Veteran new police officer

Chapter 179 The situation has changed!

At dawn, Han Xin walked to a shop selling and repairing motorcycles outside the town.

Came too early, the boss hasn't opened the door yet.

But he didn't come to buy a motorcycle, let alone steal one, but to wait for the motorcycle.

The cost of breaking the law here is very high. Once caught stealing a motorcycle, the consequences will be very disastrous. Only drug addicts who will do anything for drugs will take risks.

Across the road is a gas station, the layout of which is similar to that of domestic gas stations.

Considering that there might be people in the store and it was not convenient to answer the phone, I walked a dozen meters further, using the stones piled in the open air as cover, while answering the call from the master early in the morning and observing the movement diagonally opposite.

"I just talked to her on the phone, and she said that her fellow villagers are helping to inquire about it, and it may take a while before there is any news."

"It's okay, don't be anxious for a moment."

Lan Doudou sat in the car and asked nervously: "Xiao Han, are you sure it's okay to ask her fellow countrymen to come forward?"

Han Xin knew that she was worried about the safety of Ma Lulu's class, so she explained with a smile: "She has stayed in the country for such a long time, and she has many relatives and friends working across the border. The relatives of the person involved asked someone to find her in a roundabout way and ask her to Help, that’s normal.”

Lan Doudou was still worried: "As long as you pay a fine, can you bail him out?"

"It depends on luck. If the people from the Public Security Bureau are easy to talk to, as long as you pay 3,000 to 5,000 yuan, they will release you. Those who want to go back will even be helped to send them to the port."

“What if you’re unlucky and the person in charge of this is hard to talk to?”

"That would be more troublesome. They will sell the person to another agency or gambling company, and then it will come full circle and we will be back to the starting point, and we will have to start all over again."

Lan Doudou didn't expect that her colleagues over there were so shady, so she asked eagerly: "Will those intermediaries and spinach companies buy it?"

Han Xin smiled bitterly and said: "As long as it is profitable, I will buy it."

“What does profitable mean?”

"Because there are countless pig-killing trays here, large and small, it's not easy for those bastards to trick people into coming here. They have to advertise online, develop Junket operators to deceive people in the country, help book flights, arrange for people to pick them up, and so on. The client organized the smuggling."

Han Xin looked back and continued: "Now there are four ready-made targets. If the intermediary takes over, it is equivalent to taking over the 'debt', and will even force those four people to write a few more IOUs.

Compared with those intermediaries that are similar to kidnapping, office-based dog farms are more gentle.

Gouzhuang will force those four people to engage in telecommunications network fraud. If they are unwilling to do it and want to go home, they will have to pay liquidated damages to compensate the company for their losses.

If you are willing to work but your performance is not good, your life will not be easy. In short, this place is 'people-oriented', as long as there are people, there will be money. "

That's one hell!

Lan Doudou couldn't believe this was true. She was stunned for a while before asking in a low voice: "So even if we pay, we may not be able to bail the person out?"

"This kind of thing is usually on a first-come, first-served basis. We came early enough, so the hope of fishing people out is relatively high."

"What if we can't fish it out?"

"Then let's see who is more anxious than us. There must be something wrong with the most anxious one!"

Lan Doudou came to his senses, thought about it and asked again: "Where are the two mazai who beat people to death?"

Han Xin said without thinking: "Those two guys are dead, no one can save them."

"death penalty?"

"It's a small thing to kill a few people here, but it's a big deal to cause trouble online. They broke the rules, whether it's the so-called SAR government, those who open casinos, act as intermediaries, or engage in telecommunications and network fraud, everyone counts. They all want their lives!”

Han Xin scratched his bag that was bitten by mosquitoes at night, and added: "And there are more Chinese here than locals, and most of them are not good people. Even if they were good people before, they have become scum now. Warlords big and small will definitely take advantage of them." This is an opportunity to scare the monkeys."

"But no matter what they committed, they are still our Chinese citizens!"

"But this is not China. When it comes to this, those two guys have another damn reason."

"What do you mean?" Lan Doudou asked subconsciously.

Han Xin sneered and said: "It's not easy to think carefully about those warlords. They don't dare to offend us, and they also don't dare to offend the Myanmar government to death. After all, whoever is good is willing to fight.

Therefore, they have to give us an explanation on some matters, and they also have to give an explanation to the Myanmar government. "

"Execute a few Chinese criminal suspects and show them to the Myanmar government?"


I knew it would be a mess over there, but I never expected it to be so chaotic.

