Veteran new police officer

Chapter 178 Family Conflict

The murder that happened that night continued to spread on the Internet, and some people even recognized Gao Baoshan, Yu Mingsheng, who committed the murder, and Lei Peng, who signed the contract!

Mr. Cai realized that he was in big trouble. As soon as he received the news, he didn't even bother to move out of the house. He violated the relevant regulations of the curfew and risked being shot in the head. He drove overnight to hide in a friend's villa more than ten kilometers away from the town.

I called Mr. Li, who was the contractor of the casino, but Mr. Li had no choice but to ask the big boss for help.

The big boss is the son-in-law of a local boss, so it would be easy to make peace with him.

But what the big and small warlords here are best at is turning against others. No matter how much money they have collected from others, as long as the police come to find them, whether they are working as intermediaries in casinos or running gambling companies here, they will arrest them as soon as they say. Repatriate is repatriate.

Just yesterday, more than 300 military police were dispatched and more than 40 vegetable farmers were arrested. They were all handed over to the police at noon today.

The more Mr. Cai thought about it, the more frightened he became, so he could only call Mr. Mei.

Meihua City, who was playing mahjong with his younger brother, brother-in-law, and Captain Wu of the militia, not only received the news, but also asked Captain Wu to inquire about it.

He motioned to his good friend Ayun here to help him play cards. He walked to the side and held up his mobile phone and said, "Old Cai, I told you to take care of your subordinates a long time ago, but you can't listen. What's the use of regretting now that something has happened." .”

"Mr. Mei, isn't it just a drug addict who died? I know you have a bright future. Can you help me and say hello to the police station?"

"The person who died was a local drug addict, and local drug addicts are also local people. How do you say hello?"

Mei Huacheng asked back, and then said: "And this matter has been made public on the Internet. Not only is it a headache for the higher ups, but even the big bosses of several places and the bosses of the gambling company have opinions. If you do this, let everyone do business. Who will dare to come here in the future?"

Mr. Cai asked with a grimace, "What should we do?"

Seeing Captain Wu wink, Mei Huacheng nodded understandingly and asked calmly: "Where are you now?"

"At Lao Qian's place, I came over as soon as I heard the news."

"Don't worry, I'll help you inquire first to see if the higher-ups can be accommodating."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

Mei Huacheng put down his phone and returned to the mahjong table.

Mei Huasheng and his brother-in-law stood up and avoided it knowingly, and Ayun quickly followed them out.

Captain Wu asked about the whereabouts of "Mr. Cai" and immediately called his subordinates.

Meihua City rummaged through and found a pile of "ten thousand" and asked with a smile: "Mr. Wu, how many tens of thousands are you planning to touch?"

Captain Wu picked out two 90,000 yuan, and after thinking about it, he picked out two more 10,000 yuan, and said coldly: "It will ruin our reputation until we get 2 million yuan!"

It's so easy to make money...

Mei Huacheng cursed secretly and said calmly: "Among the four people who signed the contract, one named Lei cannot be retained."

"Can't you just ask your second son to fish him out tomorrow? Illegal entry and illegal residence will result in a maximum fine of five thousand. Mr. Mei, you don't even want to save the five thousand, do you?"

"Three to five thousand is a small matter, the key is not to get your hands dirty."

Captain Wu acquiesced and even supported him in producing and selling drugs, but he only acquiesced and supported him.

If other forces dare to take advantage of others on their own territory, they can still send out militia to support them on the grounds of protecting the territory and the people, or even suppressing drugs, but Captain Wu will never do such a thing as killing Chinese people.

Thinking that Mei was becoming more and more pretentious, Captain Wu pushed the mahjong with a clatter: "Lao Mei, what do you mean by this? Do you want to command me, or do you think you are clean?"

"Mr. Wu, don't get me wrong. The main reason is that the situation has been tense these days. We just arrested more than 40 people yesterday..."

"We just arrested more than forty people, and we didn't arrest the boss. Even the boss's capable supervisors are fine. No one else is worried, so what do you have to worry about?"

