Veteran new police officer

Chapter 243 Attack from all sides

Including seven districts and counties, Binjiang has a permanent population of more than 7 million.

The announcement of the reward collection for clues was released at the same time through more than 100 of the most influential media, and the anti-narcotics department of the district and county public security bureaus organized various units to forward it.

In particular, anti-drug police, anti-drug social workers, and community police who directly face the masses must forward it. It is conservatively estimated that at least 300,000 people will see it immediately.

To this end, the Municipal Anti-Drug Office and the Municipal Bureau issued a special notice.

There is a sentence in the notice that impressed Han Xin deeply, that is, "drug control is the biggest politics."

In other words, reposting is a political mission!

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

The Linghai District Anti-Narcotics Office and the Linghai Branch Anti-Narcotics Brigade are well-known, so they not only received this political task, but were also asked to organize anti-drug associations, anti-drug foundations and anti-drug volunteers to forward it.

Lan Doudou didn't want to make a wedding dress for the detachment, but Sister Jiang made it very clear when she called to inform the day before yesterday. Big data can count which unit has forwarded it and how much it has forwarded.

And after forwarding, screenshots must be taken, sorted and packaged for submission. The detachment must evaluate the publicity effect based on the screenshots...

Asking so many people to help repost it, how many screenshots of the Moments should be taken. Fortunately, there are six anti-drug social workers, otherwise she would not be able to do anything serious these days.

I was so busy that Jiang Yue, whom I hadn't seen for several days, called me.

"Xiao Yue, have you seen the link I posted in the volunteer group, and have you seen the group announcement."

"What link? I didn't care about watching the group."

"Hurry up and take a look. Hurry up and forward it to my circle of friends."

The bureau asked the news link to be forwarded every three days. Jiang Yue was not surprised: "Okay, I'll forward it right away."

Lan Doudou then remembered that the call was from Jiang Yue, and asked with a smile: "Why did you remember to call me? Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Yue looked behind her, confirmed that the master was not there, and said with a grimace: "Sister Doudou, just now Professor Zhao received a notice from the Political Department saying that the Criminal Police Detachment of the Municipal Bureau wanted to second me to help, asked for my opinion, and asked if I would like to Willing to go."

"What's so good about the city bureau..."

When the words came to her lips, Lan Doudou suddenly thought of what happened last night, and then thought that because Wang Xiaohui was her master, the evil disciple had a fierce relationship with Wang Xiaohui because of this relationship, so she hurriedly changed her words:

"The city bureau is actually quite good. This is a good thing. If you seize this opportunity, you two will both work in the city bureau. It will be great to work together."

"But I have just become familiar with the business of the brigade. The leaders and colleagues of the brigade are very good. I am not familiar with the place when I go to the city bureau. Moreover, this is a secondment, and I will work there. I am not a detective, so I don't know anything."

"Have you called Han Xin?"

"I tried, but I can't get through."

"It's normal that he can't get through. He must be very busy right now, and he will probably be very busy in the next few days."

Jiang Yue asked curiously: "What is he busy with?"

Lan Doudou explained: "What I asked you to forward just now is the announcement from their detachment offering a reward for drug-related clues.

One by one, the price is clearly marked, and the maximum reward is as high as 100,000. With so many platforms and units organized to help push and forward, it is impossible to gain nothing. "

Jiang Yue reacted, pouted and muttered: "It would be great to work at home, I really don't want to go."

"I still recommend that you go. You are on secondment now. As long as you do well, you will have the opportunity to be officially transferred. If you can be officially transferred, the platform will be different and your development will be different. What's more important is that you two can work together in the future."

"I need to think about it."

"Think slowly, think carefully, and then call me when you've decided."

As Lan Doudou said, Han Xin is really busy at the moment.

An hour after the announcement was made, the detachment had already received 21 reporting calls.

Some people reported that someone was taking drugs during the live broadcast. Judging from the screenshots, there was indeed a homemade "curling stone", and even the vest arrogantly called himself "Brother Binjiang Bao".

He and Xu Haoran immediately prepared a co-investigation letter and contacted the live broadcast platform to investigate the identity of "Brother Bao".

Some people reported that someone posted information on suspected drug sales in WeChat Moments. This information was a bit interesting, with an emoticon of a balloon, a capsule and two leaves, followed by "lightning delivery."

The guy posted more arrogant posts on other WeChat Moments, claiming that e-cigarettes were given as a flash delivery and that there was no reason to return or exchange the e-cigarettes.

At a glance, you can tell that he is selling new types of drugs. His name and gender are relatively detailed. He cannot be allowed to escape justice any longer.

