Veteran new police officer

Chapter 174 Impossible Mission

Zhengkang County is a county under the jurisdiction of Xinkang Prefecture, but because it is located on the border, it not only had a deputy regiment-level border defense brigade, but also a regimental-level entry-exit border inspection station.

Now that it has been restructured, there are no regiment-level or deputy-regiment-level units, only border management brigades and entry-exit border inspection stations.

However, the border management brigade is still under the control of the Xinkang Border Management Detachment, and the entry-exit border inspection station is still affiliated with the provincial department's entry-exit border inspection station, and above that is the Immigration Bureau.

After visiting the public security bureaus of several key border cities, Cheng Wenming rushed to Zhengkang on the advice of "Boss Chen" and stayed at a hotel diagonally opposite the border management brigade of the Zhengkang Public Security Bureau.

Political Commissar Yun and Director He went back first after visiting their counterparts in Nanyun. Only his wife and Xu Haoran were left with him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I settled in, my colleague from Zhejiang Province called me and said that I had arrived in Zhengkang.

Since the case was jointly investigated by three companies, I asked where the frontline headquarters was located and they wanted to come and report.

"I just had a phone call with Chen Zhi. Chen Zhi said that Xiao Lu and Xiao Xu from the investigation team arrived the day before yesterday. They are at the border management brigade.

We had just arrived and were staying in a hotel diagonally across from the brigade. Why don't you come here to check in first, and then go to the border management brigade to find Xiao Lu together. "

"Thank you Cheng Zhi, we will be there soon!"

Xu Haoran can be considered a person who has seen the world, but he was still shocked when he saw the bags of methamphetamine and bags of mogu in Baoshan.

I feel very uncomfortable when I think that so many drugs that were finally seized were handed over to our counterparts in Zhejiang Province.

"Cheng Zhi, it was so hard to seize so many drugs and catch two big drug lords. How can you hand them over just like you said?"

Cheng Wenming was also reluctant to give up and said helplessly: "This is the instruction of your old detachment leader. He said that a county-level city public security bureau can take the lead in handling such a big case, invest so much manpower and financial resources, track it all the way here, and even stay on guard." It took several months, which was very difficult and should be praised.”

Xu Haoran was shocked: "All the old detachment leaders know about this case!"

"When it comes to the jurisdiction of the case, we can't negotiate who has the jurisdiction. It can only be decided by our common superiors, so you alarmed the old detachment leader."

"Why is the old detachment leader's elbow turned outward..."

"Now you know that it's not necessarily easy to enjoy the shade under a big tree. Let's see if you still keep talking about him like before."

Cheng Wenming smiled and then changed the topic: "But then again, handing it over to our colleagues in Zhejiang Province is indeed conducive to the investigation. They have done so much preliminary work, and the situation of the entire network has basically been understood.

If we insist on chewing this hard nut, let alone a week, even if we are given another half a month, we may not be able to catch all the suspects at the following levels. "

Our counterparts in Zhejiang Province are now really cracking down on the Internet and solving major cases.

The more Xu Haoran thought about it, the more envious he became, and murmured: "Half a month is not enough, just one month. The case of the 3.13 case is also very complicated. Shouldn't we grit our teeth and chew off that hard bone?"

"The problem now is that we don't have a month, not even half a month. The lower levels must be eliminated as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the greater the pressure on Han Keng, and the more dangerous the situation in Han Keng. !”

Cheng Wenming was worried.

Xu Haoran didn't dare to say anything anymore.

As the policeman responsible for specific work, he knew where Han Keng had gone and what work Han Keng needed to do next.

At the same time, Shen Fei, a criminal police officer from the Wucheng City Public Security Bureau who had just arrived in Zhengkang, was not very convinced by Cheng Yaojin, the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau who showed up halfway.

He glanced at the navigation, held the steering wheel and asked: "Kong Da, we have been squatting for several months and done so much work, but they have done nothing. How can we unite?"

"If someone doesn't do anything, can they crash with us?"

"But the main work is done by us. We have already mastered the subcontractors. Why do they have to point fingers and ask us to complete the closing of the net within seven days?"

"We have already mastered the next house, but what about the upper house?"

Kong Da looked back at him and emphasized: "We have done a lot of work before, but we have leadership support and provincial departments to help coordinate.

As long as you dig deeply and work patiently, you can get to the bottom of things. But attacking the source is different, and we can't do it even if we try hard. "

Shen Fei asked unconvinced: "We can't fight, but they can?"

"If someone is not very sure, how can the Xinkang Border Management Detachment be so supportive? The bureau leader is right, we can't just withdraw our troops. Even if we can't exert our strength, even if we sit here and wait, we still have to wait for them to eliminate the source. Catch the drug lord and bring the case to a successful conclusion."

