Manager Tang is so good at the sugar factory that even Agui and other security guards are a little afraid of him.

But the old comrade encountered a new problem today. The new colleague who had just arrived did not even say hello and went to Kangbang with Boss Wang of the auto repair shop in the town.

Wang's car repair skills are good, and there is no competition in the town. He has made a lot of money over the years, but no matter how much he makes, he sends it all to the casino.

You don’t need to ask to know that the boy couldn’t hold it back and went to gamble with Boss Wang!

Manager Tang was so angry that he scolded Agui who took Han Xin to the auto repair shop yesterday, and then quickly called Han Xin.

Unexpectedly, the call got through, but the guy made all kinds of excuses, saying he would come back tomorrow.

Manager Tang could clearly hear the noise on the other side, even mixed with the sound of the croupier calling for bets and the collision of chips. Suddenly I realized that the kid was already in on the fun. Even if the King of Heaven called him, I couldn't even think of calling him back.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and call Mr. Zhou.

After reporting the whole story clearly, he thought about it and said with great regret: "It's still my fault for being careless. I didn't expect young people today to be so difficult to manage!"

"If you can't control it, just leave it alone. Let him go."

"Mr. Zhou, what if he gets stuck..."

"I can't control him, so what can we do? Besides, if we can control him for a while, we can control him for the rest of his life!"

"But if something happens to him, how will you explain it to his parents?"

"The situation in his family is quite complicated. Even if he dies outside, his parents probably won't care. Besides, I've made it very clear to his parents a long time ago that this is not a good place. He is an adult in his twenties. He’s not a three-year-old, so don’t care!”

Mr. Zhou said no matter what, he hung up the phone after saying that.

Manager Tang felt very unhappy and felt that he was not competent enough as a branch manager.

Ma Lulu also didn't expect such a thing to happen, so she asked cautiously: "Manager Tang, how about I go look for him and see if I can get him back?"

Manager Tang felt that he couldn't do nothing, so he said gloomily: "Go with Agui. Agui is more familiar with us over there. His boss works as a security guard in the casino."

"Okay, then I'll call Agui."

"Let's talk to him after we see him."

"I know, I'm leaving first."

In fact, Han Xin felt more guilty than Manager Tang at the moment, because this was just the beginning.

Even if there was no such thing as trying to get "Brother Lei" back from Mexi, he would still be unable to withstand the temptation and "fall".

After all, Seman is too biased. If he always stays in Seman's sugar factory, he can only ensure the safety of Ma Lulu's class, but he can't do anything else.

Now that we have taken the first step, we will "get stuck" in the next few hours, and then we will turn into a gambler whose personality has completely collapsed. He will continue to worry and worry Manager Tang until he completes all the tasks on the list, and takes him with him. Ma Lulu returned home in class.

But not everyone has the opportunity to use public funds to gamble!

I exchanged a thousand yuan for chips, walked around the splendid hall, made a few random bets, and actually won a small win of two or three hundred.

But his focus is not on gambling. He may have been bad at math since he was a child, and he doesn't like playing cards, so he has been quietly paying attention to the gamblers who come in and out of several VIP gambling halls, while waiting for the "agent" arranged by the old ghost. intermediary".

If you don’t come here, you wouldn’t know that this place is called a “big brother party”.

At a glance, there are at least twenty bald heads, Qinglong on the left and Baihu on the right. Almost all have tattoos on their necks and arms. From their accents, you can tell that they are all Chinese and come from all over the country.

Some of the bald heads behaved strangely. They were divided into two groups, each with one person gambling.

It was obviously someone else who was betting, but it was actually them who had the final say whether or not to bet, and how much to bet. It was obvious at a glance that they were the gangsters of the gang, and if the two people they bet on fell into their hands, they would not die. Also need to peel off the skin...

Just as he was secretly thinking that if there was an anti-gang operation, at least half of the people in the casino would be swept in, Boss Wang hurried over.

"Jiang Gong, the feng shui in the hall is not good. I'll go to the VIP box to see my luck."

"I don't know how to do anything else. I just play here."

"Take it easy and stop when you're ready."

"I know, it's just this small amount of chips. I won't play anymore if I lose."

Han Xin saw Boss Wang off and went to another hall, placing bets casually.

After a while, all the chips in his hand were lost.

A bald man with a big gold chain around his neck came over, looked at him with a smile and asked, "Boss, why don't you play anymore."