"But I still feel uneasy. Let's just talk about what happened tonight. Who would go there to secretly take pictures!"

"Now that you have made enough money, you have become less courageous. This was not the case when you first came here."

Captain Wu didn't want to go around in circles with him, so he called his subordinates guarding the door to come in and collect the money he won tonight. He stood up and said lightly: "As I said before, you have to wipe your own business."

If you have a gun, you are the grass-headed king!

Meihua City had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Okay, I'll ask the second person to find two people to fish out the person named Lei tomorrow."

"Keep things clean and don't cause trouble like Cai."


"Next month's taxes and sponsorship fees should also be paid. The brothers are waiting for their wages."

"Mr. Wu, business has been difficult this year. Especially in the past two months, several customers have been arrested by the police. The raw materials imported from Laos last month were also confiscated by the police in the Mekong River. Funds are relatively tight and the turnover is really difficult. Come on, can you please let me slow down first?"

Captain Wu didn't believe this nonsense, so he reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "Lao Mei, I know your family background. You have made tens of millions just by talking to me."

Mei Huacheng said with a bitter face: "How can there be so much? If I really had that much money, I would have washed my hands and enjoyed life."

"Don't cry because you are poor. Besides, rules are rules. Since they are rules, they cannot be broken."

"Mr. Wu, I'm really stuck..."

Captain Wu was unhappy and said with a sullen face: "Lao Mei, the police can arrest and confiscate you, and the Ministry of Political Science and Law Police Department can also arrest and confiscate you. If you get to that point, even I can't protect you."

This is the threat of Chi Guoguo!

Mei Huacheng was so angry that his teeth were itching, but Ke Ren had to lower his head under the eaves and could only smile bitterly: "Okay, I'll find a way to make it work."

"That's right. Let's go now. You can continue playing."

Mei Huacheng didn't want his younger brother to come forward to fish for "Brother Lei", and Han Xin didn't want to be exposed because of the fishing.

I called Lan Doudou overnight and asked her to contact Ma Lu Lu’s class, and asked Ma Lu Lu’s class to ask the fellows to find out who the other three signers were, and then asked the fellows in Ma Lu Lu’s class to guarantee the name of the other signer, and by the way, "Brother Lei" Get out.

The police here only accept money!

No matter who is right or wrong, they will be locked up for illegal entry and fined 3,000 to 5,000.

If there is a "debt dispute" with a casino or gambling company with a background, as long as there is an agreement in black and white, we will try our best to help recover the debt, that is, let the family members of the person who signed the order quickly transfer the money.

The food in prison is similar to pig food, but the "board and lodging fees" in prison are not cheap. It costs 200 for one day, and 2,000 for ten days...

Only when it is confirmed that the person who signed the document for illegal entry is really unable to squeeze out any profit, will the person be handed over when there is a major public security operation, as a task has been completed.

In short, for Ma Lulu's class, this task is not dangerous.

It was just late at night and things were urgent. Lan Doudou had no time to go back to work and make a phone call, so she could only get up and hide in the study to answer the phone.

Yu Wenqiang was awakened, and the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

As soon as she returned to the bedroom after finishing her work, Yu Wenqiang turned on the light: "Doudou, whose phone number is it?"

"It's urgent from the work unit."

"How come your brigade is so troubled? You work overtime every day and come back so late every day. It's not enough to have a police call and a mobile phone. You got another mobile phone and you have to avoid me when you answer the phone!"

"Where are you thinking? You have to go to work tomorrow. Go to bed."

"If you don't explain clearly, I won't be able to sleep."

"You're still getting angry with me. Stop making trouble and go to sleep."

Her behavior during this period was really weird. Not wanting to guess anymore, Yu Wenqiang took out his cell phone from under the pillow: "If you don't tell me, I can ask Zhang Yuhang or Liu Haipeng!"

Lan Doudou was anxious and grabbed the phone: "It's so late, if you don't sleep, others will still sleep."

"Are you hiding something from me?"

Yu Wenqiang frowned.

Lan Doudou realized that what she was most worried about had finally happened. Thinking that this was also an expression of love, she couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm hiding something from you, but it's just business."