Lu Xiangyang, the intelligence staff officer of the detachment's reconnaissance team who had been stationed at the Zhengkang Border Defense Brigade for two days, did not know or care about what the two "partners" were thinking.

In the past two days and three nights, his total rest time was less than seven hours.

Auxiliary police officers from several border police stations in Zhengkang have been patrolling the border day and night for the past two days.

Anyone found entering or exiting the country illegally will be subject to compulsory measures and brought to the police station for questioning. Border residents of the two countries who can legally travel back and forth must also be subject to interrogation.

The Border Management Brigade also has a reconnaissance team, and all the comrades from the reconnaissance team also participated.

Even the Public Security Brigade of the Zhengkang County Public Security Bureau is organizing various police stations to check the temporary residence permits of Myanmar border residents.

As soon as Xu Jun arrived in Zhengkang, he went to the entry-exit border inspection station and asked the immigration police at the checkpoint to help interrogate the immigration personnel.

Clues followed one after another, and two and three cell phones kept ringing.

Sister Yang answered the phone and took notes, her hands were numb as she wrote.

Most of the clues are irrelevant to the case being investigated, but that does not mean they are without value.

For example, who has illegally left the country to gamble, or which gambling company has hired a few new vegetable farmers? There is nothing we can do about them for the time being, but we need to record them in categories and enter them into the system as basic information, and then report them to them when conditions are ripe. Settle accounts later.

She was so busy that Sister Yang stood up holding her cell phone: "Xiao Lu, Cheng Zhi and the others are here. I'll go down and pick them up."

"Okay, please ask them to go to the conference room next door. I'll be here soon."

"There's no rush, you get busy first."

When Lu Xiangyang quickly finished the work at hand, picked up a stack of materials compiled by Sister Yang and walked into the conference room, colleagues from two coastal provinces were sitting around the conference table chatting.

Ignoring politeness, I simply asked him how he was doing and then introduced the progress.

"After two days of investigation, we found six men with 'Lei' in their names in the Meixi area. This man is Zhang Xiaolei, from Nanhu. He is 31 years old and has been hanging out in several large and small casinos across the street for the past three years. Known as Brother Lei."

"This is Lei Bin, a native of Yanggui Province. He is 23 years old. Not only is he involved in gambling, but he is also a member of a gambling gang.

It is said that he was cruel and ruthless, but unfortunately no one reported the case. There was no evidence that he was suspected of illegal detention or intentional harm to others. People over there also called him Lei Ge. "

Lu Xiangyang posted six photos on the white blackboard while introducing.

After introducing the last "Brother Lei", he suddenly pointed to the fourth "Brother Lei": "This Lei Peng is a bad gambler and drug addict. He has been hanging around the opposite side for four years. He has signed several orders and entered several orders. House, and even squatted in the legendary water prison.

Even his wife, who was also a drug addict and a gambler, ran away with him, but from what we know, he knew Ye Guinian, the gambler and drug addict who introduced the source of drugs, and had a very good relationship with Ye for a while. "

Kong Da looked at the photo and asked: "Counsel Lu, are you saying that he is the brother Lei we want to arrest?"

"It's not certain now. Firstly, there is no evidence that he sells drugs. Secondly, if he is really a drug dealer doing big business, he won't be so miserable. Just yesterday afternoon, he actually entered a single room because he signed a contract."

"Is it possible that he is a drug dealer's son?"

"It's unlikely. We learned from several immigration officers that he was just a little gangster over there who was always cheating and defrauding people.

If you are lucky enough to win some money, you will spend a lot of money. But I'm not lucky, and I spend most of my time cleaning up, otherwise I wouldn't have entered the single room so many times. "

Cheng Wenming held his chin and said, "But he knows Ye Guinian!"

Lu Xiangyang nodded: "So whether he is Brother Lei we want to catch or not, we must find a way to get him back."

Kong Da asked again: "Counsel Lu, where is Ye Guinian? Is there any news about Ye Guinian?"

"We are investigating, and now we only know that he went to gamble two years ago and entered the single room because he signed the bill, and then ran away secretly while the person who was reading the bill was not paying attention.

The gang suspected of loan sharking chased her and looked for her. It was said that the noise was quite loud, but she was not caught up and found. I don’t know where she escaped. She is probably dead. "

"Then how can we get this Lei Peng back?"

"I'm having a headache over this matter. If he is really Brother Lei we want to arrest, it means he is just a minor player. If we contact his relatives and ask for assistance from the opposite political and legal department in the name of rescue, it will be easy to alert the snake. It is very likely that this person has not been found.”