Considering that the suspect was in the urban area, Xiao Zhi decided to ask Xu Haoran to contact the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of Chonggang Branch to investigate together.

A parent reported that his son always took a type of painkiller called Thelenin and felt something was wrong.

Talenin is acetaminophen and oxycodone tablets. It belongs to the second category of controlled psychotropic drugs. It is easy to become addicted and does great harm to the body. If you take it all the time, you are taking drugs. If you sell it intentionally, you are selling drugs!

There were not enough manpower, so Political Commissar Yun took action personally.

It was also impossible for Han Xin to wait for a reply from the live broadcast platform in the detachment. She took charge of the clues reported by a "people" in Sigang and rushed to Sigang to investigate with auxiliary police officer Xiao Wang.

No matter what case is handled, two official police officers are required to be present.

The detachment doesn't have that many people, so it has to say hello to its former partner Li Zheng.

Li Zheng had just forwarded the announcement an hour ago. Knowing that his call would be up to no good, he asked with a wry smile: "Team Han, do you have any clues about us?"

"People are reporting with their real names. I'm on my way to Sigang. Are you busy? If not, come with me to meet the whistleblower later."

"There is a drug case involving our Si Gang. No matter how busy I am, I have to find time to investigate it with you. What is the situation?"

Han Xin smiled and said: "A man named Luo Yang was dragged to a gambling game by some so-called friends two months ago. After drinking a glass of water, he felt dizzy and felt his whole body was dizzy. He lost ten dollars in a daze. Tens of thousands.

He suspected that the glass of water was drugged and was not convinced at first. When he saw the announcement we just issued and the anti-drug propaganda under the announcement, he felt that the glass of water might have been drugged, so he called to report it. "

There are few drug cases in Sigang, but there are more gambling cases.

Thinking that some criminals might really do something like this for money, Li Zheng asked eagerly: "Have you gotten in touch with that person named Luo?"

"We contacted him. He is in Sigang City. I asked him to go to the nearest police station later, or go directly to your squadron."

"Let him come directly to our squadron, and let us make a start. Captain Han, I am not afraid of your jokes. The squadron has not investigated any serious drug cases since its establishment today."

"Okay." Han Xin leaned over and looked at the navigation: "I'll be there in about forty minutes, just in time to have lunch at your place. If there are any more clues about you Si Gang, I may stay at your place at night."

"No problem, I'll make arrangements when we get to Si Gang."

Han Xin felt uneasy after thinking about it. As soon as she ended the call, she clicked on the work group and browsed the constantly updated reporting information from Sister Jiang and Li Yamei.

As of two minutes ago, there were already thirty-two.

However, it was mainly the suspicion that someone was taking drugs, or that opium poppy might be added to the base of a certain hot pot restaurant. Only one thing caught Han Xin's attention.

He called the leader of the detachment, held up his mobile phone and spoke: "Xiao Zhi, there may be something wrong with the chocolate that the whistleblower mentioned. I think we should check it as soon as possible."

Xiao Zhi also set off and was about to join the police from the police station to investigate a pharmacy. He held up his mobile phone and replied: "The informant is in Xingdong. I have notified Xiao Hou and asked him to check it out."

"Oh, that's good."

"Sister Jiang just called me and said that there is another one involving Si Gang. You can check it out together before coming back."

"I just saw it and I'll contact the whistleblower right away."

There were two cases involving Si Gang, but none involving Linghai until now. This shows that Zhang Yuhang, Liu Haipeng and Lan Doudou had done a good job in anti-drug work before.

Han Xin sighed and contacted the informant according to the phone number provided by Sister Jiang.

It was lunch time when he arrived at Sigang. As soon as Li Zheng saw him, he introduced the leaders of the criminal police brigade and his colleagues from the anti-narcotics squadron.

Even if I don't like socializing, I still want to socialize. After some pleasantries, I went to the cafeteria to eat, and while eating, I reported the case.

"Xuda, I told Li Zheng on the phone about the first clue. The second clue is more troublesome. The informant said that the boss of an electrical equipment company in the High-tech Zone likes to drink a kind of khat tea and drinks it every day. If you don't drink it, Uncomfortable."

Han Xin finished the food in her mouth and continued: "If what the whistleblower said is true, then the tea leaves may contain Chat grass.

But now it is impossible to determine whether the whistleblower made a false accusation, because when I contacted the whistleblower, I found that he seemed to have a conflict with the boss. "

Xu Da didn't know much about this, so he subconsciously asked: "Chat grass, is it also a new type of drug?"

"Chat grass is not a new drug. It is mainly produced in East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Its stems and leaves contain amphetamines, cathinones, norephedrine and norpseudoephedrine, which are called natural amphetamines.