"What official business?" Yu Wenqiang was doubtful.

"I have to strictly keep secrets. If I tell you, I will make mistakes. I might be held accountable by the inspector or even the Discipline Inspection Commission."

"real or fake?"

"We are an old married couple, and you don't believe me!"

"Wife, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that you are worried and nagging all day long. I don't feel at ease and feel at ease."

Lan Doudou was both happy and anxious. She really didn't know how to explain it, so she could only say very seriously: "Comrade Yu Wenqiang, I support your work, and please support mine."

"I'm already very supportive, but I can't support you like this anymore!"

"What happened to me?"

"You know it yourself."

"I don't know me!"

Lan Doudou didn't expect her husband to distrust her so much, so she picked up the pillow and ran into the second bedroom.

Yu Wenqiang became anxious, lifted up the quilt and chased after him, turned on the light and said angrily: "Landou Doudou, what do you want?"

"It's not what I want to do, but what you want to do. You are making trouble unreasonably!"

"Am I being unreasonable?"

"Is not it?"

"Okay, okay, I'm making trouble unreasonably, and you will always be the one to make the right decision."

"Sleep, please turn off the lights."

After thinking about it, Yu Wenqiang was still unconvinced and lifted up the quilt: "Landou Dou, what do you mean? Do you really don't want to live this life anymore?"

Lan Doudou was angry: "Yu Wenqiang, what do you mean, do you want to do something?"

Yu Wenqiang was as timid as ever, and said with a grimace: "Wife, I'm worried. There should be a minimum of trust between husband and wife, but now you are always...always hiding from me and hiding things from me. Think about it from my perspective, What would you think if I always do this?"

Lan Doudou chuckled and said, "Are you jealous?"

"Jealous, who am I to be jealous of..."

"You look jealous right now. Stop making trouble and sleep here tonight."

"I can not sleep."

"Don't worry, I won't abandon you."

Yu Wenqiang was about to speak when his cell phone rang again.

Lan Doudou couldn't care less about coaxing her husband, so she hurriedly picked up her phone and ran to the study.

Yu Wenqiang was determined to find out what she was up to and immediately followed her.

Lan Doudou became anxious, looked up at him with big eyes and asked: "Yu Wenqiang, are you done yet? Can you respect my privacy?"

"There is no privacy between husband and wife."

"Okay, you wait."

Lan Doudou squeezed out of the study, went back to the master bedroom, picked up the police call, found Director Chen's mobile phone number and dialed it. As soon as the call came through, she said like a machine gun: "Director Chen, I received a few calls at night, and Yu Wenqiang became suspicious. Please talk to him."

Chen Ju was woken up in his sleep. He was stunned for a while before he recovered. He held up his cell phone and said with a smile, "Let him answer the phone. I'll tell him."

Lan Doudou raised the phone in front of her husband: "Don't you want to ask? Ask about the situation!"

Yu Wenqiang didn't expect that she would bring her family conflict to the bureau leader. He hurriedly took the phone and said, "Bureau Chen, I'm sorry for disturbing you so late..."

"It's okay, don't explain, and there's no need to apologize. It's my fault. I should have told you earlier. Doudou is performing a special mission. On behalf of the bureau's party committee, I ask you to support her work."

"Yes, I support it. I was wrong. I reflect on it and apologize to her."

"You actually don't trust your lover. You must seriously examine yourself."

"Yes, I will reflect deeply."

"That's pretty much it. Hang up first."

Director Chen hung up the phone and was feeling funny when his lover suddenly turned over: "Wen Jun, who was that just now? It sounded like a woman?"

"The blue bean of our unit."

"Why did she call you in the middle of the night?"

"It's work, I have to go to work tomorrow, so go to bed quickly."

"Even if it's a work matter, she should report it to her boss. Why did she, a policeman, call you in the middle of the night? I heard it clearly just now. She seemed to be asking you to prove something to her husband."

Unexpectedly, Director Chen answered the phone and got into trouble!

I secretly thought that I could help Lan Doudou prove it. Who the hell can help me prove it...

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