

"We are here to ban drugs. All the warlords, big and small, claim to be banning drugs, but they are still growing what they should. In the entire Golden Triangle, there are still more than 500,000 acres of opium poppy. This is observed through satellite remote sensing. Public data can be found online. .”

Lan Doudou couldn't believe this was true and exclaimed: "More than half a million acres..."

Han Xin sighed: "So everything Mr. Zhou has done over the years may be of greater significance than the few major cases we solved and the arrest of several groups of drug dealers."

"That's true. Since you know this, you should think about it carefully and not cause others to be harmed because of us."

"I know, I will find a way. My eldest cousin has nothing to worry about. She will not return to her parents' home for the next week. She is safe on the territory of the United Wa Army."

"I feel relieved now."

Hang up the phone and go to bed.

But Han Xin tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

First, I felt that when Mr. Zhou made up his mind to respond to the country’s call to ban drugs in this way, he certainly did not expect that heroin and opium would become unpopular so quickly. He did not expect that methamphetamine, mogu and ephedrine tablets would become “mainstream” so quickly.

Even if all the opium poppies in the Golden Triangle were eradicated, it would not change the current situation that China is deeply affected by the "Golden Triangle" drugs.

Second, a large part of the drug dealers here are bastards from China!

They are very familiar with the domestic situation and know how to establish channels and develop networks. Compared to the big and small warlords and drug lords here, those bastards are more hateful!

Third, I feel a little homesick and miss my girlfriend.

I really want to call my girlfriend, but I am worried that I will become "addicted" like gambling or drugs.

Once I hit her, I couldn't control it anymore. I wanted to hit her every day and wanted to hear her voice.

"Boss Chen" trusted his subordinate very much and let him decide whether, when and how to contact his girlfriend.

He didn't want to betray his old leader's trust, so he got up and went downstairs to take a shower. He turned on his computer and sent an email to his girlfriend, but he resisted not calling.

Just after cleaning up the traces of sending emails and getting ready to go to bed, there was another gunshot from Mei Xi's side.

The fighting was more intense than the previous times, and there were also explosions.

Manager Tang was also awakened by the gunfire in the distance. When he came out and saw the light in his room, he knocked on the door and asked, "Xiao Jiang, why are you still awake until now?"

Han Xin opened the door and said nervously: "Brother Tang, there is another shooting on the other side of the mountain!"

"It's not just gunfire. Listen, there's also artillery fire. It's the explosion of a mortar."

"Brother Tang, can you even hear this?"

"You can still hear it if you stay here for half a year."

Manager Tang lit up a cigarette and sighed: "You hit me, I'll hit you, I hit you, I hit you, I keep hitting you for so many years, when will it end!"

Personality is very important and must not be ruined.

Han Xin asked anxiously: "Brother Tang, who is fighting whom over there?"

Manager Tang felt that it was necessary to educate him on the situation on the other side, and said in detail: "The De'ang Army and the government forces are not fighting, and they always want to be independent. Meixi is now occupied by the government forces, so they want to grab the territory.

The government troops here are just as unfamiliar with the place as we are. They couldn't defend it on their own, so they supported a few militia groups. So they attacked both government troops and militia groups. "

"Can the De'ang Army defeat the government troops and militia?"

"The De'ang army only has so many people. It's certain that they can't defeat them. They only dare to make sneak attacks."

"Why don't the government forces wipe them out in one go?"

"You think the government troops here are our People's Liberation Army. How can they have that fighting capacity? Besides, the warlords here, big and small, will sit still and wait for death. Everyone understands the truth of death, so the De'ang Army has allies and support from other forces. "

Han Xin asked: "Who are De'ang's allies?"

Manager Tang smiled and said: "Kachin, if the government troops pursue and fight fiercely, even the United Wa Army will probably secretly support it."

"Then who wants to kiss us?"

"Kachin is supported by Lao America. They believe in Christianity and don't like Lao Burma or us, but they don't dare to offend us. De'ang is similar to Kachin.

As for other forces, some are due to historical reasons, some are due to the propaganda of Lao Burma, and some are purely based on their own calculations and are not very close to us. "

Han Xin pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Aren't Agui and the others pretty good?"

"It's pretty good on the surface, hahaha."

When talking about the motherland, Manager Tang was full of pride. After thinking about it, he smiled and said: "You will know after a while, but whether you like it or not is their business, we don't care."

"Brother Tang, what do you mean you don't care?"

"If you don't care, you don't care, but we don't care. They can't care whether we like it or not, whether Gao is happy or not!"

Looking at the young man who seemed to understand, Manager Tang said with great pride: "To give a simple analogy, the government army and the Kachin were fighting the year before last, and the artillery shells accidentally hit our side.

No matter how fierce the battle is, stop and remove a division commander from his post and give us an explanation. Then we can continue fighting when we are satisfied. "

"Hahaha, it turns out that this person doesn't care, but what about Kachin?"

"The same goes for Kachin. Although they want to follow the United States, they don't dare to cause trouble with us even if they have the courage to do so!"

Just as he was talking, the sound of gunfire stopped.

Manager Tang took out his mobile phone to check the time, then patted Han Xin on the shoulder: "Xiao Jiang, although the country has become stronger, those of us working here can stand up straight, but we still need to pay attention to what we should pay attention to in the future. We can’t come back so late again.”

The old squad leader spoke with sincerity and sincerity.

Han Xin felt really sorry and said quickly, "Okay, I'll pay attention."

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