When chewed or brewed into tea, the exciting ingredients contained in it can stimulate the central nervous system of the human body and become addictive. It is a soft drug. "

"Since it's drugs, we need to find out. Can you give me the information about the boss? I'll think of a way to send someone to his place to get some so-called khat tea."

"No problem, I'll forward it to Li Zheng right away."

Just as he was talking, the informant arrived who was unconvinced after losing money in gambling.

Han Xin was 70% to 80% full after eating. She didn't want to keep the informant waiting, so she suggested going to see the informant first.

Of course Li Zheng had no objection. He put down his bowls and chopsticks and took the informant to the case handling area together with the instructor of the anti-drug squadron.

Han Xin did not follow them in, but sat in the observation room next door, watching them through the single-sided glass and asking questions.

The informant was 34 years old and worked in a company in the urban area.

I have always liked playing small cards, but while playing in a mahjong parlor, I was tricked by a local man named Yang Kun into playing big cards.

"Where did he take you to play?"

"He went to Sihao Hotel to get a room. It seemed to be on the twelfth floor. There was a mahjong table in the room."

"How many people are there in total? Who else is there besides Yang Kun?"

"There are five people in total. I know Yang Kun, but I don't know the other three. There is a woman, 27 or 28 years old, who is quite good-looking. I feel that I have an unusual relationship with Yang Kun. She was the one who brought me the glass of water. of."

How dare you play mahjong with someone you don’t know, and play so hard!

Li Zheng didn't sympathize with his plight at all and asked, "Are you sure Yang Kun opened the room?"

"He opened it. The two of us arrived first. He went to the room opened by the front desk. After getting the room card, we waited in the lobby for a while."

It's been less than three months, so you should be able to adjust the monitoring if you go now.

Li Zheng finally relaxed and asked, "Where were you sitting at that time, and where were they sitting?"

The informant said anxiously: "To play mahjong, you have to touch the wind. I touched the east wind and sat on the east side. Yang Kun touched the south wind and sat on the south side. The other two men sat opposite us. The woman did not play. She brought us tea and water.”

"How did you feel after drinking the water she brought you."

"My head is a little dizzy, my hair is floating, and I'm feeling dizzy. Anyway, I just want to be a big player. I just throw away the cards I don't want, and I don't care whether I can fire cannons or not.

Officer Li, I'm good at playing cards, but I've never played like this before. That woman must have drugged me! "

"Did you look for them after that?"

"I approached Yang Kun, but he refused to admit it and said... He also said he was willing to admit defeat."

"Then why didn't you report it until today?"

"I...I didn't dare at first. After all, the game is so big. When I saw the announcement today, the more I thought about it, the more unconvinced I became, so...I called the report phone number."

Li Zheng picked up the police pass and checked Yang Kun's information.

It was discovered that Yang Kun was a frequent visitor to the bureau because he had been dealt with more than once.

Thinking that that guy might actually be able to drug you, he put down his police call and said, "Luo Yang, did Yang Kun work with that woman to drug you, especially did they make you drink the drug water? We can tell you now." Detect it.”

The informant asked nervously: "How to test?"

"I want to cut some hair and do a hair test on you."


"Then wait a moment."

The Anti-Narcotics Squadron of the Criminal Police Brigade of Sigang Public Security Bureau is smaller than the former Anti-Narcotics Squadron of the Criminal Police Brigade of Linghai Branch. It only has two police officers, the squadron leader and instructor, and one auxiliary police officer.

The auxiliary police officer had something to do at home today and asked for leave. Li Zheng could only go to the office in person to get a portable hair detector, put on gloves and a mask, and tested the reporter together with his instructor.

If you don't check, you won't know. If you check, you will be shocked.

He didn't even bother to take off his gloves and walked into the observation room with the "receipt".

"Team Han, that Yang Kun not only drugged him, he also drugged him with ordinary drugs. Look, he is positive for methamphetamine and positive for K powder!"

"What if he had taken drugs in the first place, but was not addicted? What if he had taken drugs in some other place inadvertently. You cannot listen to his one-sided story. There must be evidence for this kind of thing."

Han Xin looked at the test results, thought about it and said: "If Yang Kun gambles and uses this method to make profits, then Luo Yang will definitely not be the only victim.

Doesn't he like to go to hotels for gambling parties? Check his room opening records. Then, quickly check the surveillance and find out who the other set up the trap is as soon as possible! "

Finally being able to investigate a real drug case, Li Zheng was really a little excited and couldn't help but smile: "That's what I thought. I won't rush to summon you. Let's figure out the situation first."

"I don't care about gambling cases, but drug cases must be jointly investigated."

"No problem, you drink tea first, and then I'll go and question the whistleblower."

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