"You mean there's someone over there who's tipping off people and covering up drug dealers?"

"We can't be sure now, but we have to be on guard."

"Since we can't go through this channel, how can we get Brother Lei back?"

A first-class model from the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau is the current boss of an old comrade!

Lu Xiangyang felt that the leaders of the Binjiang Municipal Bureau should be given face, at least to make their colleagues in Zhejiang Province feel that the Binjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau had no sense of presence in this case.

What's more, this mission carries certain risks!

The old comrade-in-arms is now someone else's subordinate. Whether the old comrade-in-arms is allowed to carry out this task depends on the leadership of the old comrade-in-arms nodding.

He weighed it up and turned to look at Cheng Wenming: "Cheng Zhi, I reported to our Chen Zhi, and Chen Zhi said that the next step is up to you. The only thing we can do is to respond."

How could Cheng Wenming not understand what he meant and asked solemnly: "How sure are you?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

"Cheng Zhi, I'm not kidding you, I really don't know."

"Did you ask him?"

"No," Lu Xiangyang looked back at Sister Zhang and said with a wry smile: "If I asked, he would definitely find a way. If the emperor's life is not in his favor, he won't be able to stop it even if he wants to."

This was related to the safety of a comrade. Cheng Wenming couldn't make up his mind, so he stared at him and asked: "Xiao Lu, you know him better than I do. Tell me the truth, do you have confidence in him? He Can you complete such a task?"

Sister Zhang hesitated to speak, not daring to look at Cheng Wenming.

Lu Xiangyang had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "He has more experience than me in this regard, and even more experience than Xu Jun. If even he can't handle it, then we can only ask the comrades of the Zhengkang County Bureau to come forward and negotiate with the other party. .”

"Can we take some measures and make some necessary preparations. For example, if he encounters danger, he can be rescued in time."

"It can only be done on this side of the border, not across the border. And what is important in this matter is that no one is aware of it, otherwise there is no point even if we can cross the border to respond."

"Let him try his best to get the person surnamed Lei out of the gambling gang's prison by himself, and he still has to do it without anyone noticing?"

"From the perspective of case investigation, this is the best and most secure solution."

"Have you ever considered the difficulty of this mission?"

"I've thought about it. If it wasn't difficult I wouldn't ask you."

Xu Haoran finally understood why Han Keng had to undergo devilish training when he returned to the old army. It turned out that he was all preparing for this moment.

Thinking that this was almost an impossible task, he subconsciously looked at Cheng Wenming, fearing that Cheng Wenming would agree.

What he couldn't believe was that Cheng Wenming was silent for a moment, clenched his fists and said, "Since there is no better way, let's ask for his opinion first. If he thinks he can give it a try, then let him go. Fight."

"Yes, I'll go next door and call him."

Lu Xiangyang nodded slightly, picked up his phone and walked out of the conference room.

Sister Zhang took a deep breath, covered half of her face and looked at the blackboard.

No matter how stupid Kong Da and Shen Fei were, they could still tell that there was an investigator from the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau opposite, and finally realized that the work they had done before was nothing compared to the tasks they had to perform.

The relationship between Xu Haoran and Han Xin was very average, and they were even a bit annoying before.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that Han Xin was not only not annoying, not that cheating, but also a very good and trustworthy comrade!

He suddenly became superstitious and couldn't help but secretly pray that nothing would happen, nothing would happen...

This decision was not easy to make. Cheng Wenming also felt uncomfortable, so he took out the Hongtashan that had not been changed for thousands of years, lit one and started to smoke.

The conference room was filled with smoke and silence.

Everyone waited in silence for about ten minutes before Lu Xiangyang walked in again.

"What did he say?" Cheng Wenming raised his head and asked.

Lu Xiangyang sat opposite Cheng Wenming and said lightly: "He wants to give it a try, but he wants to get Lei Peng back without anyone noticing. He first needs to go to Meixi to check out the situation without anyone noticing." . I have made arrangements for him, and he will be near the casino by noon tomorrow at the latest."

"Is there a place to stay on the other side, and is there anyone who can help him?"

"There is no one who can help him. After all, this is nothing else. The rest is all up to him."

Cheng Wenming thought he had heard wrongly, so he stared at him and smiled bitterly: "Xiao Lu, you are so relieved about him."

Lu Xiangyang didn't want others to think that he had no comradeship, so he quickly explained: "It's not that I feel reassured about him, but the circle is different, so I really can't help him.

We can mobilize border residents and even ask friends doing business there to help, but there are some circles that are difficult for us to penetrate. "

"I understand, regardless of whether this task can be completed or not, when he comes back, I will treat him to a drink!"

"He can drink quite a bit. One pound is no problem."

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