Thinking that the "evil disciples" were also in danger, Lan Doudou said nervously: "Xiao Han, you have to be careful yourself."

"I'm fine. The job I'm doing now is different from what you imagined."

"Why is it different?"

"Let's put it this way, the world is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships. Don't say that I don't have the skills of the protagonist of "Wolf Warrior". Even if I did, I wouldn't be able to kill everyone.

If I really did that, not only would it mean that I was extremely incompetent, but I would have even failed the mission. "

Afraid that the master would not understand, Han Xin smiled again and said: "I am like a person who does not exist. I come gently and leave lightly without taking away a single cloud."

He was actually in the mood to make a joke, it’s really hard to change one’s nature...

Lan Doudou was amused: "I understand, you are equivalent to an intelligence agent, not an investigator, nor a special forces soldier in the movie. But you don't have to take away a cloud this time, but you have to take away one person."

"Intelligence agents only need to collect intelligence. I not only have to collect intelligence but also take action. I don't know who the agent is, and it's not important to me. I just want to complete the task as soon as possible and return to my hometown to work as a cook for little Yueyue!"

"You're still little Yueyue, do you miss your girlfriend?"


"When we talked about this, your wife and I almost got divorced at night."

"Master, what happened to you and my wife?" Han Xin asked curiously.

Lan Doudou snickered: "He saw that I always worked overtime, and always avoided him when I answered the phone. He actually didn't trust me and thought I was having an affair. He became jealous and quarreled with me at night. He was so angry that I gave him a call in the middle of the night. Call up."

Han Xin didn't expect such a thing to happen, and couldn't help but ask: "What happened next?"

"Later, I became honest, apologized to me, and swore that I would unconditionally support my work in the future."

"Unconditional support?"

"It's necessary. From now on, all housework will be his."

"Master Wife is so pitiful."

"Who made him suspicious?"

Just as he was talking, a middle-aged man came from the east on a motorcycle and drove into the gas station with the turn signal on.

Han Xin didn't care about "eating melons" any more, so she quickly ended the call and used her mobile phone as a telescope to observe.

The middle-aged man was chatting and laughing with the little girl at the gas station. When the gas was filled, he took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code to pay. Then he got on the motorcycle and pedaled hard, starting the engine and driving out of the gas station.

He drove slowly, drove about 20 meters west, parked the car on the side of the road, took out the key and hid it in the gap between the back seat and the aluminum alloy suitcase, then took out his mobile phone, made a call, and left on foot. .

Because of his status, Xu Jun couldn't come over easily.

However, border residents within the jurisdiction of the border police station can come over at any time.

Although theoretically they cannot stay here overnight, in fact they have no control over it, so in a sense they have the privilege of traveling freely between the two countries.

Han Xin didn't want to reveal her identity, so she confirmed that the person had gone far, looked back and looked around, then walked over quietly, found the key, opened the suitcase, took out the helmet and put it on, then got on the motorcycle, started it, and drove towards the town. .

This is my first time to Mexi, but I have studied the map countless times, and the town is not big. He didn't even need to use the navigation system and arrived at a small hotel not far from the police station.

Lock the car, put on your bag, take out your ID, and go in to check in.

As soon as he was led into the room by the waiter, his old comrade called.

Han Xin hurriedly sent the waiter away, turned on the TV, and walked into the bathroom. While putting out water to take a bath, she used the sound of the TV and the water as a cover to hold up her mobile phone and asked in a low voice: "What are you calling? I don't know if I can answer the phone now." So convenient!”

"If it was really inconvenient, you wouldn't answer."

"Okay, let's talk about something!"

Xu Jun walked out of the police room in the mountains, looked at Myanmar across the creek and asked, "Have you got the car?"

"I got it and drove it. The car is in good condition." Han Xin stretched out her hand to test the water temperature.

"I personally selected it for you, and I also asked someone to help me maintain it overnight."

"There are a lot of cars for sale here, and it's not expensive to buy a second-hand car. We even arranged for someone to deliver one. If you don't think it's troublesome, I think it's troublesome."

“Buying a car costs money, so no matter how troublesome it is, it’s never a waste of money!”

Old comrades are not joking, because you have to apply for money to spend money, and you have to reimburse it after you go back.

The finance department doesn't care about the circumstances under which you bought it, and you can't explain it. As long as the document is slightly flawed, they won't reimburse you. Think about it, buying one here is more troublesome than sending one over there.

Han Xin was at a loss for words, so Xu Jun smiled and asked, "How was your rest last night?"