Han Xin looked around and said absently: "I'm not lucky, I don't want to play anymore."

"Is it because I don't want to or because I don't have any rice?"

"I have something to go."

"Boss, why are you in a hurry? Let's chat. This is my business card."

"No, I'm waiting for my friend."

No rice means no money.

Although he didn't take the bald man's business card, he didn't need to take it or read it to know that he was an intermediary or agent for loan sharking here, or he might even be a bookkeeper.

Han Xin pretended that she had lost all her money and wanted to sign a deal, but she was a little scared and walked out listlessly.

Just after passing through a row of fishing machines, a tall Ban Cun came towards me. As soon as he saw him, he greeted: "Boss Jiang, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

"It's okay, Brother Xu, how about what I just told you on the phone?"

"Let's go, let's talk. This is not the place to talk. I'll go over there and talk."

The bald man who just wanted to do some business could only turn around angrily when he saw a colleague coming over.

Han Xin followed Xu Jun, who was dressed as a "big brother", and walked to the corner to whisper for a while. Then they went to the place where chips were exchanged, with their backs turned to the "agents" and pretended to exchange chips...

When Boss Wang came out of the VIP box clean, he saw the "ginger worker" of the sugar factory being taken out of the casino by a burly man.

Boss Wang was startled and quickly chased him out.

As a result, "Gong Jiang" had been put into a car, and the car disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

The security guards and vendors at the door were already familiar with this. Seeing him distracted, holding his mobile phone and wanting to make a call, but not knowing how to speak after the call was connected, they started talking about it.

"The order must have been signed. It's good to be able to get the order, but if it's not, haha."

"Looking at the face, it must be the first time here."

"A small amount of gambling will make you happy, but a big amount of gambling will harm your health!"

"Boss Li, if you had known that gambling in small amounts would harm your health, you would never have ended up setting up a stall!"

"Is it interesting to say this? You are not the same."

Boss Wang was overwhelmed and didn't know how to explain to Manager Tang of the sugar factory.

Thinking about losing more than 7,000 today, I simply ignored it.

At the same time, Xu Jun, who had just arrived at the foot of the mountain, suddenly turned the car into a deserted alley, parked the car, turned around and smiled: "Brother, there's only so much we can do, what happens next is up to you. "

Han Xin picked up the bag from the back row: "How do you calculate the thousand yuan I just exchanged for chips?"

"Lao Lu asked you to change your intentions a little less, why are you changing so much!"

"Isn't it more than a thousand? If it were a hundred, it wouldn't look like the same play."

"You cushion it first and we'll talk about it later."

Han Xin was amused: "Why don't you send me back and ask if you have an invoice."

Xu Jun didn't want to delay the business and urged: "Stop joking, the drama has just begun. The rest is all up to you to direct and act."

"The old squad leader must be very angry and anxious right now. I don't even dare to make this call."

"If you don't want to fight, you have to fight, otherwise you will have to go back to work."

"What if he really lends me money?"

"If you really borrow money, then you will really receive it. Then you will gamble again, lose again, sign the bill again, borrow from him again, and then return the money to him when the matter is completed. You are better at this than me, do you need my teaching?"

"You mean I'm thicker-skinned than you?"

"You said this yourself, but you are indeed thicker-skinned than me."

Han Xin smiled bitterly and said: "Okay, I need to brew up my emotions first and put myself into it first."

Xu Jun nodded and couldn't help but laugh after thinking about it: "Please start your performance."

"Don't talk, don't look at me. If you do this again, I will laugh."

"Okay, okay, I won't look at you, I'll look at my phone."

Han Xin adjusted her breathing, dialed Manager Tang's mobile phone, looked at the reversing mirror and said eagerly: "Manager Tang, I'm Jiang Xinhan, I... I have something urgent at home, can you lend me 20,000 yuan, at most I’ll return it to you in one month.”

I’m really afraid of what will happen!

He obviously lost, but he kept talking nonsense.

Manager Tang did not hesitate to expose his lie: "Is there something urgent at home or something urgent for you? Did you lose all your money and want to borrow money from me to make up for it?"

"I didn't lose much. My family is in a real emergency, so I'll just treat it as an advance salary. Manager Tang, please help me!"

"You've only been here a few days and you want an advance on your salary?"

He had to rush to Meixi later, and it was inconvenient to talk in other people's cars. Han Xin didn't want to be muddled, so she quickly poked Xu Jun in the arm.

Xu Jun calmed down and spoke sternly into his cell phone: "What's 20,000 yuan? It's obviously 50,000 yuan! Are you his boss? He borrowed 50,000 yuan from us. If you want him to go back, send the money quickly!"

"Who are you? Do you think I'm scared?"

"Oh, you still dare to mess with me. Believe it or not, I will chop off one of your fingers and let you see."

"Manager Tang, help me, they really know how to chop, ah, stop fighting, help me..."

Comrade Lao Tang wanted to help, but thinking that this was a bottomless pit, he simply hung up the phone first.

Old Tang refused to help, so Han Xin could only call Ma Lulu's class. Unexpectedly, the line was busy.

By the time the call got through, Ma Luluban had already learned about his "signing" from Manager Tang, and hesitantly said that she didn't have that much money.

Ma Lulu's class didn't help and continued to ask other colleagues in the sugar factory for help.

The results were rejected without exception, and even Agui said he was helpless.

Xu Jun wanted to continue to cooperate, but he had already contacted everyone who should be contacted. He had no chance to cooperate. He couldn't help but joked: "Brother, your popularity is too bad. After making so many calls, you can't even borrow 50,000 yuan." !”

"Well, popularity isn't great."

"Last call, make it quickly. After making the call, quickly find a car to go to Meixi."

"Aren't you going to send me off?" Han Xin asked pretending to be unhappy.

"Isn't this nonsense? I would like to give it away, but I'm not familiar with this place and I can't give it away."

"I'm kidding you."

Han Xin also didn't want to waste time and dialed Lan Doudou's mobile phone in front of him.

After giving the code, he said bluntly: "Master, I have an urgent mission. The Ma Lulu squad depends entirely on you. But don't worry, wait for two days at most, and Zhejiang Province and the Xinkang Border Management Detachment will issue news , she will be safe by then."

"I know. I just received a notification from the leader. Xiao Zhi asked me to ask you whether the signing of the contract will be revealed, and whether Mei Xi's mission is guaranteed."

"The signing of the contract will not be exposed, because the situation of the casino here is very complicated. On the surface, it seems to be run by a big boss, but in fact, all the gambling halls have been contracted out, and even the gambling tables have been contracted to the 'boss' from China. , even a corner of the gambling table has been contracted.”

Afraid that the master, Xiao Zhi and other leaders would not understand, Han Xin added: "This is equivalent to a lot of criminals setting up gambling here, so many intermediary agency teams and gangs that set up pig killing trays and loan sharking have spawned. They The competition with each other is fierce, and although there is cooperation, it is more about being on guard.”

Lan Doudou reacted: "When others inquired, they only knew that you signed the contract. I don't know which gang you signed it with?"

"Well, it's messy enough so it's not easily exposed."

"What about Mei Xi's mission?"

"Meixi's side is more chaotic than this side. The messier the place, the easier it is to fish in troubled waters."

This is not a trivial matter, it is related to the personal safety of the "criminal".

Xiao Zhi was waiting for news, and Cheng Zhi was waiting for news from Xiao Zhi. Lan Doudou asked nervously: "Can you be more specific?"

"Master, this task is not as dangerous as you think, and it is not particularly difficult to complete. First of all, it is chaotic enough there, so I can fish in troubled waters; secondly, that Lei Peng entered the single room, and he will not be able to rectify the situation, and may not even be able to save his life.

He knows this very well, so his desire to survive will be very strong and he will grasp even a straw. We don't have to worry about him not cooperating. "

"anything else?"

"For the rest, we have to check the situation first. By the way, my eldest cousin has several relatives over there. You can ask her what those relatives are doing in Meixi tonight. The more detailed the question, the better."

Lan Doudou asked in surprise: "Can Ma Lu help?"

Han Xin explained: "Circles are different from each other. For example, to find this Lei Peng, our comrades in the old army can only check by asking those gamblers. It is useless to find others.

My eldest cousin’s relatives and fellow villagers in Meixi are not in the same circle as the gambling company, nor are they in the same circle as the drug dealers. Instead, they know the militia and even the government forces better, and they may be able to help. "

"Will it expose her and put her in danger?"

"I'm just asking about the situation there. I won't have any contact with her relatives or fellow villagers. Isn't she 'single' now? She just uses the excuse of finding a boyfriend. You have to act quickly and ask carefully."

"Okay, be careful."

"I know, hang up first."

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