"It's not that good. The mosquito repellent didn't work, so I got five or six big mosquito bites. I spent dozens of dollars in vain. When I get back, I will go online and leave a bad review for that unscrupulous merchant!"

“Where’s the sunscreen?”

"Sunscreen is fine. It's a small gold bottle. It's very effective."

"Okay, I'll buy a bottle of Tutu later."

"It's very expensive, but the effect is really good."

"Don't show off your wealth to me!"

Xu Jun knew that it was inconvenient for him to speak now, so he suddenly changed the topic: "Let's get down to business, let me tell you two things. One is the two bastards who were arrested last night. They have girlfriends over there, and there are a few bad friends. .

They realized that it would be difficult for the two bastards to escape this time, so they called the Zhengkang Public Security Bureau in the middle of the night to call the police, and even contacted the embassy and consulate. "

When she mentioned those two bastards, Han Xin got angry: "They think they are Chinese now, but when they lure compatriots to come here to gamble, illegally detain, extort and even intentionally harm compatriots, why don't they think they are Chinese?" people!"

"But they are indeed Chinese."

Xu Jun hated those scum as much as Han Xin, and said helplessly: "The Zhengkang Public Security Bureau will arrange someone to negotiate with the Department of Political Science and Law over there this morning, and the consulate will probably call and pay attention.

What Boss Chen and your boss mean is, can we get those two bastards back and put them aside, but use this opportunity to get back the four single people who were illegally detained by 'Mr. Cai'. "

Han Xin smiled and said: "This is a good thing. If I can get it back, I won't have to worry about it."

"The Zhengkang Public Security Bureau will try its best to fight for it, but you know the situation there. We can't put all our eggs in one basket, so you have to be mentally prepared for failure in negotiations."

"Understood, what else is going on."

"Boss Cai's mobile phone cannot be connected, and we cannot locate his location."


"He might have been caught. Cheng Zhi asked you to keep an eye on his whereabouts."

"It is unlikely that he is Big Cousin's boss. If he were, it would be impossible to treat Big Cousin like that."

Han Xin thought about it and then said: "But he is probably related to the boss of the eldest cousin, otherwise the eldest cousin would not be able to sign the contract at this juncture. Anyway, I don't think it is a coincidence."

Xu Jun lit a cigarette: "We analyzed it this way, so the eldest cousin is more important now. If we can't find Boss Cai and get the eldest cousin back, then this matter will be difficult to handle."

"I know, I'll think of a way to get my eldest cousin back as soon as possible no matter what!"

"Hang up now. If anything happens, contact me in time."

As soon as Han Xin ended the call, Lan Doudou called again.

After checking the password, let me check my mailbox quickly.

Han Xin clicked on the mailbox and looked at it, and immediately forwarded the names of the four signers to Xu Jun so that colleagues from the Zhengkang Public Security Bureau could name them when negotiating with the law enforcement agencies here.

Unexpectedly, after taking a shower, putting on clean clothes, and preparing to wash off the dirty clothes, Xu Jun called again.

"What's wrong? Is there something new?" Han Xin asked in a low voice.

Xu Jun said eagerly: "Brother, the situation has changed a little. The girl on the list is not a gambler in the past, nor did she sign the bill, but the girlfriend of one of the signers. She met someone unkind and was cornered. Scumbag, he tricked her into asking her to travel!"

One person lies to another, lies to friends, and lies to family members. This kind of thing happens almost every day.

Han Xin was not surprised, and asked with a wry smile: "So if the Zhengkang Public Security Bureau fails to negotiate with us, I will find ways to get two people out?"

"This is Boss Chen's request. If she can only get one, she has priority."


"Her situation is very special. She is a college student soldier. She joined the army in September 2016 and served in the Donghai Corps of the Armed Police for two years. She retired and returned to school last September.

She performed very well in the army and also performed well in school. She was both a student union cadre and a student party member. "

Xu Jun looked at the information Lu Xiangyang just sent and solemnly said: "Those two bastards made a video with her parents when they beat and abused her in order to extort money.

Her parents were very worried and anxious. While trying to find ways to help her and the scumbag raise money to redeem themselves, they not only reported the case but also asked their school leaders for help. "

Han Xin was shocked: "So he is one of our own..."

"So rescue must be priority!"

"Why did her parents help that gambling scumbag raise money?"

"Because the bastard named Cai said he had to help two people pay off the money before leaving."

"I understand. If negotiation fails, I will find a way."

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